C-25.01, r. 2 - Model pleadings and other documents established pursuant to articles 136, 146, 235, 271, 393, 497, 546 and 681 of the Code of Civil Procedure

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À jour au 1er janvier 2016
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter C-25.01, r. 2
Model pleadings and other documents established by the Minister of Justice pursuant to articles 136, 146, 235, 271, 393, 546 and 681 of the Code of Civil Procedure
Code of Civil Procedure
(chapter C-25.01).
1. The models attached to this Order are established:
— Notification by public notice (articles 136 and 137, Code of Civil Procedure (chapter C-25.01)). (Schedule 1)
— Summons (articles 145 and following, Code of Civil Procedure). (Schedule 2)
— Declaration regarding the carrying out of the mission of an expert (article 235, Code of Civil Procedure). (Schedule 3)
— Subpoena (articles 269 and following, Code of Civil Procedure). (Schedule 4)
— Notice accompanying an application presented before a notary relating to the personal integrity, status or capacity of a person of full age or a minor 14 years of age or older (article 393, Code of Civil Procedure). (Schedule 5)
— Notice accompanying an application presented before the court relating to the personal integrity, status or capacity of a person of full age or a minor 14 years of age or older (article 393, Code of Civil Procedure). (Schedule 6)
— Notice setting out the options available to the defendant in the small claims division (articles 546 and following, Code of Civil Procedure). (Schedule 7)
— Notice of execution (articles 516, 520, 681 and 682, Code of Civil Procedure). (Schedule 8)
— Notice of execution drawn up by the judgment creditor for the recovery of small claims (articles 566 and 681, Code of Civil Procedure). (Schedule 9)
— Notice of execution drawn up by the collector [article 330, Code of Penal Procedure (chapter C-25.1)]. (Schedule 10)
— Notice of execution drawn up under a specific law [articles 681 and 682, Code of Civil Procedure, section 103.1, Individual and Family Assistance Act (chapter A-13.1.1), section 31.0.1, Act respecting financial assistance for education expenses (chapter A-13.3), section 31.1, Act respecting parental insurance (chapter A-29.011)]. (Schedule 11)
M.O. 2015-06-01, s. 1.
2. (Omitted).
M.O. 2015-06-01, s. 2.
Schedule 1
(a. 136 and 137 C.C.P.)
Notification by public notice
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 1.
Schedule 2
(a. 145 and following C.C.P.)
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 2.
Schedule 3
(a. 235 C.C.P.)
Declaration regarding the carrying out of the mission of an expert
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 3.
Schedule 4
(a. 269 and following C.C.P.)
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 4.
Schedule 5
(a. 393 C.C.P.)
Notice accompanying an application relating to the personal integrity, status or capacity of a person of full age or a minor 14 years of age or older (Application presented before a notary)
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 5.
Schedule 6
(a. 393 C.C.P.)
Notice accompanying an application relating to the personal integrity, status or capacity of a person of full age or a minor 14 years of age or older (Application presented before the court)
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 6.
Schedule 7
(a. 546 and following, C.C.P.)
Notice setting out the options available to the defendant in the small claims division
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 7.
Schedule 8
(a. 516, 520, 681 and 682 C.C.P.)
Notice of execution
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 8.
Schedule 9
(a. 566 and 681 C.C.P.)
Notice of execution drawn up by the judgment creditor for the recovery of small claims
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 9.
Schedule 10
(a. 330 C.P.P.)
Notice of execution drawn up by the collector
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 10.
Schedule 11
(a. 681 and 682 C.C.P.)
Notice of execution drawn up under a specific law
M.O. 2015-06-01, Sch. 11.
M.O. 2015-06-01, 2015 G.O. 2, 1032