C-24.2, r. 29 - Regulation respecting road vehicle registration

Texte complet
À jour au 7 juillet 2022
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter C-24.2, r. 29
Regulation respecting road vehicle registration
Highway Safety Code
(chapter C-24.2, ss. 618, 619.1, 619.3 and 621, 1st par., subpars. 1, 28 and 29).
See also sections 18 and 19 of the Regulation respecting remunerated passenger transportation by automobile (chapter T-11.2, r. 4).
The fees prescribed in the Regulation have been indexed as of 1 January 2022 pursuant to the notice published in Part 1 (French) of the Gazette officielle du Québec of 2 January 2022, page 16. (ss. 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 45, 61.3, 65, 66, 97, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 108.1, 108.2, 108.3, 111, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 121.1, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142.2, 148, 155, 156, 157)
O.C. 1420-91; O.C. 1876-92, s. 1.
1. References in this Regulation must be read taking into account amendments that may be made to the text of the legislative and regulatory provisions to which they refer, unless indicated otherwise.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 1.
2. In this Regulation,
all-terrain vehicle means a motorized off-road vehicle equipped with handlebars and at least 2 wheels, that is designed to be straddled and whose net weight does not exceed 600 kg; (véhicule tout terrain)
antique motor vehicle means a motorcycle whose model year is prior to 1981 or other road vehicle manufactured 30 years ago or more that have been preserved or restored to their original state; (véhicule antique)
automotive body maker means a manufacturer of bodies for road vehicles; (carrossier)
bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren means a bus or minibus used to carry schoolchildren; (autobus affecté au transport d’écoliers)
commercial vehicle means a motor vehicle owned by a legal person, other than a truck, a bus, a minibus or a vehicle referred to in subparagraphs 2 to 11 of the first paragraph of section 102; (véhicule commercial)
detachable axle means a supplementary axle or combination of axles already fixed to a motor vehicle or trailer, or which is used temporarily to convert an object which is not essentially a road vehicle into a road vehicle; (essieu amovible)
equipment transport vehicle means a road vehicle with a net weight of more than 3,000 kg used solely for the transportation of machine with which it is permanently equipped and its accessories. Emergency vehicles and vehicles that are used or can be used for the transportation of other goods are excluded from this definition; (véhicule de transport d’équipement)
farm machine means equipment, whether motorized or not, designed and used solely for agricultural purposes; (machine agricole)
farm motor vehicle means a motor vehicle of the truck, pickup truck or small van type owned by a farmer and used mainly for the transportation of farm produce or material required in its production; (véhicule de ferme)
farm tractor means a farm machine equipped with pneumatic tires or rubber caterpillar tracks that is designed to draw farm equipment and owned by a farmer who uses it for any purpose whatever or used for personal ends by an owner who is a natural person other than a farmer; (tracteur de ferme)
farm trailer means a trailer with a net weight of 2,300 kg or less owned by a farmer and used for the transportation of farm produce or material required in its production; (remorque de ferme)
farmer means a person who is a member of an association certified under the Farm Producers Act (chapter P-28), or a person holding a registration card for an agricultural operation issued by the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation under Order in Council 54-85 dated 16 January 1985; (agriculteur)
gross vehicle weight rating means the gross vehicle weight rating within the meaning of the Regulation respecting safety standards for road vehicles (chapter C-24.2, r. 32); (poids nominal brut)
legal person means a legal entity, partnership or natural person carrying on business under a firm name or using a vehicle mainly for commercial or professional purposes; (personne morale)
model year means the year used by the manufacturer of a road vehicle to designate a particular vehicle model irrespective of the calendar year in which the vehicle was produced; the model year is indicated by a code in the vehicle serial number in accordance with the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (S.C. 1993, c. 16); (année de modèle)
motor home means a motor vehicle permanently converted into living quarters; (habitation motorisée)
net weight means the weight of a road vehicle as stated by the manufacturer at the time of shipment, or that indicated on the weight certificate following alteration of the road vehicle or fitting of an accessory or equipment to bring it into conformity with the particular use for which it is intended; where the road vehicle is a 2-axle truck altered to replace the engine with which it is equipped to make the vehicle exclusively electric-powered and equipped with a battery rechargeable by connecting to the electric network, the net weight of the vehicle is established by subtracting from it, after its alteration, the weight of the battery;
passenger vehicle means a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, a moped and a minibus, owned by a natural person and designed to carry up to 9 occupants at a time, where such transportation does not require a permit from the Commission des transports du Québec and used mainly for personal purposes; (véhicule de promenade)
private bus means a bus or minibus regularly used to carry passengers free of charge; (autobus privé)
public bus means a bus or minibus used to carry passengers for financial consideration, except a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren; (autobus public)
snowblower means a road vehicle equipped with a mechanical clearance unit for blowing snow; (souffleuse à neige)
snowmobile means a self-propelled vehicle built for travel primarily on snow or ice, whether equipped or not with steering skis or runners; (motoneige)
special mobile snow equipment means special mobile equipment used exclusively for snow removal; (véhicule-outil d’hiver)
trailer means a road vehicle designed to be drawn by another vehicle, whether or not the towed vehicle is capable of maintaining itself in a horizontal position; (remorque)
truck means a road vehicle having a net weight over 3,000 kg, principally designed and equipped for the transportation of goods or of machine with which it is permanently equipped and goods, with the exception of a 2-axle road vehicle, having a net weight of 4,000 kg or less, belonging to a natural person that is not used for commercial or professional purposes, fitted with a separate closed cab and originally having an open truck box and tailgate; (camion)
vehicle engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren means a road vehicle other than a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren that may be used on occasion or full time to carry schoolchildren, and that is operated by a school service centre or school board or by a private educational institution accredited for purposes of subsidies, or under the terms of a contract with a school service centre or school board, as the case may be, exercising authority in connection with the transport of schoolchildren pursuant to sections 291 to 299 of the Education Act (chapter I-13.3) or under sections 431 to 431.8 of the Education Act for Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Native Persons (chapter I-14), under the terms of a contract with a private educational institution accredited for purposes of subsidies, authorized to organize the transport of schoolchildren under section 62 of the Act respecting private education (chapter E-9.1). (véhicule affecté au transport d’écoliers)
For the purposes of this Regulation,
administrative authority means the District of Columbia or a state of the United States or province or territory of Canada that is a member of the International Registration Plan; (autorité administrative)
fleet of road vehicles means one or more road vehicles; (parc de véhicules routiers)
operational records means the information created, received and maintained as evidence by enterprises or persons in the transaction of business or in the pursuance of legal obligations, regardless of media; (dossier d’exploitation)
owner-operator means a lessor who leases the road vehicle with the services of a driver to a carrier; (sous-traitant)
total distance means the total kilometres travelled in all administrative authorities. (distance totale)
O.C. 1420-91, s. 2; O.C. 199-98, s. 1; O.C. 160-99, s. 1; O.C. 786-2003, s. 1; O.C. 909-2005, s. 1; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 1; M.O. 2008-08, s. 1; O.C. 491-2009, s. 1; O.C. 688-2009, s. 1; O.C. 996-2010, s. 1; O.C. 1050-2010, s. 1; O.C. 1350-2011, s. 1; O.C. 619-2013, s. 1; M.O. 2018-12, s. 1; M.O. 2021-13, s. 1; O.C. 816-2021, s. 20.
The temporary suspension of the definition of "net weight" of certain road vehicles has been extended. (See M.O. 2021-13, 2021-06-14, (2021) 153 G.O. 2, 1778)
2.1. The category of road vehicles which are 7 years old or less, whose value exceeds $40,000 and in respect of which an additional duty is payable consists of motor vehicles with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less, except for an ambulance, a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, a hearse, a moped, a tow truck, a motor home, a minibus, a motorcycle, a snowmobile, a vehicle engaged in the transportation of people during weddings, funerals and christenings, a vehicle used exclusively in train stations, harbours and airports, a passenger vehicle referred to in section 91 and a vehicle belonging to the Gouvernement du Québec or to a public agency within the meaning of section 1 of the Act respecting land use planning and development (chapter A-19.1) except those of state-owned enterprises listed in Schedule I and their subsidiaries.
For the purposes of this section, the age of a motor vehicle is the number of years between the model year of the vehicle and the current calendar year inclusively, and a vehicle whose model year is the same as or subsequent to the current calendar year is considered to be a vehicle less than 1 year old.
O.C. 55-98, s. 1; O.C. 451-2003, s. 1; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 2; S.Q. 2019, c. 18, s. 275; S.Q. 2022, c. 13, s. 98.
2.1.1. The category of road vehicles having a large engine displacement in respect of which an additional duty and an acquisition duty are payable consists of motor homes, commercial vehicles and passenger vehicles equipped with an engine with a displacement of 4 litres or greater. Engine displacements of 3.95 to 3.99 litres are deemed to be engine displacements of 4 litres.
However, the category of road vehicles having a large engine displacement referred to in the first paragraph does not include
(1)  a road vehicle referred to in section 91;
(2)  a road vehicle owned by a person referred to in section 122 or 123;
(3)  a road vehicle specially adapted for the transportation of a person requiring the use of a rigid frame wheelchair or a 3-wheel or 4-wheel scooter;
(4)  (paragraph revoked);
(5)  a farm motor vehicle;
(6)  a road vehicle used in a locality not linked to the Québec highway system;
(7)  a road vehicle used exclusively on private lands or roads and that is not intended for operation on public highways;
(8)  a hand-crafted vehicle;
(9)  a road vehicle whose model year is prior to 1995; or
(10)  a road vehicle used exclusively in stations, ports and airports.
O.C. 1246-2005, s. 3; S.Q. 2016, c. 7, s. 90; S.Q. 2019, c. 18, s. 276; S.Q. 2022, c. 13, s. 99.
2.2. A road vehicle with a registration plate issued by an administrative authority is deemed registered under the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) where the following conditions are met:
(1)  the plate bears the prefix “PRP”, the word “APPORTIONED” or has a sticker bearing the prefix “PRP”;
(2)  the driver, at the request of the Société or a peace officer, produces the IRP registration certificate of the vehicle for inspection;
(3)  the IRP registration certificate indicates that the vehicle is apportioned in Québec;
(4)  the number of axles of the vehicle does not exceed the number entered on the IRP registration certificate;
(5)  for a bus, its net weight does not exceed the weight entered on the IRP registration certificate;
(6)  for a vehicle that is part of a rental fleet of road vehicles and that is apportioned on behalf of a rental company, that information must be entered on the IRP registration certificate.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 1; O.C. 786-2003, s. 2.
2.3. A road vehicle for which a valid licence to travel unloaded is issued by an administrative authority is presumed to be registered in accordance with the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2), where the following conditions are met:
(1)  the vehicle travels without payload;
(2)  the driver produces the licence for inspection, at the request of the Société or a peace officer;
(3)  the vehicle is registered by the administrative authority that issued the licence.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 1; O.C. 786-2003, s. 3.
3. A registration certificate shall contain the following:
(1)  the file number of the person in whose name the registration is carried out;
(2)  its effective date;
(3)  the number of the registration plate, if applicable;
(4)  in the case of a natural person, the surname, given names and signature of the person in whose name the registration is carried out;
(5)  in the case of a business corporation, its name and the signature of the person authorized to sign the registration certificate;
(6)  in the case of a partnership, the name of the partnership and the name of the partner who applies for registration and his signature;
(7)  particulars identifying the road vehicle, such as, if they appear in the registration record,
(a)  make and model, or an abbreviation thereof, and the model year;
(b)  net weight;
(c)  number of axles calculated under sections 16 to 18;
(d)  vehicle serial number;
(8)  the number of the permit, if any, issued by the Commission des transports du Québec;
(9)  the unit number, if applicable;
(10)  the name of the lessor, if applicable.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 3; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 4; O.C. 265-2007, s. 1; S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 33.
3.1. The IRP registration certificate shall contain the following particulars:
(1)  the name and address of the holder of the road vehicle registration;
(2)  the holder’s file number with the Société;
(3)  the holder’s IRP file number;
(4)  the number of the fleet of road vehicles;
(5)  the effective date and expiry date of the apportioned registration;
(6)  where applicable, the name of the legal person or the partnership renting vehicles and the file number assigned to the legal person or partnership by the Société;
(7)  where applicable, the name of the owner-operator and the file number assigned to the owner-operator by the Société;
(8)  the number of axles of the power unit as well as the total number of axles in the case of a combination of road vehicles;
(9)  the fuel type used:
(10)  in the case of a bus, the number of seats and the wheelbase; and
(11)  the list of administrative authorities in which the road vehicle is apportioned according to gross vehicle weight or number of axles indicated for each administrative authority; the weight is indicated in kilograms for provinces and territories and in pounds for states and the District of Columbia.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 2; O.C. 786-2003, s. 4.
4. A temporary registration certificate shall contain, in particular, the following information:
(1)  the name and address of the person to whom it is issued;
(2)  the date of issue, the start of its period of validity and the date of expiry;
(3)  the period of validity;
(4)  the description of the road vehicle or the registration number;
(5)  the reason for moving the road vehicle;
(6)  in the case of a road vehicle sold by a dealer, the date of sale.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 4.
5. A licence plate other than a detachable plate issued for a road vehicle is valid for as long as the owner of the vehicle remains the same.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 5; S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 34.
6. A validation sticker shall contain the following information:
(1)  either the last month, expressed as a number according to the position of the month in the year, falling within the period of 3 months during which the person in whose name registration of the road vehicle is carried out must pay the duties, fees and insurance contribution covered by the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2);
(2)  the number of axles of the road vehicle calculated in accordance with sections 16 to 18 and section 52;
(3)  the letters “PRP”; or
(4)  the year in which the next payment of the registration fees under Division II of Chapter III becomes due.
A sticker intended to be affixed to the licence plate on a road vehicle is valid for as long as the owner of the vehicle remains the same.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 6.
7. Upon registration of a road vehicle, except in the case provided for in section 96, the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec shall issue a registration certificate and a licence plate to the owner of the vehicle. However, the Société shall issue a registration certificate only upon registration of a road vehicle covered by section 95.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 7.
7.1. The Société issues, for an electric-powered road vehicle equipped with a battery rechargeable by connecting to the electric network or powered by a hydrogen fuel cell, a licence plate with green lettering.
The plate is issued for every road vehicle referred to in the first paragraph registered from 26 October 2017 or, if the vehicle does not already have one, when the plate is replaced.
O.C. 968-2017, s. 1; O.C. 997-2022, s. 8.
7.2. Only persons who are not legal persons may obtain a personalized registration plate. Such a plate may be associated only with the following road vehicles, unless they are discarded:
(1)  passenger vehicles, for which this Regulation does not prescribe a registration plate bearing a prefix;
(2)  motorcycles, mopeds or motor homes with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less; and
(3)  all-terrain vehicles and snowmobiles with a net weight of 450 kg or less.
S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 35.
7.3. A personalized registration plate may not be affixed to a vehicle before being activated. The plate must be activated according to the instructions enclosed with the plate when it is sent to the recipient, which are also published on the Société’s website.
The plate must be activated within 48 months after the date it is received. Failing that, the plate number becomes available and may be reused by another person as of the day following the date of the default.
A personalized registration plate may not be associated with a road vehicle not belonging to the applicant or be transferred to another person.
S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 35.
7.4. Despite section 5, every personalized registration plate becomes invalid at the expiry of 48 months after the day on which
(1)  the owner of the vehicle for which the plate was issued notifies the Société that he no longer wishes to associate the plate with the vehicle;
(2)  the vehicle with which the plate is associated is prohibited from being put into operation; or
(3)  ownership of the vehicle is transferred.
However, the plate remains valid beyond the time limit prescribed in the first paragraph if, before the expiry of the time limit, the holder requests the Société to associate the plate with another vehicle owned by the holder or the prohibition referred to in subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph is lifted.
S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 35.
7.5. Unless it results from the application of the third paragraph of section 32.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2), the invalidation of a personalized registration plate makes the plate number available; in such a case, the number may be reused by another person who applies for it in accordance with section 10.4 of the Code.
However, if the invalidation of a personalized registration plate results from a failure to pay the management fee provided for in section 32.3 of the Code, the number becomes available only at the expiry of 48 months after the date of invalidation.
S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 35.
7.6. Despite sections 7.3 and 7.5, if a personalized registration plate is reported lost or stolen, the number may be reused at the expiry of 60 months after the date on which the loss or theft was reported.
S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 35.
7.7. The management fee provided for in section 32.3 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) must be paid annually during the 3-month period ending on the date of the birthday of the holder of the personalized registration plate.
Despite the first paragraph, if, when the personalized registration plate is issued, more than 12 months remains before the due date, the payment of the management fee is postponed for 12 months.
S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 35; O.C. 997-2022, s. 10.
8. The licence plate of a vehicle making up a combination of road vehicles, where that vehicle is essentially designed to tow a trailer, must be fixed at the front of the vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 8.
9. The licence plate of a snowmobile must be fixed at the rear of the snowmobile or as close as possible to the rear on the outside of the vertical surface to the left of the track tunnel.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 9.
10. The detachable licence plate obtained in accordance with sections 143 and 159 must be affixed either:
(1)  at the rear of the trailer or frame of a trailer covered by section 143;
(2)  at the front of road vehicles transporting road vehicles by the saddle-mount method; or
(3)  at the front of road vehicles transported by the drive-away method or, where the vehicles are operated in a convoy, at the front of the first vehicle so transported.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 10.
11. Where it is impossible to affix a temporary registration certificate in the upper left portion of a vehicle’s rear window, the temporary registration certificate must be stuck in the upper left portion of the windshield.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 11.
12. Certificates issued in accordance with section 46 must be stuck as follows: one in the upper left portion of the windshield of the first vehicle and the other in the upper left portion of the rear window of the last vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 12.
13. The information forming the registration of a road vehicle is as follows:
(1)  the name of the owner:
(a)  in the case of a natural person, his surname and usual given name and in the case of a natural person doing business under a firm name, that name;
(b)  in the case of a business corporation, its name;
(c)  in the case of a partnership, its name and the name of the partner applying for registration;
(2)  in the case of a natural person, the address of his principal residence including the street number, the apartment number, if any, the name of the street and of the municipality and the postal code;
(3)  in the case of a business corporation or a partnership, the address of its principal establishment including the street number, the name of the street and of the municipality and the postal code;
(4)  in the case of a natural person, his day, month and year of birth;
(5)  the status of the person in whose name registration is carried out:
(a)  sole owner, within the meaning of the Code;
(b)  joint owner;
(c)  partner;
(d)  lessee for a period of at least 1 year;
(e)  tutor to a minor owning the vehicle;
(6)  particulars identifying the vehicle, such as
(a)  make and model, or an abbreviation thereof, and the model year;
(b)  engine displacement;
(c)  vehicle serial number;
(d)  fuel type;
(7)  the net weight of the vehicle determined in accordance with sections 47 and 48;
(7.1)  the gross vehicle weight rating, if it is 4,500 kg or more;
(8)  if the vehicle is covered by one of sections 87 to 89, 110 to 112 and 130 to 135, the number of its axles calculated in accordance with sections 16 to 18 and 52;
(9)  the name of the lessor;
(10)  the category of the vehicle;
(11)  the use of the vehicle;
(12)  the professional activity or legal personality of the owner, if applicable;
(13)  the territory where the vehicle is used.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 13; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 5; O.C. 265-2007, s. 2; O.C. 1050-2010, s. 2.
14. The following vehicles are exempt from registration:
(1)  snowblowers with a net weight of 950 kg or less;
(2)  (paragraph revoked);
(3)  snowmobiles with a net weight of less than 55 kg and a maximum speed of less than 15 km/h;
(4)  snowmobiles with a net weight of 450 kg or less belonging to persons not resident in Québec provided that such snowmobiles are registered in accordance with the laws governing the place of residence or business of their owner, that they bear valid licence plates of that place, that proof of such registration is provided at the request of the Société or of a peace officer and that the exemption granted under this subparagraph is granted by the government of the said place to a resident of Québec;
(5)  motorized toy vehicles carrying one person;
(6)  golf carts;
(7)  garden tractors, other than farm tractors, and motorized lawnmowers carrying one person;
(8)  road vehicles used exclusively within a building;
(9)  (paragraph revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 14; O.C. 996-2010, s. 2.
The application of the condition set out in paragraph 4 of this section, which provides that snowmobiles bear valid licence plates of the place where they are registered, to the extent that the valid registration number of that place appears on the snowmobiles, be suspended. (M.O. 2020-23, 2021 G.O. 2, 93)
15. An amount payable or refundable calculated under this Regulation is rounded off as follows:
(1)  where the amount is less than $10, to the nearest multiple of $0.05;
(2)  where the amount is equal to or greater than $10 but less than $25, to the nearest multiple of $0.10;
(3)  where the amount is equal to or greater than $25 but less than $100, to the nearest multiple of $0.25;
(4)  where the amount is equal to or greater than $100, to the nearest multiple of $1.00.
An amount that is equidistant from 2 multiples is rounded off to the greater thereof.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 15; O.C. 876-2010, s. 1.
16. The number of axles of a truck or a farm motor vehicle, where it is part of a combination of road vehicles, is obtained by calculating the maximum number of axles with which the combination of road vehicles may be formed.
The calculation of the number of axles of a truck or a farm motor vehicle that forms part of a combination of road vehicles shall take into consideration:
(1)  any decrease in the number of axles reported to the Société upon payment of the sums to retain the right to operate the truck or farm motor vehicle;
(2)  any increase in the number of axles reported to the Société after registration has been issued for the truck or farm motor vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 16.
17. For the purposes of calculating the number of axles, the word “axle” means any axle bearing or able to bear a load when the road vehicle or the combination of road vehicles is in motion, however many wheels are attached to it, with the exception of:
(1)  the axles of any trailer whose load space is less than 4 m in length;
(2)  the axles of a special mobile equipment trailer used solely for transporting the machinery, implements or fixtures with which it is permanently equipped;
(3)  the axles of a camping trailer, other than a motor home whose use requires a special travel permit;
(4)  the axles of a registered motor vehicle drawn by that vehicle or combination of road vehicles;
(5)  the axles of a trailer transporting only road vehicles authorized to be operated mainly on a public roadway;
(6)  the axles of a trailer used for purposes other than commercial purposes.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 17.
18. Where 2 axles or more are placed on the same transversal axis, they are considered to be a single axle.
However, in the case of a combination of road vehicles, a trailer with single wheels is deemed:
(1)  to have only 1 axle when it has 2 or more axles if the distance between the centres of the outermost axles does not exceed 1 m;
(2)  to have only 2 axles when it has 3 or more axles if the distance between the centres of the 2 outermost axles exceeds 1 m but is less than 2.40 m.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 18.
18.1. For the purposes of calculating the number of axles of an apportioned road vehicle or combination of road vehicles, the word “axle” means an assembly of a vehicle consisting of 2 or more wheels whose centres are in one horizontal plane, by means of which a portion of the weight of a vehicle and its load is continually transmitted to the roadway, even if such assembly is load-bearing only part of the time.
Sections 16 to 18 do not apply to those vehicles.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 3.
18.2. For the purpose of calculating the additional duty and the acquisition duty payable in respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in the first paragraph of section 2.1.1, the engine displacement is rounded off to the nearest decilitre and if the engine displacement is equidistant between 2 dl, it is rounded off to the higher decilitre.
O.C. 1246-2005, s. 6; S.Q. 2016, c. 7, s. 91.
O.C. 1420-91, Div. VIII; O.C. 265-2007, s. 3.
19. The payment due date for the amounts to be paid under the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) by the owner of a motor home used for personal purposes with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less or a passenger vehicle is determined according to an order based on the owner’s surname.
The due date if the owner’s surname begins with
(1)  B, is 31 January but payment may be made as of 1 November of the preceding year;
(2)  A, C or W, is the last day in February but payment may be made as of 1 December of the preceding year;
(3)  D, E or F, is 31 May but payment may be made as of 1 March;
(4)  G, H or J, is 30 June but payment may be made as of 1 April;
(5)  M, N, O or V, is 31 August but payment may be made as of 1 June;
(6)  L, is 30 September but payment may be made as of 1 July;
(7)  P, Q or R, is 31 October but payment may be made as of 1 August;
(8)  I, K, S, T, U, X, Y or Z, is 30 November but payment may be made as of 1 September.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 19; O.C. 55-98, s. 2; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 7; O.C. 265-2007, s. 4.
20. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 20; O.C. 55-98, s. 3; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 8; O.C. 265-2007, s. 5.
20.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 451-2003, s. 2; O.C. 265-2007, s. 5.
21. The payment due date for the amounts to be paid under the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) by an owner of a farm vehicle or farm tractor if the owner is a farmer, a motor home if the owner is a legal person, a motor home with a net weight of more than 3,000 kg, a motorcycle and a moped is 30 April but payment may be made as of 1 February.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 21; O.C. 55-98, s. 4; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 9; O.C. 265-2007, s. 6.
22. Subject to section 24, the payment due date for the amounts to be paid under the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) by an owner of a vehicle or a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren is 30 September but payment may be made as of 1 July.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 22; O.C. 55-98, s. 5; O.C. 265-2007, s. 6.
23. Subject to section 24, the payment due date for the amounts to be paid under the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) in respect of a snowmobile, a snowblower or special mobile snow equipment is 31 December but payment may be made as of 1 October.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 23; O.C. 265-2007, s. 6.
24. Despite section 19, for the owner of a road vehicle listed below, the payment due date for the amounts to be paid under the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) is 31 March but payment may be made as of 1 January:
(1)  passenger vehicles referred to in sections 98, 99 and 137 or owned by the holder of a ham radio operator’s licence;
(2)  road vehicles referred to in section 137 with the exception of mopeds, snowmobiles and motorcycles;
(3)  road vehicles referred to in sections 139 and 140 with the exception of mopeds, motorcycles and snowblowers;
(4)  road vehicles referred to in sections 124 and 139;
(5)  commercial vehicles;
(6)  trucks;
(7)  special mobile equipment with the exception of special mobile snow equipment;
(8)  equipment transport vehicles;
(9)  tow trucks;
(10)  ambulances and hearses;
(11)  (paragraph revoked);
(12)  buses and minibuses except buses engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren; and
(13)  road vehicles not referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or in sections 19 and 21 to 23 that are not apportioned vehicles.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 24; O.C. 55-98, s. 6; O.C. 951-2000, s. 4; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 10; O.C. 265-2007, s. 6; O.C. 1046-2020, s. 107.
24.1. Despite sections 19 and 21 to 24, if, upon obtaining registration of a road vehicle and the right to operate it or put it back into operation, there are no more than 4 months, including parts of a month, remaining before the payment due date for the amounts to be paid under the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2), the payment due date for the duties, fees, insurance contribution, contribution of motorists to public transit, contribution of off-highway vehicle owners and additional annual duties is postponed for 12 months upon request by the owner of the vehicle. The postponement entails a 12-month postponement of the beginning of the payment period determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24.
O.C. 1218-2004, s. 1; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 11; O.C. 265-2007, s. 7; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 35.
25. An owner of a road vehicle must every year pay the duties and fees prescribed in Chapter IV and the other amounts to be paid under the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) to retain the right to operate the road vehicle.
An owner of a road vehicle who elects to pay by direct debit pursuant to section 25.1 is deemed to comply with the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code if he or she complies with the provisions of this Division.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 25; O.C. 1876-92, s. 2; O.C. 55-98, s. 7; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 2; O.C. 265-2007, s. 8.
25.1. Direct debit payments may be made if the total of the amounts payable pursuant to the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) and the tax on the insurance contribution is equal to or greater than $48, provided that
(1)  no cheque or debit transaction for amounts owing to the Société under the Highway Safety Code has been refused by a financial institution in the 2 preceding years;
(2)  the owner of the road vehicle authorizes the financial institution and the Société to make the transactions on a single account and provides the details of that account; and
(3)  the owner of the road vehicle has obtained all the signatures and authorizations required.
O.C. 265-2007, s. 9.
25.2. Direct debit payments may be made according to one of the following schedules:
(1)  annually: one debit transaction on the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24;
(2)  bimonthly or monthly: a first debit transaction on the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24 and the others every 2 months or every month, depending on the schedule chosen.
O.C. 265-2007, s. 9.
25.3. An owner of a road vehicle required to pay $48 or more in duties, fees, insurance contribution, tax on that contribution, contribution of motorists to public transit, contribution of off-highway vehicle owners and additional duties to obtain the registration of a road vehicle and the right to operate it or to obtain a registration modification with financial consequences may pay those amounts by direct debit on the conditions set out in sections 25.1 and 25.4 to 25.7.
O.C. 265-2007, s. 9; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 35.
25.4. If upon obtaining the registration of a road vehicle the owner elects to pay for the right to operate it for 13 to 16 months pursuant to section 24.1, the debit transactions are determined as follows:
(1)  if the owner elects to pay annually, the transaction is made on the day following the date of registration;
(2)  if the owner elects for the right to operate the vehicle for 13 or 14 months and bimonthly payments, the first transaction is made on the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24 and the others every 2 months;
(3)  if the owner elects for the right to operate the vehicle for 13 to 16 months and monthly payments, the first transaction is made on the last day of the month of registration and the others every month;
(4)  if the owner elects for the right to operate the vehicle for 15 months and bimonthly payments, the first transaction is made on the last day of the month of registration and the others every 2 months;
(5)  if the owner elects for the right to operate the vehicle for 16 months and bimonthly payments, the first transaction is made on the last day of the month following the month of registration and the others every 2 months.
O.C. 265-2007, s. 9.
25.5. In the cases of road vehicle registration not covered by section 25.4 and registration modifications with financial consequences, the owner must choose one of the following debit transaction schedules:
(1)  annually: one debit transaction on the day following the date on which registration is obtained or modified;
(2)  bimonthly or monthly: according to the terms determined in paragraph 2 of section 25.2 provided that the debit transactions are made at the same time or after the date on which registration is obtained or modified.
Where the registration of a trailer is obtained, direct debit payments may be staggered over 12 months following the date of registration. Despite the first paragraph, the owner must choose one of the following debit transaction schedules:
(1)  annually: one debit transaction on the day following the date of registration;
(2)  bimonthly or monthly: a first debit transaction on the last day of the month of registration and the others every 2 months or every month, depending on the schedule chosen.
O.C. 265-2007, s. 9.
25.6. An owner of a road vehicle electing for direct debit payments for the annual duties, annual additional duties, the annual insurance contribution prescribed in the Regulation respecting insurance contributions (chapter A-25, r. 3.1) and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects (chapter C-24.2, r. 27), who has not paid them on the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24 and has not informed the Société by that date of his or her intent not to operate the road vehicle, must choose one of the following debit transaction schedules:
(1)  annually: one debit transaction on the day following the date on which the authorization to put the road vehicle back into operation is given;
(2)  bimonthly or monthly: a first debit transaction on the day following the date on which the authorization to put the road vehicle back into operation is given and the others on the dates determined in paragraph 2 of section 25.2.
O.C. 265-2007, s. 9.
25.7. The following rules apply to direct debit transactions:
(1)  the minimum amount of a transaction is $4;
(2)  the number of transactions may not be changed before the next due date, except a change required to comply with paragraph 1;
(3)  the amounts of the transactions must be equal except for the last, which may be less;
(4)  the transactions are staggered between the date on which registration is obtained or modified, or the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24, and the next due date determined in accordance with those sections;
(5)  other amounts payable to the Société relating to any other road vehicle of the owner may be added to the amount payable by direct debit, provided that the transaction dates remain the same;
(6)  an amount that is added to or subtracted from the amount payable by direct debit following a modification to a vehicle’s registration or the addition or removal of a vehicle covered by direct debit is apportioned over all the transactions;
(7)  if the authorized financial institution is not open on the scheduled day of a transaction, the transaction is postponed to the next working day;
(8)  if the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24 is the 31st day of January, March, May, August, October or December and a transaction is scheduled in February, April, June, September or November, the transaction is made on the last day of that month;
(9)  where the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24 is the 30th day of any month and a transaction is scheduled in February, the transaction is made on the last day of that month;
(10)  unless the owner gives notice to the contrary, the method of payment and the debit transaction schedule chosen by the owner are automatically renewed on the next due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24;
(11)  an owner who terminates direct debit payments before the schedule expires must inform the Société and pay the balance owing at that time;
(12)  direct debit payments are interrupted and the balance owing becomes payable if
(a)  a transaction cannot be made, in particular because there are insufficient funds or the account identified by the owner under paragraph 2 of section 25.1 has been closed, and the default is not remedied 10 days after notice thereof is given to the owner by the Société; or
(b)  at least 2 debit transactions cannot be made during the payment period; and
(13)  if the owner of a road vehicle is prohibited from operating the vehicle or from putting it back into operation, the debit transactions continue to be made unless the owner informs the Société that they are terminated, in which case the balance owing becomes payable.
O.C. 265-2007, s. 9; I.N. 2016-01-01 (NCCP).
26. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle which is not registered in accordance with the provisions of a reciprocal agreement between Québec and another government, and for the right to temporarily operate the vehicle is $31.25.
Upon temporary registration of a road vehicle, the Société shall issue a trip certificate. The certificate is valid for 10 days.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 26; O.C. 1263-96, s. 1.
27. The road vehicle covered by the certificate may, during the validity period of that certificate, travel once from the border of Québec to another place in Québec and return to the border, or cross the territory of Québec once to travel to a province of Canada or to another country.
No load or part of a load taken on in Québec may be left in Québec.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 27.
28. No single trip certificate may be issued for a heavy vehicle unless the owner or the operator is registered with the Commission des transports du Québec in the Registre des propriétaires et des exploitants de véhicules lourds.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 28; O.C. 160-99, s. 2.
29. A single trip certificate must bear the name, address and file number of the person to whom it was issued, identify the road vehicle to which it refers, the valid registration number and the validity period.
The certificate must also bear the point of entry into Québec, the final destination of the persons or goods transported and the roads to be used, where the owner or operator is not subject to the International Fuel Tax Agreement.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 29; O.C. 160-99, s. 3.
30. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a passenger vehicle registered for use in an area not linked to the Québec highway system, and for the right to operate the vehicle on any road in Québec over a 1-month period is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 1 month. It may be renewed for the same period.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 30.
31. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle registered for use exclusively on private lands or roads and not intended for operation on public highways, and for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be operated during the validity period of the certificate on any highway in Québec in order to travel to a garage for repair purposes or to another operating site.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 31.
32. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle registered for use exclusively in stations, ports and airports, for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be operated during the validity period of the certificate on any highway in Québec in order to travel to another airport, station or port or to a garage for repair purposes.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 32.
33. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle acquired in Québec by a non-resident, for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be operated during the period of validity of the certificate to take it to the owner’s home.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 33.
34. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle owned in Québec before its registration or of a road vehicle in storage, for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be operated during the period of validity of the certificate, in order to be repaired, modified, weighed, checked or inspected.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 34.
35. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle repossessed by a legal person or a finance company owning the vehicle by provisional title, for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 35.
36. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle owned by a road vehicle dealer holding a permit issued under the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1), for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 36; O.C. 818-2015, s. 1.
37. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle sold by a road vehicle dealer holding a permit issued under the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1) or manufacturer, for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be operated during the period of validity of the certificate, in order to deliver the vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 37; O.C. 818-2015, s. 2.
38. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle that is an unregistered road vehicle recently acquired outside Québec by a non-resident, for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be operated, during the period of validity of the certificate, in order to bring it to a place in Québec where it will be regularly registered or to cross the territory of Québec to deliver it to a place outside Québec.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 38.
39. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle with a net weight of less than 2,500 kg, for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be operated, during the period of validity of the certificate, to be delivered within Québec or outside Québec by a person whose principal activity consists in delivering vehicles to their owner.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 39.
40. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle duly registered in another province of Canada, for the right to operate the vehicle for 4 days in Québec, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be operated, during the period of validity of the certificate, to deliver it within Québec to a place where it will be repaired or modified.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 40.
41. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle owned by a person wishing to tow it on a public highway with another vehicle, for the right to move the towed vehicle for 4 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 4 days.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be towed on a public roadway during the period of validity of the certificate by a registered road vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 41.
42. No road vehicle covered by one of the registration certificates provided for in sections 32 to 41 may carry a load.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 42.
43. The owner of a road vehicle of which the mechanical inspection certificate indicates a major defect to that vehicle, who wishes to travel to a place of mechanical inspection in order to show that the vehicle complies with the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) may obtain a temporary registration certificate valid for 12 hours. Such a certificate may not be renewed.
The vehicle owner is exempt from payment of the registration fees otherwise payable for temporary registration and for the right to operate the vehicle.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be operated, during the validity period of the certificate, for travel to a mechanical inspection site in order to show it complies with the Code.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 43.
44. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a passenger vehicle owned by a road vehicle manufacturer or dealer holding a permit issued under the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1) who wishes to lend his vehicle for a social, cultural or sporting event, and for the right to operate the vehicle for a maximum period of 3 months, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a licence plate and a temporary registration certificate valid for a maximum period of 3 months.
The road vehicle covered by the certificate may be used, during the validity period of the certificate, for that social, cultural or sporting event.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 44; O.C. 818-2015, s. 3.
45. The fee payable upon issue of temporary registration for a road vehicle sold by a road vehicle dealer holding a permit issued under the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1), for the right to operate the vehicle for 10 days, is $2.45.
At the time of temporary registration of the vehicle, the Société shall issue a registration certificate valid for 10 days.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 45; O.C. 818-2015, s. 4.
46. Where several road vehicles coming under this chapter travel in convoy, the Société shall deliver only 2 certificates subject to the condition that the registration fees are paid for each road vehicle in the convoy.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 46.
47. To obtain the registration of a road vehicle and the right to operate the vehicle, its owner must provide the information prescribed by section 13.
Upon acquiring a new road vehicle, the owner must produce, where necessary, at the same time as his application for registration and the right to operate the vehicle, a description certificate issued by the manufacturer. The certificate must indicate the net weight of the road vehicle at the time of its dispatch and its gross vehicle weight rating, if it is 4,500 kg or more.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 47; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 12; O.C. 1050-2010, s. 3; O.C. 997-2022, s. 17.
48. The owner of a road vehicle must supply a weight certificate upon applying for registration and the right to operate the vehicle:
(1)  if the road vehicle has undergone a transformation in order to make it comply with the use for which it is essentially intended;
(1.1)  if the road vehicle is a 2-axle truck altered to replace the engine with which it is equipped to make the vehicle exclusively electric-powered and equipped with a battery rechargeable by connecting to the electric network, the weight certificate must then indicate the net weight of the vehicle after its alteration and the weight of the battery, which must be established by the person who carried out the alteration;
(2)  if he wishes to obtain a change in the net weight entered in the records of the Société.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 48; M.O. 2018-12, s. 1; M.O. 2021-13, s. 1.
48.1. The owner of a motor vehicle, except a new vehicle, a motorcycle with a displacement not in excess of 125 cm or a moped, must report the distance in kilometres registered on the odometer in order to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it.
When the odometer was replaced and a label indicating the distance in kilometres at the time of the replacement was affixed on the inside of the instrument panel window in accordance with section 77.1 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1, r. 3), the owner must report the total distance in kilometres registered on the odometer and on the label.
O.C. 100-2001, s. 1.
49. The owner of a road vehicle who wishes to have a change made in the records of the Société relating to the following items of information is considered to have carried out an exchange of road vehicles, and the rules for obtaining registration, in particular concerning payment of the fees and insurance contribution, as well as the rules for obtaining a reimbursement of registration fees and the insurance contribution, shall then apply, with the necessary modifications, if he wishes to make a change in the records relating to the following items of information:
(1)  the net weight of the vehicle;
(2)  the number of axles;
(3)  the use of the vehicle;
(4)  the professional activity or legal status of the owner;
(5)  the territory of use of the vehicle.
However, the owner of a road vehicle or of a combination of road vehicles who informs the Société of a reduction in the number of axles during the period corresponding to the payment of the amounts covered by sections 21 or 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) is not entitled to any reimbursement of the fees paid in connection with that reduction.
Further, the third paragraph of section 61 does not apply to the owner of a truck or farm vehicle who advises the Société of an increase in the number of axles.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 49.
50. Every person authorized by the owner of a road vehicle to apply for registration of that vehicle and the right to operate the vehicle must furnish proof of his mandate.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 50.
51. The owner must, where necessary, furnish proof at the time registration and the right to operate the vehicle is obtained:
(1)  that the vehicle is leased for a period of at least 1 year;
(2)  that he holds a permit of the Commission des transports du Québec;
(3)  if he is a farmer, that he is a member of an association certified under the Farm Producers Act (chapter P-28) or that he holds a registration card for an agricultural operation issued by the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation if the vehicle is a farm tractor, farm trailer or farm motor vehicle;
(4)  of personal status or that the vehicle is an official passenger vehicle when applying for the registration of a vehicle covered by sections 98 and 99;
(5)  that he holds a ham radio operator’s licence.
The proof required under subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph must also be provided, where necessary, upon payment of the amounts to retain the right to operate a registered road vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 51; O.C. 100-2001, s. 2; O.C. 451-2003, s. 3.
52. Every owner applying for registration of a truck or farm motor vehicle and for the right to operate the vehicle must indicate to the Société the number of axles and the net weight of his vehicle. Where the vehicle is part of a combination of road vehicles, the number of axles is calculated in accordance with sections 16 to 18.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 52.
53. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 53; O.C. 491-2009, s. 2.
54. The maximum number of vehicles belonging to the same owner that may be registered as farm motor vehicles is 5.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 54.
55. A person who puts a road vehicle into storage or discards it must notify the Société thereof without delay.
The owner of a road vehicle that is in storage or discarded may at no time operate that vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 55.
55.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 55-98, s. 8; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 13.
O.C. 1420-91, Div. II; O.C. 491-2009, s. 3.
56. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 56; O.C. 491-2009, s. 3.
57. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 57; O.C. 491-2009, s. 3.
58. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 58; O.C. 491-2009, s. 3.
59. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 59; O.C. 491-2009, s. 3.
60. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 60; O.C. 491-2009, s. 3.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.1. Despite section 3 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2), the holder of an apportioned registration of a road vehicle is liable for any offence attributable to the owner of the vehicle under the Code.
However, if an owner-operator is registered on the IRP registration certificate, the owner-operator is liable for any offence attributable to the owner of the vehicle under the Code, except offences under Title I.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 5.
60.2. Notwithstanding the second paragraph of section 10 of the Code, the apportioned registration shall be valid from the date of coming into force indicated on the IRP registration certificate until the following 31 March.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.3. Sections 22 to 24, 26, the second paragraph of section 27 and sections 28, 29, 31.1, 39, 42 and 43 of the Code do not apply to the apportioned registration of a road vehicle.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.4. The Société shall deny apportioned registration of a road vehicle and any operation related thereto if the applicant
(1)  is unable to establish ownership as owner or joint owner of the vehicle, that the vehicle is the property of the partnership of which the applicant is a partner, or consent from the owner to register the vehicle or to apply for any operation related to the registration; or
(2)  refuses or fails to provide, at the request of the Société or the person authorized by the Minister of Revenue pursuant to section 38 of the Tax Administration Act (chapter A-6.002), information or a document relating to the operational records of any fleet of road vehicles under apportioned registration in the applicant’s name or for which the applicant is applying for apportioned registration.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 6.
60.5. The holder of the apportioned registration of a road vehicle shall inform the Société of any changes regarding the information required for registration, within 30 days following the changes.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.6. The holder of the apportioned registration of a road vehicle in respect of which a decision of the Société is rendered under any of sections 188, 189 and 196 to 202 of the Code shall, at the request of the Société, return that vehicle’s registration certificate and plate on the date on which the decision is effective or on any later date fixed by the Société.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.7. Where the right of ownership of a road vehicle is transferred to a dealer, the transferor who is not purchasing a new vehicle shall remove the bottom part of the IRP registration certificate and remit it to the dealer after endorsing it and transmit the top part of the certificate and the registration plate to the Société.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.8. Where the right of ownership of a road vehicle is transferred to a dealer, the transferor who is purchasing a new vehicle shall remove the bottom part of the IRP registration certificate and remit it to the dealer after endorsing it and transmit the top part of the certificate and the registration plate to the Société and file an application with the Société for the issue of a certificate for the new vehicle.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.9. To be apportioned, a road vehicle must be part of one of the categories listed below and be used in Québec and in the territory of at least one other administrative authority:
(1)  a truck;
(2)  a combination of road vehicles designed, used and maintained mainly for the transportation of property;
(3)  a truck tractor; or
(4)  a bus used to transport persons for financial consideration.
Recreational motor vehicles, city pick up and delivery vehicles as well as vehicles belonging to a government shall be excluded from apportioned registration.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 7.
60.10. The owner or carrier may apply for apportioned registration of a road vehicle provided that a permanent establishment is owned or leased in Québec where at least one of the vehicles of the owner or carrier accrues kilometres.
In addition, the establishment must be designated by a street number or road location, be open at least from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and have located within it at least
(1)  (subparagraph revoked);
(2)  a person in charge of the owner’s fleet of road vehicles; and
(3)  the operational records of the fleet of vehicles unless they can be made available for audit in another location; if the audit must be carried out in the territory of another administrative authority where the operational records are preserved, the holder of the apportioned registration shall reimburse the Minister of Revenue for travel and living expenses incurred for the audit of the operational records.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 8; O.C. 491-2009, s. 4.
60.10.1. Despite section 60.10, the owner or carrier who or that is not the owner or lessee of a permanent establishment in Québec but is a resident may apply for apportioned registration of a road vehicle provided that at least one of the vehicles of the owner or carrier accrues kilometres in Québec and that the operational records of the fleet are available in Québec.
O.C. 491-2009, s. 5.
60.11. The owner or carrier applying for apportioned registration of a road vehicle shall provide the following particulars on the form provided by the Société:
(1)  if he applies himself, his name, address, telephone number and if applicable, his fax number and electronic mail address;
(2)  if he authorizes a mandatary to apply for apportioned registration, the name of the person who will be the holder of the registration, the name, address and telephone number of that mandatary and, if applicable, his fax number and electronic mail address;
(3)  his file number with the Société and, if applicable, his IRP file number;
(4)  (subparagraph revoked);
(5)  the number of kilometres travelled during the preceding year in the territory of each administrative authority by the vehicles in the fleet that includes the vehicle for which apportioned registration is sought;
(5.1)  the total distance travelled during the preceding year by the vehicles in the fleet that includes the vehicle for which apportioned registration is sought;
(6)  the type of operation of the fleet of road vehicles among the following: public transportation, private transportation, leasing and moving;
(7)  the list of vehicles in the fleet that include the vehicle for which apportioned registration is sought and, if applicable, the fleet number assigned to it by the Société; and
(8)  for each fleet vehicle:
(a)  the following identifying elements: the registration plate number, the identification number, the net weight, the number of axles of the power unit and the total number of axles;
(b)  the fuel type used among the following: diesel, propane, gas or any other fuel type;
(c)  the type of vehicle among the following: a tractor truck, a truck, a trailer or a bus;
(d)  in the case of a bus, the number of seats and the wheelbase;
(e)  the vehicle’s unit number;
(f)  if applicable, the date, purchase price and exchange price; and
(g)  if applicable, the name of the company leasing vehicles, the file number assigned to the owner-operator by the Société, the dates of the beginning and end of the lease and the monthly leasing cost.
A person applying for apportioned registration shall sign and date the form after filling it out.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 9; O.C. 909-2005, s. 2; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 1.
60.12. For the purposes of this Division, “preceding year” means the period from 1 July to the following 30 June preceding the registration year for which apportioned registration is sought.
An apportioned registration year begins on 1 April.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.13. The fees payable to apportion a road vehicle are calculated
(1)  by dividing the number of kilometres travelled by the vehicles in the territory of the administrative authority concerned by the total distance travelled during the preceding year;
(2)  by determining the fees required under the laws of the administrative authority concerned for the registration year or for the unexpired portion of the registration year; and
(3)  by multiplying the sum obtained under paragraph 2 by the quotient obtained under paragraph 1.
For the purposes of subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph, the proportion of the amount of registration fees for Québec is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly fees determined in section 87 or 90 by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, between the date on which the registration comes into effect and the following 31 March.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 10; O.C. 909-2005, s. 3; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 2.
60.13.1. Where the application for apportioned registration concerns a vehicle fleet that has not travelled any distance in the territory of an administrative authority during the preceding year, the average distance per vehicle travelled in the territory of each administrative authority must be used to calculate the fees.
The Société establishes the average distance by
(1)  calculating the total number of kilometres travelled in the territory of each administrative authority during the preceding year by the carriers for which an IRP registration certificate has been issued in Québec;
(2)  calculating the total number of road vehicles proportionally registered by the Société that travelled in the territory of each administrative authority during the preceding year; and
(3)  dividing the number obtained in subparagraph 1 by the number obtained in subparagraph 2.
The fees payable are calculated by multiplying the sum obtained under subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph of section 60.13 by the quotient obtained under subparagraph 3 of the second paragraph of this section.
The Société calculates the average distance not later than 31 March of each year.
O.C. 1053-2014, s. 3.
60.14. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 265-2007, s. 10; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 4.
60.15. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 265-2007, s. 10; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 4.
60.16. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 265-2007, s. 10; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 4.
60.17. A person required to pay $48 or more in duties, fees, the insurance contribution and tax on the contribution for an apportioned road vehicle may pay those amounts by direct debit on the conditions set out in sections 25.1 and 25.7.
If registration is issued in February or March, is subsequent to the first registration and comes into effect on 1 April of the year of issue, the person must choose one of the following debit transaction schedules:
(1)  annually: one debit transaction on the last day of March;
(2)  bimonthly or monthly: a first debit transaction on the last day of March and, according to the schedule chosen,
(a)  5 others at 2-month intervals;
(b)  11 others at 1-month intervals.
For registration covered by the second paragraph, if a person elects to pay by direct debit, the fees payable under the laws of other administrative authorities must be paid on the first transaction.
For registration not covered by the second paragraph, the owner must choose one of the following debit transaction schedules:
(1)  annually: one debit transaction on the day following the date on which registration is issued;
(2)  bimonthly or monthly: according to the conditions determined in paragraph 2 of section 25.2 as if the due date were 31 March, provided that the transactions are concurrent with or subsequent to the date on which registration is obtained or modified and, for the fees payable under the laws of other administrative authorities, an additional transaction on the day following the date on which registration is issued.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 11; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 3; O.C. 265-2007, s. 10.
60.18. (Revoked).
O.C. 1218-2004, s. 4; O.C. 265-2007, s. 11.
60.19. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 12; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 5.
60.20. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 13; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 5.
60.21. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 14; O.C. 909-2005, s. 4; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 5.
60.22. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 15; O.C. 909-2005, s. 5; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 5.
60.23. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 909-2005, s. 6; O.C. 491-2009, s. 6; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 5.
60.23.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 491-2009, s. 7; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 5.
60.24. The Société shall require, for every road vehicle, supporting documentation where there is an unjustified discrepancy of 10% or more between the highest and lowest gross weights declared for an administrative authority. It shall deny registration for vehicles if the discrepancy does not correspond to the operating practices of the registration holder or of the industry.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 16.
60.25. For buses used on a regular intercity transport line, the person applying for apportioned registration may, at the person’s option, provide the total distance travelled or the total distance covered by the regular routes, from the starting point to the destination in the regular transit service that are most distant from each other.
The percentage of kilometres travelled in the territory of an administrative authority is obtained by dividing the number of kilometres travelled in the territory of the administrative authority by the total distance calculated under the first paragraph.
The number of kilometres travelled in Québec outside the regular intercity transport line shall be added to the number of kilometres travelled in Québec.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 17; O.C. 909-2005, s. 7.
60.26. The owner-operator may apply for apportioned registration. The calculation of fees shall be made according to his operational record. He is responsible for the certificate and registration plate as well as for their return to the Société if the road vehicle is withdrawn from the registration holder’s fleet of road vehicles.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 18.
60.27. The owner-operator who holds an apportioned registration and who fails to comply with the obligations under the second paragraph of section 60.10 must provide the Société with a street number, street name and the name of the municipality, postal code and a telephone number where he may be reached.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.28. The carrier lessor of a road vehicle may, with the written consent of the owner-operator, apply for apportioned registration. The calculation of the fees shall be made according to the carrier’s operational record. He shall be responsible for the certificate and registration plate as well as for their return to the Société if a vehicle is withdrawn from his fleet of road vehicles by the owner-operator. The name of the carrier as registration holder and the name of the owner-operator shall be entered on the certificate.
Where a road vehicle is withdrawn from the holder’s fleet of road vehicles by the owner-operator, the holder may replace it.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 19.
60.29. The owner-operator who terminates a lease contract and who must surrender the IRP registration certificate of his road vehicle or of his combination of road vehicles may apply for a licence authorizing him to travel with the unloaded vehicle to find work.
That licence is valid for 30 days from the effective date indicated on the licence.
The driver shall also produce the licence, for examination, at the request of the Société or a peace officer.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.30. The owner of a fleet of road vehicles whose main activity consists in offering or leasing them, with or without the services of a driver, in at least one other administrative authority, in addition to Québec, may apply for apportioned registration.
At the request of the owner, apportionable road vehicles shall be registered as part of the owner’s fleet of road vehicles, even though such vehicles may be under a long term lease to an individual apportioned carrier.
The calculation of the fees shall be made according to the owner’s operational record. He shall be responsible for the IRP registration certificate as well as its return to the Société if the road vehicle is withdrawn from the fleet of road vehicles. In the case referred to in the second paragraph, the name of the owner as registration holder and the name of the carrier as lessor of the vehicle shall be entered on the certificate.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 20.
60.31. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 21; O.C. 491-2009, s. 8; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 6.
60.32. The percentage of a passenger fleet, leased or offered for lease, that must be fully registered in Québec shall be calculated as follows:
(1)  by dividing the gross receipts of the preceding year from lease contracts of passenger vehicles entered into in Québec by the total gross receipts of the preceding year from lease contracts of passenger vehicles entered into in the territory of all the administrative authorities where the vehicles have travelled;
(2)  by multiplying the percentage obtained in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph by the total number of passenger vehicles comprised in the fleet.
For the purposes of this section, “passenger vehicle” means any vehicle, other than a motorcycle, a moped and a minibus, belonging to a legal person and designed for the transportation of not more than 9 occupants at a time.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 22.
60.33. Trailers having a gross vehicle weight in excess of 2,721.554 kg that are part of a fleet of such trailers and used solely in pool must be fully registered according to a percentage that is calculated as follows:
(1)  by dividing the gross receipts of the preceding year from lease contracts entered into in Québec by the total gross receipts of the preceding year from lease contracts entered into in the territory of all the administrative authorities;
(2)  by multiplying the percentage obtained in paragraph 1 by the number of trailers comprised in the fleet.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 23.
60.34. The owner of utility trailers having a gross vehicle weight of 2,721.554 kg and under who leases them in Québec shall register a number of trailers equal to the number of trailers leased in Québec during the preceding year.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.35. For adding a road vehicle during the registration year to an apportioned fleet of road vehicles, the amount of fees to be paid shall correspond to the kilometre percentage provided in the application for registration of the fleet of road vehicles at the beginning of the year, multiplied by the registration fees payable for that vehicle from the date of its registration until the following 31 March.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 24.
60.36. An increase or a decrease in the gross vehicle weight or an increase in the number of axles entered on the IRP registration certificate may be applied for during the registration year. The fees to be paid shall be calculated in accordance with the laws of the administrative authorities concerned according to the period remaining in the registration year.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 25.
60.37. Where a road vehicle is withdrawn from a fleet of road vehicles apportioned during the registration year, the holder of the apportioned registration must notify the Société thereof and remit the IRP registration certificate of the withdrawn vehicle to the Société.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 26.
60.38. The Société may revoke a plate with a sticker bearing the prefix “PRP” and an IRP registration certificate if fees are unpaid.
The Société may revoke a plate with a sticker bearing the prefix “PRP” and an IRP registration certificate where the Commission des transports du Québec, in accordance with the Act respecting owners and operators of heavy vehicles (chapter P-30.3), prohibits the heavy vehicles subject to the administrative measure it has taken from being put into operation.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5.
60.38.1. The holder of an apportioned registration must maintain operational records for the apportioned fleet of road vehicles that contain
(1)  with regard to the information produced in whole or in part by a vehicle-tracking system, including a system based on a global positioning system (GPS):
(a)  the original GPS or other location data for the vehicle to which the information pertains;
(b)  the date and time of each GPS or other system reading;
(c)  the location of each GPS or other system reading;
(d)  the beginning and ending distance readings from the odometer, hubodometer, engine control module (ECM) or of any similar device for the period to which the information pertains;
(e)  the distance calculated between each GPS or other system reading;
(f)  the route of the vehicle’s travel;
(g)  the total distance travelled by the vehicle;
(h)  the distance travelled in the territory of each administrative authority;
(i)  the vehicle identification number or the vehicle’s unit number;
(2)  with regard to the information produced by a means other than by a vehicle-tracking system:
(a)  the beginning and ending dates of the trip to which the information pertains;
(b)  the origin and destination of the trip;
(c)  the route of travel;
(d)  the beginning and ending readings from the odometer, hubodometer, engine control module (ECM) or any similar device for the trip;
(e)  the total distance of the trip;
(f)  the distance travelled in the territory of each administrative authority;
(g)  the vehicle identification number, except in the case of a trailer, or the identification number of the power unit in the case of a combination of road vehicles;
(h)  the name of the holder of the apportioned registration;
(i)  the driver’s name and identification code;
(3)  the following summaries:
(a)  a summary of the fleet’s operations for each month, which includes the total distance traveled by each apportioned vehicle in the fleet during the month and the distance travelled by each vehicle in the territory of each administrative authority during the month;
(b)  a summary of the fleet’s operations for each quarter, which includes the total distance travelled by vehicles in the fleet during the quarter and the distance travelled by vehicles in the fleet in the territory of each administrative authority during the quarter;
(c)  a summary of the quarterly summaries.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 27; O.C. 491-2009, s. 9; O.C. 619-2013, s. 3.
60.38.2. (Revoked).
O.C. 786-2003, s. 27; O.C. 619-2013, s. 4.
60.39. The holder of an apportioned registration must preserve the operational records of the apportioned fleet of road vehicles for 5 years from 1 July preceding the current registration year. The holder must also make operational records available to the person authorized by the Minister of Revenue for auditing purposes at that person’s request or make them available for review. Such review may be conducted, in particular, during the first year of registration.
For the purposes of this Division, unless otherwise indicated by the context, “review” means the evaluation of the registration holder’s distance accounting system and internal control to assess the holder’s compliance with the requirements of apportioned registration. It does not result in any fee adjustments.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 28; O.C. 619-2013, s. 5.
60.40. The holder of an IRP registration certificate issued by an administrative authority other than Québec shall be exempted from payment of the insurance contribution fixed under sections 151.1 and 151.2 of the Automobile Insurance Act (chapter A-25).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 5; O.C. 786-2003, s. 29.
60.41. The distance accounting system of the holder of an apportioned registration must account for the information required under this Division to calculate the number of kilometres of road vehicle trips and substantiate the data in the apportioned registration application. Supporting documents must contain the information required to identify all the trips made by the vehicles. In addition, the distance accounting system must allow the production of summaries for each vehicle and for the territory of each administrative authority concerned.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30.
60.42. (Revoked).
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 6.
60.43. (Revoked).
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 6.
60.44. (Revoked).
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 6.
60.45. For the purposes of this Division, all distances travelled by a loaded, empty, deadhead or bobtail road vehicle and the distances travelled by a vehicle for which a trip permit has been issued must be recorded.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30.
60.46. (Revoked).
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 6.
60.47. (Revoked).
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 6.
60.48. (Revoked).
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 6.
60.49. Each administrative authority may carry out operational records audits of a fleet of road vehicles apportioned in that authority or whose vehicles have travelled in the territory of the authority.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30.
60.50. At least 30 days prior to conducting an audit, the auditor authorized by the Minister of Revenue shall advise the holder of the apportioned registration of the registration years to be audited, the reference periods concerned, the audit date and the holder’s obligation to make the operational records available for the audit.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 7.
60.51. After the audit, the auditor authorized by the Minister of Revenue shall assess the findings with the holder of the apportioned registration. The auditor shall communicate the preliminary audit findings, the post-audit process, information on the reporting procedures, rights of appeal, and any remarks and recommendations for improving operational records keeping.
Failure to inform the holder is not effective against the Société if it is impossible for the auditor authorized by the Minister of Revenue to meet the holder. The reasons shall be recorded in the audit report.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30.
60.52. Where the auditor authorized by the Minister of Revenue determines that operational records are inadequate, the auditor shall give a notice to the holder of the apportioned registration enjoining the holder to comply with the provisions of this Division within 30 days after receiving the notice and stating that failure to comply may result in the payment of registration fees in addition to the fees payable pursuant to this Regulation at the time of registration and in the payment of costs for expenses incurred by the Société for the operational records audit and the management of the registration record resulting from the audit.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30.
60.53. If the holder of the apportioned registration does not make his or her operational records available to the auditor authorized by the Minister of Revenue within 30 days of receiving a written request to that effect, or if the holder fails to maintain operational records complying with the provisions of this Division more than 30 days after receiving a notice from the auditor authorized by the Minister of Revenue, the Société imposes an assessment equal to 20% of the registration fees paid by the holder for the registration of his or her fleet of road vehicles in the registration year to which the operational records pertain.
If the holder of the apportioned registration commits such an offence for the second time, the Société imposes an assessment equal to 50% of the registration fees paid by the holder for the registration of his or her fleet of road vehicles in the registration year to which the operational records pertain.
If the holder of the apportioned registration commits such an offence for the third time, or upon any subsequent offence, the Société imposes an assessment equal to 100% of the registration fees paid by the holder for the registration of his or her fleet of road vehicles in the registration year to which the operational records pertain.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 9; O.C. 1053-2014, s. 7.
60.54. The Société sends the audit report, including a narrative summary and a billing summary, documenting the audit, to the holder of the apportioned registration and to the administrative authorities with whom the road vehicles in the fleet of road vehicles are apportioned or in the territory of which the road vehicles in that fleet have accrued kilometres. A copy of the report is kept in the audit file.
The report must contain at least the following information:
(1)  with regard to the holder of the apportioned registration:
(a)  the auditor’s name;
(b)  the date of issuing of the audit report;
(c)  the holder’s name;
(d)  the holder’s address;
(e)  the holder’s telephone number;
(f)  the name of the holder’s representative;
(g)  the holder’s account number;
(h)  the number of the fleet of road vehicles;
(i)  the registration year or years audited;
(j)  the reference period audited;
(k)  the number of apportioned vehicles;
(l)  a summary of the holder’s business operations;
(m)  notes on unusual trends or variances;
(2)  with regard to the evaluation of the internal controls:
(a)  a summary of the evaluation of the holder’s internal controls, which must include
i.  the reliability of the internal controls;
ii.  the strengths and weaknesses in internal controls;
iii.  changes made in the accounting procedures of the holder during the period covered by the audit;
(3)  with regard to the opening conference, the date and the names of the persons attending;
(4)  with regard to the sampling methodology:
(a)  a description of the sampling method or the reason for which sampling was not performed;
(b)  a report of the sampled periods and vehicles;
(5)  with regard to the distance examination:
(a)  an identification of the source documents used by the holder to determine distances;
(b)  an identification of the information reflected in the distance source documents;
(c)  a description of the audit procedures used to verify reported distances;
(d)  a description of the methodology used to allocate any unreported distances;
(e)  a report of the discrepancies between the monthly or quarterly summaries and the holder’s application for apportioned registration;
(f)  identification of any vehicle removed from the fleet for which the full amount of the registration fees has been assessed;
(g)  the auditor’s evaluation of adequacy of records;
(6)  with regard to the closing conference and recommendations;
(a)  the date and names of the persons attending;
(b)  a record of the recommendations made to the holder;
(7)  with regard to the narrative summary, a narrative of the audit procedures and of the auditor’s findings;
(8)  with regard to the billing summary:
(a)  the distances travelled and reported, the percentages and the fees for each administrative authority;
(b)  the distances travelled and audited, the percentages and the fees for each administrative authority;
(c)  changes in the apportionment percentages for each administrative authority;
(d)  the net amount of the fees payable for each administrative authority;
(e)  the net amount of the fees payable to or by the holder;
(f)  the amount payable for expenses incurred by the Société for the holder’s operational records audit and for the management of the registration record resulting from the audit.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 10.
60.55. The holder of an apportioned registration may, within 30 days after receiving the audit report, apply in writing to the Société for a review.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 11.
60.56. An administrative authority in which apportioned vehicles in the fleet of road vehicles of the registration holder are registered or in whose territory such road vehicles have accrued kilometres may, within 45 days after receiving the audit report, notify the Société and the holder of any error and the administrative authority’s intent to re-examine the holder’s operational records.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30; O.C. 619-2013, s. 11.
60.57. Re-examination must be based on the same sample period as the period used for the audit. It must be carried out within a reasonable time with the cooperation of the Société and the Minister of Revenue.
The Société shall notify the administrative authorities that a re-examination will be held.
The findings of a re-examination must be reconciled with the original audit findings.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30.
60.58. The Société shall transmit to the holder of an apportioned registration and the administrative authorities in which apportioned fleet road vehicles are registered or in whose territory such road vehicles have accrued kilometres, the revised audit findings in accordance with section 60.54.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 30.
§ 1.  — General
61. Subject to sections 61.1 to 66, the amount of the duties and fees payable to obtain the registration of a road vehicle and for the right to operate the vehicle is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly fees calculated according to any of sections 86 to 90 by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, during which the owner of the vehicle has the right to operate it.
The contribution of motorists to public transit established under section 88.2 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12) payable to obtain the registration of a road vehicle and for the right to operate it is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly contribution calculated according to the third paragraph by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, during which the owner of the vehicle has the right to operate it.
The monthly contribution is the quotient obtained by dividing by 12 the amount fixed under section 1 of the Regulation respecting the contribution of motorists to public transit (O.C. 1504-91, 91-10-30).
The contribution of off-highway vehicle owners established under sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3), payable to obtain the registration of an off-highway vehicle and the right to operate it, is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly contribution calculated according to the fifth paragraph by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, during which the owner of the vehicle has the right to operate it.
The monthly contribution of off-highway vehicle owners is the quotient obtained by dividing by 12 the amount set pursuant to the first paragraph of section 11 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles.
Despite the other provisions of this section, the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners payable to obtain the registration of a snowmobile with a net mass of 450 kg or less and the right to operate the snowmobile is calculated on the basis of the percentage set forth in paragraph 1 of section 62 of the amount fixed under the first paragraph of section 11 of the Act respecting off highway vehicles.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 61; O.C. 55-98, s. 9; O.C. 265-2007, s. 12; O.C. 876-2010, s. 2; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 36.
61.1. In respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in section 2.1, the additional duty payable to obtain the registration of the vehicle and for the right to operate it is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly duty determined in section 90.1 by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, during which the owner of the vehicle has the right to operate it.
O.C. 55-98, s. 10; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 14; O.C. 265-2007, s. 12.
61.2. In respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in the first paragraph of section 2.1.1, the additional duty payable to obtain the registration of the vehicle and for the right to operate it is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly duty determined in section 90.1.1 by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, during which the owner of the vehicle has the right to operate it.
O.C. 1246-2005, s. 15; O.C. 265-2007, s. 12.
61.3. In respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in the first paragraph of section 2.1.1, the following acquisition duty, based on engine displacement, is payable to obtain the registration of the vehicle:
(1)  $54.50 for a vehicle equipped with an engine with a displacement of 4 to 4.9 litres;
(2)  $109 for a vehicle equipped with an engine with a displacement of 5 to 5.9 litres;
(3)  $218 for a vehicle equipped with an engine with a displacement of 6 litres or more.
S.Q. 2016, c. 7, s. 92.
62. The fees payable upon registration of, and for the right to operate, a snowblower, a snowmobile, a moped, a motorcycle or a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, are calculated on the basis of a percentage set forth below of the annual fees payable to retain the right to operate such a vehicle, as prescribed in Chapter IV:
(1)  in the case of a snowblower or snowmobile, where registration is carried out
i.  during the month of December, the percentage is 100%;
ii.  during the month of January, the percentage is 80%;
iii.  during the month of February, the percentage is 60%;
iv.  during the month of March, the percentage is 40%;
v.  during the months from April to November, the percentage is 20%;
(2)  in the case of a moped or motorcycle, where registration is carried out
i.  during the months April and May, the percentage is 100%;
ii.  during the month of June, the percentage is 83.3%;
iii.  during the month of July, the percentage is 66.7%;
iv.  during the month of August, the percentage is 50%;
v.  during the month of September, the percentage is 33.3%;
vi.  during the months from October to March, the percentage is 16.7%;
(3)  in the case of a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, where registration is carried out
i.  during the month of September, the percentage is 100%;
ii.  during the month of October, the percentage is 90%;
iii.  during the month of November, the percentage is 80%;
iv.  during the month of December, the percentage is 70%;
v.  during the month of January, the percentage is 60%;
vi.  during the month of February, the percentage is 50%;
vii.  during the month of March, the percentage is 50%;
viii.  during the month of April, the percentage is 30%;
ix.  during the month of May, the percentage is 20%;
x.  during the months from June to August, the percentage is 10%.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 62.
63. If the registration of a vehicle is cancelled at the time an application for the registration of another vehicle is made, or a fee credit issued following the cancellation of the registration of another vehicle during the month in which registration is applied for, the registration fees for the first ensuing month shall be reduced by the lesser of the following amounts:
(a)  the monthly fees fixed for the road vehicle for which registration is requested;
(b)  the monthly fees fixed for the road vehicle whose registration is cancelled.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 63.
64. If the registration of a vehicle is cancelled at the time an application for the registration of another vehicle is made, or a fee credit issued following the cancellation of the registration of a third vehicle during the month in which registration is applied for, the registration fees for the first ensuing month shall be reduced by the lesser of the following amounts:
(a)  the monthly fees fixed for the road vehicle for which registration is requested;
(b)  the greater of:
i.  the monthly fees fixed for the road vehicle to which the credit applies; and
ii.  the monthly fees fixed for the road vehicle whose registration is cancelled.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 64.
65. The fees payable for the registration of a trailer and the right to operate that vehicle are $52.75.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 65; O.C. 1263-96, s. 2.
66. Fees of $3.75 are payable for the registration of, and the right to operate, a road vehicle belonging to:
(1)  a school service centre or school board, with the exception of the following road vehicles:
(a)  trailers;
(b)  vehicles in use exclusively on private land or roads and not intended for operation on public highways;
(c)  vehicles and buses engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren;
(d)  trucks and commercial vehicles requiring a permit from the Commission des transports du Québec or from the Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires;
(e)  public buses;
(2)  a hospital centre as defined in subparagraph h of section 1 of the Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons (chapter S-5), with the exception of the vehicles listed in subparagraphs a to e of paragraph 1;
(3)  an institution exclusively devoted to charitable works that was established as a non-profit organization and is recognized as such under a statute in force in Québec, with the exception of the vehicles listed in subparagraphs a to e of paragraph 1;
(4)  a fabrique or a parish trustee, with the exception of the vehicles listed in subparagraphs a to e of paragraph 1.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 66; O.C. 816-2021, s. 21.
67. An owner of a registered road vehicle who elected not to operate the road vehicle until the end of the payment period for the fees and duties, who was reimbursed under section 162 and who applies for authorization to put the vehicle back into operation must first pay the annual duties, annual additional duties, the annual contribution of motorists to public transit fixed under section 88.3 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12), the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners fixed under sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3) and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects (chapter C-24.2, r. 27), for the period during which the owner is entitled to put the vehicle back into operation.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 67; O.C. 55-98, s. 11; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 16; O.C. 265-2007, s. 13; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 37.
68. An owner of a registered road vehicle who has not paid, on the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24, the annual duties, annual additional duties, the annual contribution of motorists to public transit fixed under section 88.3 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12), the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners fixed under sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3) and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects (chapter C-24.2, r. 27), and has not notified the Société by that date of an election not to operate the road vehicle must pay those amounts and the additional fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects, to be authorized to put the vehicle back into operation until the end of the 12-month period for which those amounts are payable.
If those amounts are not paid by the due dates, in respect of 2 periods and more than 12 months, only the amounts for the 12-month period during which authorization to put the vehicle back into operation is applied for are payable, in addition to the additional fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 68; O.C. 55-98, s. 12; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 17; O.C. 265-2007, s. 13; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 38.
69. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 69; O.C. 55-98, s. 13; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 18; O.C. 265-2007, s. 14.
70. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 70; O.C. 265-2007, s. 14.
71. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 71; O.C. 265-2007, s. 14.
72. An owner of a registered road vehicle who has not paid, on the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24, the annual duties, annual additional duties, the annual contribution of motorists to public transit fixed under section 88.3 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12), the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners fixed under sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3) and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects (chapter C-24.2, r. 27), and has not notified the Société by that date of an election not to operate the road vehicle whose registration was cancelled during the 12-month period for which those amounts are payable must, upon the cancellation or new registration if it is issued during that period, pay the duties and contribution for the part of that period preceding the cancellation of the registration, and the fees and additional fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects.
If those amounts are not paid by the due dates, in respect of 2 periods and more than 12 months, only the 12-month period during which the registration was cancelled is considered and only the amounts for the part of that period preceding the cancellation are payable in addition to the additional fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 72; O.C. 55-98, s. 14; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 19; O.C. 265-2007, s. 15; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 38.
73. An owner of a registered road vehicle who has not paid, on the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24, the annual duties, annual additional duties, the annual contribution of motorists to public transit fixed under section 88.3 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12), the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners fixed under sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3) and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects (chapter C-24.2, r. 27), and has not notified the Société by that date of an election not to operate the road vehicle, but who is prohibited from putting the vehicle back into operation under section 188 or 189 or paragraph 2 of section 194 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) for a part of the 12-month period for which payment was required must pay, when the prohibition is lifted if it is lifted during that period, the duties and contribution for the part of that period not covered by the prohibition, and the fees and additional fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects.
If those amounts are not paid by the due dates, in respect of 2 periods and more than 12 months, only the 12-month period during which the prohibition was in effect is considered and only the amounts for the part of that period not covered by the prohibition are payable, in addition to the additional fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 73; O.C. 55-98, s. 15; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 20; O.C. 265-2007, s. 15; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 38.
74. An owner of a registered road vehicle who is prohibited from putting a vehicle back into operation under section 188 or 189 or paragraph 2 of section 194 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) during a payment period prescribed for the vehicle in sections 19 and 21 to 24 is exempt from payment of the annual duties, additional annual duties, annual contribution of motorists to public transit fixed under section 88.3 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12) and contribution of off-highway vehicle owners fixed under sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3) for the duration of the prohibition. If the prohibition is lifted during the part of the 12-month period for which payment was required, the owner must pay, when the prohibition is lifted if it is lifted during that period, the duties and contribution for the part of that period not covered by the prohibition, and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects (chapter C-24.2, r. 27), to be authorized to put the vehicle back into operation until the end of that period.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 74; O.C. 55-98, s. 16; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 21; O.C. 265-2007, s. 15; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 39.
75. An owner of a registered road vehicle who is prohibited from putting a vehicle back into operation under section 188 or 189 or paragraph 2 of section 194 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) for a part of the 12-month period for which the annual duties, annual additional duties, annual contribution of motorists to public transit fixed under section 88.3 of the Transport Act (chapter T-12) and contribution of off-highway vehicle owners fixed under sections 11, 12 and 15 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3) are payable, and who was reimbursed under section 164 must pay, when the prohibition is lifted if it is lifted during that period, the duties and contribution for the part of that period following the prohibition, and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects (chapter C-24.2, r. 27), to be authorized to put the vehicle back into operation until the end of that period.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 75; O.C. 55-98, s. 17; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 22; O.C. 265-2007, s. 15; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 39.
75.1. The amount of the duties payable under sections 67 and 72 to 75 is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly fees calculated according to any of sections 78 to 90 by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, within the part of the 12-month period considered.
The additional duty payable in respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in section 2.1 under sections 67 and 72 to 75 is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly duty calculated according to section 90.1 by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, within the part of the 12-month period considered.
The additional duty payable in respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in the first paragraph of section 2.1.1 under sections 67 and 72 to 75 is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly duty calculated according to section 90.1.1 by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, within the part of the 12-month period considered.
The contribution of motorists to public transit payable under sections 67 and 72 to 75 is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly contribution calculated according to the third paragraph of section 61 by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, within the part of the 12-month period considered.
The contribution of off-highway vehicle owners payable under sections 67 and 72 to 75 is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly contribution calculated under section 61 by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, within the part of the 12-month period considered.
O.C. 265-2007, s. 15; O.C. 876-2010, s. 3; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 40.
76. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 76; O.C. 55-98, s. 18; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 23; O.C. 265-2007, s. 16.
77. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 77; O.C. 55-98, s. 19; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 24; O.C. 265-2007, s. 16.
§ 2.  — Monthly fees
78. The monthly fees for a snowmobile with a net mass of 450 kg of less are the fees obtained by dividing by 5 the amount fixed under the second paragraph of section 141.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 78; O.C. 1408-92, s. 1; O.C. 1437-95, s. 1; O.C. 1263-96, s. 3; O.C. 1226-99, s. 1; O.C. 876-2010, s. 4.
79. The monthly fees for a snowblower are the fees obtained by dividing by 5 the amount fixed under section 104.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 79; O.C. 1263-96, s. 4; O.C. 438-97, s. 1; O.C. 876-2010, s. 5.
80. The monthly fees for a moped are the fees obtained by dividing by 6 the amount fixed under the first paragraph of section 101.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 80; O.C. 1510-93, s. 1; O.C. 720-96, s. 1; O.C. 876-2010, s. 6.
81. The monthly fees for a motorcycle are the fees obtained by dividing by 6 the amount fixed under the second paragraph of section 101.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 81; O.C. 1510-93, s. 2; O.C. 438-97, s. 2; O.C. 876-2010, s. 7.
82. The monthly fees for a bus with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren are the fees obtained by dividing by 10 the amount fixed under section 115.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 82; O.C. 1263-96, s. 5; O.C. 438-97, s. 3; O.C. 876-2010, s. 8.
83. The monthly fees for a bus with a net weight of over 3,000 kg but not more than 8,000 kg, engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, are the fees obtained by dividing by 10 the amount fixed under section 119.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 83; O.C. 1263-96, s. 6; O.C. 438-97, s. 4; O.C. 876-2010, s. 9.
84. The monthly fees for a bus with a net weight of over 8,000 kg but not more than 10,000 kg, engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, are the fees obtained by dividing by 10 the amount fixed under section 120.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 84; O.C. 1510-93, s. 3; O.C. 1263-96, s. 7; O.C. 438-97, s. 5; O.C. 876-2010, s. 10.
85. The monthly fees for a bus with a net weight of over 10,000 kg, engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, are the fees obtained by dividing by 10 the amount fixed under section 121.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 85; O.C. 1510-93, s. 4; O.C. 1263-96, s. 8; O.C. 438-97, s. 6; O.C. 876-2010, s. 11.
86. Subject to sections 90, 125 and 126, the monthly fees for a passenger vehicle or a motor home with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less are the fees obtained by dividing by 12 the amount fixed under the third paragraph of section 97.
Where the owner’s principal residence is located in a peripheral region described in section 2R1 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Fuel Tax Act (chapter T-1, r. 1), the monthly fees referred to in the first paragraph are reduced by the amount calculated by dividing by 12 the amount fixed in the fourth paragraph of section 97.
Where the owner’s principal residence is located in a specified region described in section 2R1 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Fuel Tax Act, the monthly fees referred to in the first paragraph are reduced by the amount calculated by dividing by 12 the amount fixed in the fifth paragraph of section 97.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 86; O.C. 1510-93, s. 5; O.C. 1382-95, s. 1; O.C. 1263-96, s. 9; O.C. 438-97, s. 7; O.C. 876-2010, s. 12.
86.1. The monthly fees for a snowmobile with a net weight of over 450 kg are the fees obtained by dividing by 5 the amount fixed under the second paragraph of section 137.
O.C. 1510-93, s. 6; O.C. 1263-96, s. 10; O.C. 876-2010, s. 13.
87. The monthly fees for a truck other than one used in an area not linked to the Québec highway system are the fees obtained by dividing by 12 the fees prescribed in section 111 according to the net weight and the number of axles of the truck.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 87; O.C. 1263-96, s. 11.
88. The monthly fees for a farm motor vehicle with a net weight of more than 3,000 kg are the fees obtained by dividing by 12 the fees prescribed in section 112 according to the net weight and the number of axles of the farm motor vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 88; O.C. 1263-96, s. 12.
89. The monthly fees for a truck used in an area not linked to the Québec highway system are the fees obtained by dividing by 12 the fees prescribed in sections 130 to 135 according to the net weight and the number of axles of the truck.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 89; O.C. 1263-96, s. 13.
90. The monthly fees for any road vehicle other than those covered by sections 78 to 89, are the fees obtained by dividing by 12 the fees payable to retain the right to operate the registered road vehicle and prescribed in Chapter IV.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 90; O.C. 1263-96, s. 14.
90.1. In respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in section 2.1, the additional monthly duty is obtained by dividing by 12 the amount corresponding to 1% of the value of a road vehicle exceeding $40,000.
The value of a road vehicle is the most recent value established during registration or the value established during the calculation of the latest additional duty to retain the right to operate the registered vehicle.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 25; O.C. 265-2007, s. 17.
90.1.1. In respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in the first paragraph of section 2.1.1, the additional monthly duty is calculated by dividing the duty fixed in section 142.2 based on the vehicle’s engine displacement by 12.
O.C. 1246-2005, s. 26.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.2. For the purposes of this section, average wholesale price means the average wholesale price for a vehicle of the same brand, model and characteristics entered in the most recent edition of any of the road vehicle value guides, as the case may be, referred to in section 55.0.2 of the Act respecting the Québec sales tax (chapter T-0.1).
O.C. 55-98, s. 20; O.C. 997-2022, s. 19.
90.3. Where the owner elects not to operate his motor vehicle and applies for authorization to operate it, between the date on which he notified the Société of that election and the last day of the month during which the payment of the additional duty provided for in the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) next becomes due, the value of the vehicle used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain that authorization shall be the one used during the calculation of the additional duty payable for registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it, without regard to the age of the vehicle on the date of the application for authorization to operate it.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.4. Where the owner elects not to operate his motor vehicle and applies for authorization to operate it, during the 12-month period corresponding to the payment of the additional duty provided for in the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2), the value of the vehicle used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain that authorization shall be the one used during the calculation of the latest payment of the additional duty provided for in the first paragraph of section 31.1 of that Code, without regard to the age of the vehicle on the date of the application for authorization to operate it again.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.5. In the case of a new motor vehicle sold by a dealer, the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it is the sale price entered by the dealer on the form that the Société provided him with and that the owner of the vehicle must provide to the Société upon registration.
If the new vehicle sold is imported from another Canadian province, the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it is the amount entered on the sales contract. The owner of the vehicle must provide a copy of that contract to the Société upon registration.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.6. In the case of a new motor vehicle that is leased or received following a trade, the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it is the value of the vehicle entered by the dealer on the form that the Société provided him with and that the owner of the vehicle must provide to the Société upon registration.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.7. In the case of the sale of a used motor vehicle, the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it shall be the highest amount of the sale price declared by the owner or the average wholesale price, which shall be reduced by $500. Where the characteristics of the model to which the vehicle belongs do not appear in the guides referred to in section 90.2, the value used shall be the one indicated on the owner’s insurance policy. The owner shall provide a copy of that policy to the Société upon registration.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the vehicle belongs to a model that does not appear in those guides and that was sold during the previous calendar year or the year of the model year, the value used shall be the amount entered on the sales contract entered into between the dealer and the first owner, from which is subtracted the depreciation obtained by multiplying 2.5% of the amount entered on the contract by the number of months passed from the date of the sale to the registration date. The owner of the vehicle must provide a copy of the contract to the Société upon registration.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.8. If there is an assessment with reasons on the repairs of the vehicle by an appraiser of material damage referred to in the second paragraph of section 55.0.3 of the Act respecting the Québec sales tax (chapter T-0.1), the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it is the highest of the following amounts:
(1)  the sale price declared by the buyer;
(2)  the amount calculated according to the following formula:
A = (p - $500) - (r - $500)
A: the amount calculated;
p: the average wholesale price
r: the amount of repairs on the vehicle.
If there is a motivated assessment for the worn-out state of the vehicle by that appraiser, the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it shall be the highest amount of the sale price declared by the buyer or of the value of the vehicle determined by the appraiser
The owner of the vehicle must provide those evaluations to the Société upon registration.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.9. In the case of a new motor vehicle that is leased or received following a trade, the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it shall be the highest amount of the value of the vehicle declared by the dealer on the form that the Société provided him with or the average wholesale price from which $500 is subtracted. The owner of the vehicle must provide that form to the Société upon registration.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.10. In the case of a motor vehicle received by donation, succession or following a publicity contest, a draw or lottery system authorized in accordance with the law, the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it shall be the retail price suggested by the dealer if the vehicle is new or, if it is used, the average wholesale price from which $500 is subtracted.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.11. In the case of a motor vehicle imported from outside Canada, the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it shall be the amount of the value determined by the Federal Minister of Revenue in addition to excise duties applicable.
If no value is determined by the Minister, the value used shall be the retail price suggested by the manufacturer if the vehicle is new or, if it is used, the average wholesale price from which $500 is subtracted.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.12. The value used for calculating the additional duty payable by the owner of a motor vehicle to retain the right to operate the registered vehicle shall be the lowest of the following amounts:
(1)  the average wholesale price from which $500 is subtracted;
(2)  the amount of the value used for calculating the additional duty payable to obtain registration of the vehicle and the right to operate it.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
90.13. During the calculation of the additional duty payable by the owner of a registered motor vehicle to retain the right to operate the vehicle, where the average wholesale price does not appear in the guides referred to in section 90.2, the value used shall be the amount referred to in paragraph 2 of section 90.12 and reduced by 7% annually from the due date of the latest payment made to retain the right to operate that vehicle.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, where the vehicle was registered before 1 January 1998, the value used shall be the retail price suggested by the manufacturer and reduced by 15%. In addition, where the vehicle was registered prior to that date and where the characteristics of the model to which the vehicle belongs do not appear in the guides referred to in section 90.2, the value used shall be the one entered in one of those guides for the vehicle of the same model having characteristics similar to those of the vehicle concerned and, where there is no such model, the value used shall be the one indicated on the owner’s insurance policy. He must provide a copy of that policy to the Société upon registration.
O.C. 55-98, s. 20.
91. The owner of a passenger vehicle is exempt from paying the fees payable for registration of the vehicle and for the right to operate it if the vehicle
(1)  is an official vehicle belonging to a foreign State that has representation in Québec, except in the case of representation headed by an honorary consular officer within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations entered into on 24 April 1963;
(2)  is an official vehicle belonging to an international government organization that has entered into an agreement with the Government regarding its establishment in Québec;
(3)  is an official vehicle belonging to a political division of a foreign State to which fiscal privileges are granted under the Regulation respecting fiscal privileges granted to members of a diplomatic mission, consular post or office of a political division of a foreign State, to the members of their families and to that office (chapter A-6.002, r. 5);
(4)  belongs to one of the following persons who do not have Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status in Canada, who are registered with the Ministère des Relations internationales and who perform their duties in Québec or Canada:
(a)  a diplomatic agent or a member of the administrative and technical staff of a diplomatic mission within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations entered into on 18 April 1961;
(b)  a senior officer of an international government organization designated under the agreement referred to in subparagraph 2;
(c)  a career consular officer or a consular employee within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations entered into on 24 April 1963; or
(d)  a representative of an office of a political division of a foreign State referred to in subparagraph 3; or
(5)  belongs to one of the following persons from the International Civil Aviation Organization who do not have Canadian citizenship, who are registered with the Ministère des Relations internationales and who perform their duties in Québec:
(a)  a permanent representative of a foreign State that is a recognized member of that organization; or
(b)  the President of the Council, the Secretary General and officers belonging to the categories of administrators D-1, D-2 and higher.
A person referred to in subparagraph 4 or 5 of the first paragraph may use the exemption for a maximum number of 2 vehicles.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 91; O.C. 451-2003, s. 4; S.Q. 2022, c. 13, s. 100.
92. The owner of a farm trailer is exempt from payment of the fees exigible upon registration of the trailer and for the right to operate it.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 92.
93. An exemption from the payment of the fees payable upon the registration of a road vehicle, with the exception of a trailer, and the right to operate the vehicle is granted to:
(1)  the Gouvernement du Québec or a public agency defined in section 1 of the Act respecting land use planning and development (chapter A-19.1), but not the state-owned enterprises listed in Schedule I and their subsidiaries;
(2)  (paragraph revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 93; O.C. 451-2003, s. 5.
94. The owner of a road vehicle used exclusively in stations, ports and airports is exempt from payment of the fees payable upon registration of that vehicle and for the right to operate it.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 94.
95. Owners of the following road vehicles are exempt from payment of the fees payable upon registration of such vehicles, on condition that the vehicles are not operated on a highway:
(1)  discarded vehicles;
(2)  vehicles taken back from their long-term lessee by the lessor;
(3)  vehicles acquired through repossession;
(4)  vehicles acquired by an insurer from his policyholder following a declaration of total loss or the theft of such vehicles;
(5)  vehicles in the possession of a bankruptcy trustee.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 95.
96. A person who acquires a registered road vehicle and sells it on the same day without having operated it is exempt from the payment of the fees payable for obtaining registration.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 96.
96.1. The owner of an electric-powered road vehicle equipped with a battery rechargeable by connecting to the electric network or powered by a hydrogen fuel cell and belonging to the category of road vehicles referred to in section 2.1 is exempt from paying the additional duty payable in accordance with section 61.1, but only on the portion of the duty calculated on the value of the vehicle that is between $40,000 and $75,000.
O.C. 1204-2017, s. 1; S.Q. 2020, c. 19, s. 80; O.C. 997-2022, s. 20.
97. Subject to sections 102 and 124, the licence plate of the following road vehicles, if they belong to a natural person and are used mainly for personal purposes, shall bear no prefix:
(1)  passenger vehicles;
(2)  motor homes with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, a licence plate bearing the prefix “VA2” or “VE2” may be issued to the owner of a passenger vehicle who holds a ham radio operator’s licence.
Subject to sections 125 and 126, the fees payable to retain the right to operate a road vehicle covered by the first or second paragraph are $125.
The fees fixed in the third paragraph are reduced by $52, where the owner’s principal residence is located in a peripheral region described in section 2R1 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Fuel Tax Act (chapter T-1, r. 1).
The fees fixed in the third paragraph are reduced by $26, where the owner’s principal residence is located in a specified region described in section 2R1 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Fuel Tax Act.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 97; O.C. 1510-93, s. 7; O.C. 1382-95, s. 2; O.C. 1263-96, s. 15; O.C. 438-97, s. 8; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
98. The prefix “CD” shall be borne by the licence plate of a passenger vehicle that
(1)  is an official vehicle belonging to a foreign State that has a permanent representation accredited to an international government organization having entered into an agreement with the Government with respect to its establishment in Québec;
(2)  is an official vehicle belonging to an international government organization referred to in subparagraph 1; or
(3)  belongs to one of the following persons who do not have Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status in Canada, who are registered with the Ministère des Relations internationales and who perform their duties in Québec or Canada:
(a)  a diplomatic agent or a member of the administrative and technical staff of a diplomatic mission within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations entered into on 18 April 1961; or
(b)  a senior officer of an international government organization designated under the agreement referred to in subparagraph 1; or
(4)  belongs to one of the following persons from the International Civil Aviation Organization who do not have Canadian citizenship, who are registered with the Ministère des Relations internationales and who perform their duties in Québec:
(a)  a permanent representative of a foreign State that is a recognized member of that organization; or
(b)  the President of the Council, the Secretary General and officers belonging to the categories of administrators D-1, D-2 and higher.
The owner of the vehicle is exempt from paying the fees required to retain the right to operate the vehicle.
A maximum of 2 vehicles belonging to a person referred to in subparagraph 3 or 4 of the first paragraph may be registered with a CD licence plate.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 98; O.C. 451-2003, s. 6; S.Q. 2022, c. 13, s. 101.
99. The prefix “CC” shall be borne by the licence plate of a passenger vehicle that
(1)  is an official vehicle belonging to a foreign State that has a consular post established in Québec, headed by a career consular officer within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations entered into on 24 April 1963;
(2)  is an official vehicle belonging to a political division of a foreign State to which fiscal privileges are granted under the Regulation respecting fiscal privileges granted to members of a diplomatic mission, consular post or office of a political division of a foreign State, to the members of their families and to that office (chapter A-6.002, r. 5);
(3)  belongs to one of the following persons who do not have Canadian citizenship or permanent resident status in Canada, who are registered with the Ministère des Relations internationales and who perform their duties in Québec:
(a)  a career consular officer or a consular employee within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations entered into on 24 April 1963; or
(b)  a representative of an office of a political division of a foreign State referred to in subparagraph 2; or
(4)  belongs to an honorary consular officer within the meaning of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations entered into on 24 April 1963 who is registered with the Ministère des Relations internationales and who performs his or her duties in Québec.
The owner of the vehicle is exempt from paying the fees required to retain the right to operate the vehicle, except the owner referred to in subparagraph 4 of the first paragraph.
A maximum of 2 vehicles belonging to a person referred to in subparagraph 3 of the first paragraph may be registered with a CC licence plate. Only one vehicle belonging to a person referred to in subparagraph 4 of the first paragraph may be registered with a CC licence plate.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 99; O.C. 451-2003, s. 7; S.Q. 2022, c. 13, s. 102.
100. The licence plate of a moped and of a motorcycle shall bear the prefix “M” or shall bear no prefix.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 100.
101. The duties payable to retain the right to operate a moped are $14.30.
The fees payable to retain the right to operate a motorcycle are $47.75.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 101; O.C. 1510-93, s. 8; O.C. 720-96, s. 2; O.C. 438-97, s. 9; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
102. With the exception of motorcycles and mopeds, the licence plate of the following road vehicles shall bear the prefix “F” or “FZ”:
(1)  commercial vehicles;
(2)  vehicles engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren;
(3)  road vehicles owned by a driving school or an educational institution holding a permit to dispense instruction in the driving of heavy trucks issued pursuant to section 10 of the Act respecting private education (chapter E-9.1);
(4)  snowblowers;
(5)  farm motor vehicles with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less;
(6)  motor homes belonging to a legal person and motor homes with a net weight of more than 3,000 kg belonging to a natural person using it mainly for personal purposes;
(7)  special mobile equipment and special mobile snow equipment;
(8)  tow trucks with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less;
(9)  tow trucks with a net weight of more than 3,000 kg, used solely for towing a maximum of 2 road vehicles at a time;
(10)  ambulances and hearses;
(11)  equipment transport vehicles.
Equipment transport vehicles may tow trailers carrying only a lifting device or its accessories.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 102; O.C. 160-99, s. 4.
103. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a farm motor vehicle with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less are $85.25.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 103; O.C. 1510-93, s. 9; O.C. 1263-96, s. 16; O.C. 438-97, s. 10; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
104. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a road vehicle where the owner is a driving school or an educational institution holding a permit to dispense instruction in the driving of heavy trucks issued under section 11 of the Act respecting private education (chapter E-9.1) and the fees payable to retain the right to operate a commercial vehicle, a vehicle engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren or a snowblower are $219.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 104; O.C. 1263-96, s. 17; O.C. 438-97, s. 11; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
105. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a motor home with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less where the owner is a legal person and the fees payable to operate an ambulance, a hearse, special mobile equipment, special mobile snow equipment or a tow truck with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less are $219.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 105; O.C. 1263-96, s. 18; O.C. 438-97, s. 12; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
106. The fees payable to retain the right to operate an ambulance, a hearse, a motor home, a tool vehicle, a winter tool vehicle or a tow truck used solely for towing a maximum of 2 road vehicles at a time, with a net weight of more than 3,000 kg but not exceeding 8,000 kg, are $392.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 106; O.C. 1263-96, s. 19; O.C. 438-97, s. 13; O.C. 160-99, s. 5; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
107. The fees payable to retain the right to operate an ambulance, a hearse, a motor home, a tool vehicle, a winter tool vehicle or a tow truck used solely for towing a maximum of 2 road vehicles at a time, with a net weight or more than 8,000 kg but not exceeding 10,000 kg, are $523.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 107; O.C. 1263-96, s. 20; O.C. 438-97, s. 14; O.C. 160-99, s. 6; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
108. The fees payable to retain the right to operate an ambulance, a hearse, a motor home, a tool vehicle, a winter tool vehicle or a tow truck used solely for towing a maximum of 2 road vehicles at a time, with a net weight or more than 10,000 kg, are $684.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 108; O.C. 1263-96, s. 21; O.C. 438-97, s. 15; O.C. 160-99, s. 7; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
108.1. The fees payable to retain the right to operate an equipment transport vehicle with a net weight of more than 3,000 kg but not exceeding 8,000 kg are $604.
O.C. 160-99, s. 8; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
108.2. The fees payable to retain the right to operate an equipment transport vehicle with a net weight of more than 8,000 kg but not exceeding 10,000 kg are $733.
O.C. 160-99, s. 8; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
108.3. The fees payable to retain the right to operate an equipment transport vehicle with a net weight of more than 10,000 kg are $894.
O.C. 160-99, s. 8; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
O.C. 1046-2020, s. 108.
109. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 109; O.C. 1510-93, s. 10; O.C. 1263-96, s. 22; O.C. 438-97, s. 16; O.C. 691-2002, s. 1; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8; O.C. 1046-2020, s. 108.
110. The licence plate of a truck or of a farm vehicle with a net weight of more than 3,000 kg shall bear the prefix“L”.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 110; O.C. 160-99, s. 9; O.C. 759-2000, s. 1; O.C. 951-2000, s. 6.
111. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a 2-axled truck with a net weight of over 3,000 kg but not exceeding 4,000 kg are $481.
For truck with 2 axles with a net weight of over 4,000 kg the fees are $835.
For a truck with 3 axles the fees are $1,449.
For a truck with 4 axles the fees are $2,126.
For a truck with 5 axles the fees are $2,595.
For a truck with 6 or more axles the fees are $3,555.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 111; O.C. 1510-93, s. 11; O.C. 1263-96, s. 23; O.C. 438-97, s. 17; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
112. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a farm motor vehicle with 2 axles and a net weight of over 3,000 kg but not exceeding 4,000 kg are $212.
For a farm motor vehicle with 2 axles and a net weight of over 4,000 kg the fees are $354.
For a farm motor vehicle with 3 axles the fees are $608.
For a farm motor vehicle with 4 axles the fees are $880.
For a farm motor vehicle with 5 axles the fees are $1,115.
For a farm motor vehicle with 6 or more axles the fees are $1,496.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 112; O.C. 1510-93, s. 12; O.C. 1263-96, s. 24; O.C. 438-97, s. 18; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
112.1. The registration plate of the following road vehicles shall have a sticker bearing the letters “PRP”, if they are apportioned and if they are used in Québec and in the territory of at least another administrative authority:
(1)  a truck;
(2)  a combination of road vehicles designed, used and maintained mainly for the transportation of property;
(3)  a truck tractor; or
(4)  a bus used to transport persons for financial consideration.
This section does not apply to recreational motor vehicles, city pick up and delivery vehicles and to vehicles belonging to a government.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 7; O.C. 619-2013, s. 12.
112.2. The driver of any registered road vehicle for which the fees are set under this Division, Division II.1 of Chapter III or under the terms of a reciprocal agreement between Québec and a government that grants the same right to a Québec owner or carrier of heavy vehicles, is authorized to tow, in Québec, a trailer registered in Québec or elsewhere.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 7; O.C. 491-2009, s. 10.
113. The licence plate of a trailer shall bear the prefix “R” or “U”.
The owner of a trailer is exempt from payment of the fees payable to retain the right to operate a trailer.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 113.
114. The licence plate of a bus or a minibus shall bear the prefix “A”, “AE”, “AP” or “AU”.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 114.
115. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a bus or minibus with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less are $219.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 115; O.C. 1263-96, s. 25; O.C. 438-97, s. 19; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
116. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a bus or minibus with a net weight of over 3,000 kg but not exceeding 8,000 kg, with the exception of a private bus and a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, are $546.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 116; O.C. 1263-96, s. 26; O.C. 438-97, s. 20; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
117. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a bus or minibus with a net weight of over 8,000 kg but not exceeding 10,000 kg, with the exception of a private bus and a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, are $733.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 117; O.C. 1263-96, s. 27; O.C. 438-97, s. 21; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
118. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a bus or minibus with a net weight of over 10,000 kg, with the exception of a private bus and a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, are $910.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 118; O.C. 1510-93, s. 13; O.C. 1263-96, s. 28; O.C. 438-97, s. 22; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
119. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren or of a private bus with a net weight of over 3,000 kg but not exceeding 8,000 kg are $390.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 119; O.C. 1263-96, s. 29; O.C. 438-97, s. 23; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
120. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren or of a private bus with a net weight of over 8,000 kg but not exceeding 10,000 kg are $474.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 120; O.C. 1510-93, s. 14; O.C. 1263-96, s. 30; O.C. 438-97, s. 24; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
121. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren or a private bus with a net weight of over 10,000 kg are $555.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 121; O.C. 1510-93, s. 15; O.C. 1263-96, s. 31; O.C. 438-97, s. 25; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
121.1. Despite sections 115 to 121, the fees payable to retain the right to operate a minibus used for personal purposes owned by a person who is a member of a family of at least 9 persons residing together are $125.
The fees fixed in the first paragraph are reduced by $52 where the owner’s principal residence is located in a peripheral region described in section 2R1 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Fuel Tax Act (chapter T-1, r. 1).
The fees fixed in the first paragraph are reduced by $26 where the owner’s principal residence is located in a specified region described in section 2R1 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Fuel Tax Act.
O.C. 1218-2004, s. 5.
122. An exemption from the payment of the fees provided for in the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) is granted to:
(1)  the Gouvernement du Québec or a public agency defined in section 1 of the Act respecting land use planning and development (chapter A-19.1), but not the state-owned enterprises listed in Schedule I and their subsidiaries;
(2)  (paragraph revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 122; O.C. 451-2003, s. 8.
123. Fees of $3.75 are payable to retain the right to operate a road vehicle where that owner is:
(1)  a school service centre or school board, with the exception of the following road vehicles:
(a)  trailers;
(b)  vehicles in use exclusively on private land or roads and not intended for operation on public highways;
(c)  vehicles and buses engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren;
(d)  trucks and commercial vehicles requiring a permit from the Commission des transports du Québec or from the Régie des marchés agricoles et alimentaires;
(e)  public buses;
(2)  a hospital centre as defined in subparagraph h of section 1 of the Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons (chapter S-5), with the exception of the vehicles listed in subparagraphs a to e of paragraph 1;
(2.1)  a public institution which operates a general and specialized hospital, a psychiatric hospital or a residential and long-term care centre that is governed by the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2);
(3)  an institution exclusively devoted to charitable works that was established as a non-profit organization and is recognized as such under its charter, with the exception of the vehicles listed in subparagraphs a to e of paragraph 1;
(4)  a fabrique or a parish trustee, with the exception of the vehicles listed in subparagraphs a to e of paragraph 1.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 123; O.C. 1510-93, s. 16; O.C. 816-2021, s. 22.
124. The licence plate of a passenger vehicle, a vehicle engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, a truck or a commercial vehicle whose use does not require a permit from the Commission des transports du Québec, a tow truck, a motor home or of special mobile equipment, where such vehicles are used in a locality not linked to the Québec highway system, with the exception of trailers, buses, minibuses, road vehicles whose owner holds a permit from the Commission des transports du Québec and of road vehicles covered by sections 137 and 139, shall bear the prefix “C”.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 124; O.C. 1046-2020, s. 109.
125. The duties payable to retain the right to operate a passenger vehicle referred to in section 124 are $30.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 125; O.C. 720-96, s. 3; O.C. 438-97, s. 26; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
126. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a tow truck, a motor home or special mobile equipment with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less, or a commercial vehicle or a vehicle engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren covered by section 124 are $89.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 126; O.C. 1263-96, s. 32; O.C. 438-97, s. 27; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
127. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a tow truck, a motor home or special mobile equipment with a net weight of over 3,000 kg but not exceeding 8,000 kg and covered by section 124 are $139.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 127; O.C. 1263-96, s. 33; O.C. 438-97, s. 28; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
128. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a tow truck, a motor home or special mobile equipment with a net weight of over 8,000 kg but not exceeding 10,000 kg and covered by section 124 are $182.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 128; O.C. 1263-96, s. 34; O.C. 438-97, s. 29; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
129. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a tow truck, a motor home or special mobile equipment with a net weight of over 10,000 kg and covered by section 124 are $230.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 129; O.C. 1263-96, s. 35; O.C. 438-97, s. 30; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
130. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a truck with 2 axles with a net weight of over 3,000 kg but not exceeding 4,000 kg and covered by section 124 are $168.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 130; O.C. 1263-96, s. 36; O.C. 438-97, s. 31; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
131. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a truck with 2 axles with a net weight of over 4,000 kg covered by section 124 are $274.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 131; O.C. 1263-96, s. 37; O.C. 438-97, s. 32; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
132. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a truck with 3 axles covered by section 124 are $464.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 132; O.C. 1263-96, s. 38; O.C. 438-97, s. 33; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
133. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a truck with 4 axles covered by section 124 are $668.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 133; O.C. 1263-96, s. 39; O.C. 438-97, s. 34; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
134. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a truck with 5 axles covered by section 124 are $848.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 134; O.C. 1263-96, s. 40; O.C. 438-97, s. 35; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
135. The fees payable to retain the right to operate a truck with 6 or more axles covered by section 124 are $1,139.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 135; O.C. 1263-96, s. 41; O.C. 438-97, s. 36; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
136. The licence plate of a farm tractor used on a public highway shall bear the prefix “C”.
The fees payable to retain the right to operate a farm tractor referred to in the first paragraph are $7.15.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 136; O.C. 1510-93, s. 17; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 6.
137. The licence plate of the following road vehicles shall bear the prefix “C”.
(1)  hand-crafted vehicles, with the exception of motorcycles;
(2)  vehicles with a net weight of 450 kg or less, with the exception of motorcycles, mopeds and special mobile equipment;
(3)  vehicles manufactured more than 25 years ago, with the exception of motorcycles;
(4)  antique motor vehicles;
(5)  snowmobiles with a net weight of more than 450 kg.
The fees payable to retain the right to operate a road vehicle covered by the first paragraph are $52.75.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 137; O.C. 1510-93, s. 18; O.C. 1263-96, s. 42; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8; O.C. 1350-2011, s. 2.
138. The operation of road vehicles covered by section 137 is limited to public highways in zones where the maximum speed is not over 70 km/h, on condition that such a highway is not an expressway or a limited access highway; however, such road vehicles may cross, at right angles, highways where the maximum speed is over 70 km/h other than expressway and limited access highways. Such vehicles may be towed on any public highway.
Notwithstanding the first paragraph, an antique motor vehicle is authorized to be operated on any public highway when it is travelling within the framework of an activity organized by an antique vehicle collectors’ club having a charter in Québec.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 138.
139. The licence plate of a road vehicle used exclusively on private land or roads and not intended to be operated on public highways, including vehicles on metal caterpillar tracks, with the exception of buses, minibuses, trucks and commercial vehicles whose use requires a permit from the Commission des transports du Québec, shall bear the prefix “V”.
Despite the first paragraph, a personalized registration plate affixed to an all-terrain vehicle shall bear the prefix “V” followed by a hyphen.
The fees payable to retain the right to operate a road vehicle covered by this section are $52.75.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 139; O.C. 1263-96, s. 43; O.C. 199-98, s. 2; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 41; S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 36; O.C. 1046-2020, s. 110.
140. The licence plate of a road vehicle used exclusively in stations, ports and airports shall bear the prefix “V”.
The owner of a vehicle covered by the first paragraph is exempted from the payment of the fees payable to retain the right to operate the vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 140.
141. The licence plate of a snowmobile with a net mass of 450 kg or less shall bear the prefix “V”.
However, a personalized registration plate affixed to a snowmobile referred to in the first paragraph shall bear the prefix “V” followed by a hyphen.
The fees payable to retain the right to operate a road vehicle covered by this section are $52.75.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 141; O.C. 1408-92, s. 2; O.C. 1437-95, s. 2; O.C. 1263-96, s. 44; O.C. 1226-99, s. 2; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 42; S.Q. 2018, c. 18, s. 37.
142. Owners of the following road vehicles are exempted from the payment of the fees provided for in the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2), on condition that the vehicles are not operated on a highway:
(1)  discarded vehicles;
(2)  vehicles taken back from its long-term lesses by the lessor;
(3)  vehicles acquired through repossession;
(4)  vehicles acquired by an insurer from his policyholder following a declaration of total loss or the theft of such vehicles;
(5)  vehicles in the possession of a bankruptcy trustee.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 142.
O.C. 55-98, s. 21; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 27.
142.1. In respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in section 2.1, the additional annual duty payable to retain the right to operate the vehicle corresponds to 1% of the value of the vehicle exceeding $40,000.
Despite the first paragraph, the owner of an electric-powered road vehicle equipped with a battery rechargeable by connecting to the electric network or powered by a hydrogen fuel cell is exempt from paying the additional duty, but only on the portion of the duty calculated on the value of the vehicle that is between $40,000 and $75,000.
O.C. 55-98, s. 21; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 28; O.C. 1204-2017, s. 2; S.Q. 2020, c. 19, s. 81; O.C. 997-2022, s. 21.
142.2. For the category of road vehicles having a large engine displacement, referred to in section 2.1.1, the additional annual duty payable to retain the right to operate such a vehicle is the duty shown in the following table, opposite the vehicle’s engine displacement:
Engine displacement (litres)Additional annual duty
7 and more$407
O.C. 1246-2005, s. 29; O.C. 1046-2015, s. 1; Erratum, 2017 G.O. 1, 685.
143. Registration of the following categories of road vehicles may be carried out, on request, by entry in the records of the Société of the information prescribed by section 144 with regard to such categories of vehicles and the person obtaining registration:
(1)  trailers and frames of a trailer, whether or not they belong to the person in whose name registration is carried out;
(2)  road vehicles whether or not they belong to the person in whose name registration is carried out.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 143.
144. The information to be entered in the registers of the Société is as follows:
(1)  the name of the owner:
(a)  in the case of a natural person, his surname and usual given name and in the case of a natural person doing business under a business name, that name;
(b)  in the case of a business corporation, its name;
(c)  in the case of a partnership, its name and the name of the partner applying for registration;
(2)  in the case of a natural person, the address of his principal residence including the street number, the apartment number, if any, the name of the street and of the municipality and the postal code;
(3)  in the case of a business corporation or a partnership, the address of its principal establishment including the street number, the number of the unit or suite, if any, the name of the street and of the municipality and the postal code;
(4)  in the case of a natural person, his day, month and year of birth;
(5)  the use of the categories of vehicles covered by section 143 and their territory of use.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 144.
145. A road vehicle covered by paragraph 1 of section 143, belonging for purposes of sale to a dealer or manufacturer of that category of road vehicles and to which is affixed a detachable licence plate must be used solely to be towed within Québec without bearing a load.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 145.
146. A road vehicle covered by paragraph 2 of section 143 and to which is affixed a detachable licence plate must be used solely:
(1)  to transport other road vehicles by the saddlemount method;
(2)  to be transported by the drive-away method.
No road vehicle transported in such a manner may carry any load other than road vehicles of the same category.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 146.
147. The amount of the fees payable to obtain the registration of a road vehicle in a category covered by section 143 and the right to operate a vehicle in one of those categories is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly fees calculated according to the second paragraph by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, during which the person has the right to operate a road vehicle in one of those categories.
The monthly fees are the fees obtained by dividing by 12 the amount fixed under the first paragraph of section 148.
Direct debit payment of the amounts referred to this section may be made according to the rules established in sections 25.1 to 25.7, with the reference to “owner of the road vehicle” replaced by “person who has obtained registration in one of the categories of road vehicles covered by sections 143 and 149” and the reference to “the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24” replaced by “31 March”. (O.C. 876-2010, s. 14)
O.C. 1420-91, s. 147; O.C. 1510-93, s. 19; O.C. 1263-96, s. 45; O.C. 438-97, s. 37; O.C. 265-2007, ss. 18 and 21.
148. The fees payable by a person having obtained the registration of a road vehicle in a category covered by section 143 and wishing to retain the right to operate a road vehicle in one of those categories are $727.
To retain the right to operate a road vehicle in one of those categories of registered vehicles, a person referred to in the first paragraph must pay the fees prescribed therein every year, as well as the other amounts prescribed in the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) during the 3-month period ending on 31 March for as long as the registration has not been cancelled.
Despite the second paragraph, if there are more than 4 months, including parts of a month, remaining before the payment due date for the annual amounts, the due date is postponed for 12 months upon request by the person to whom the registration was issued. The postponement entails a 12-month postponement of the beginning of the payment period determined in the second paragraph.
Direct debit payment of the amounts referred to this section may be made according to the rules established in sections 25.1 to 25.7, with the reference to “owner of the road vehicle” replaced by “person who has obtained registration in one of the categories of road vehicles covered by sections 143 and 149” and the reference to “the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24” replaced by “31 March”.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 148; O.C. 1510-93, s. 20; O.C. 1263-96, s. 46; O.C. 438-97, s. 38; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8; O.C. 265-2007, ss. 18 and 21.
149. Registration of the following categories of road vehicles may be carried out, on request, by entry in the records of the Société of the information covered by section 151 relating to such categories of vehicles and to the person obtaining registration:
(1)  passenger vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds or off-road vehicles, belonging to the person under whose name it is registered;
(2)  buses or minibuses belonging to the person in whose name registration is carried out;
(3)  trucks, equipment transport vehicles or tool vehicles belonging to the person in whose name registration is carried out.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 149; O.C. 160-99, s. 10; O.C. 100-2001, s. 3.
150. The person in whose name registration of the categories of vehicles covered by section 149 is carried out must be a dealer, a manufacturer or an automotive body maker. If a dealer, the person must, to obtain registration, furnish proof that he holds a road vehicle dealer’s licence issued under the Consumer Protection Act (chapter P-40.1).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 150; O.C. 818-2015, s. 5.
151. The information to be entered in the records of the Société is:
(1)  the information prescribed in paragraphs 1 to 4 of section 144;
(2)  the use of the categories of vehicles covered by section 149 and their territory of use.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 151.
152. A vehicle covered by one of paragraphs 1 to 3 of section 149 which is lent by a dealer, manufacturer or automotive body maker and to which is affixed a detachable licence plate must be used solely for the following purposes:
(1)  to demonstrate its running order or its performance for a loan of less than 6 days;
(2)  to replace a vehicle sold by the lender to the person to whom the vehicle is lent;
(3)  to replace the vehicle of the borrower while his vehicle is being repaired by the lender for a loan of less than 6 days.
For the purposes of paragraphs 2 and 3 of the first paragraph, the vehicle replaced must not be covered by a permit of the Commission des transports du Québec.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 152.
153. The driver of the vehicle on loan to which is attached a detachable licence plate must be in possession of a document containing, in particular, the following information:
(1)  the name of the lender;
(2)  the name of the borrower;
(3)  the identification of the vehicle on loan, including the number of the licence plate;
(4)  the nature, date and length of the loan.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 153.
154. The amount of the fees payable to obtain the registration of a road vehicle in a category of road vehicle covered by section 149 and the right to operate a road vehicle having a net mass of 500 kg or less in one of those categories is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly fees by the number of calendar months, including parts of a month, less 1, during which the person has the right to operate a road vehicle in one of those categories. The monthly fees are the fees obtained by dividing by 12 the fees fixed under section 155.
To obtain the registration of a road vehicle in a category of road vehicle covered by section 149 and the right to operate a road vehicle in one of those categories that has a net mass greater than 500 kg but less than 3,000 kg, the monthly fees are the fees obtained by dividing by 12 the fees fixed under section 156.
To obtain the registration of a road vehicle in a category of road vehicle covered by section 149 and the right to operate a road vehicle in one of those categories regardless of the vehicle’s net mass, the monthly fees are the fees obtained by dividing by 12 the fees fixed under section 157.
Direct debit payment of the amounts referred to this section may be made according to the rules established in sections 25.1 to 25.7, with the reference to “owner of the road vehicle” replaced by “person who has obtained registration in one of the categories of road vehicles covered by sections 143 and 149” and the reference to “the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24” replaced by “31 March”. (O.C. 876-2010, s. 15)
O.C. 1420-91, s. 154; O.C. 1510-93, s. 21; O.C. 1263-96, s. 47; O.C. 438-97, s. 39; O.C. 265-2007, ss. 19 and 21.
155. The registration fee for a vehicle in a category covered by section 149 payable to retain the right to operate a vehicle with a net weight of 500 kg or less in one of those categories is $47.75.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 155; O.C. 1510-93, s. 22; O.C. 438-97, s. 40; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
156. The fees payable by a person having obtained the registration of a road vehicle in a category covered by section 149 and wishing to retain the right to operate a vehicle with a net weight of 3,000 kg or less in one of those categories are $354.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 156; O.C. 1510-93, s. 23; O.C. 1263-96, s. 48; O.C. 438-97, s. 41; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
157. The fees payable by a person having obtained the registration of a road vehicle in a category covered by section 149 and wishing to retain the right to operate a vehicle in one of those categories without regard to its net weight are $727.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 157; O.C. 1510-93, s. 24; O.C. 1263-96, s. 49; O.C. 438-97, s. 42; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 8.
158. To retain the right to operate a road vehicle in one of the categories of registered vehicles, a person referred to in sections 155 to 157 must pay the fees prescribed in that section every year, and the other amounts prescribed in the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) during the 3-month period ending on 31 March for as long as the registration has not been cancelled.
Despite the first paragraph, if there are more than 4 months, including parts of a month, remaining before the payment due date for the annual amounts, the due date is postponed for 12 months upon request by the person to whom the registration was issued. The postponement entails a 12-month postponement of the beginning of the payment period determined in the first paragraph.
Direct debit payment of the amounts referred to this section may be made according to the rules established in sections 25.1 to 25.7, with the reference to “owner of the road vehicle” replaced by “person who has obtained registration in one of the categories of road vehicles covered by sections 143 and 149” and the reference to “the due date determined in sections 19 and 21 to 24” replaced by “31 March”.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 158; O.C. 265-2007, ss. 20 and 21.
159. Upon registering a vehicle of one of the categories of vehicles covered by section 143 or 149, the Société shall issue a registration certificate and a detachable licence plate bearing the prefix “X” to the person in whose name the registration of the vehicle is carried out.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 159.
160. A person who has obtained the registration of a road vehicle in a category of road vehicle covered by section 143 and who wishes to obtain the right to operate more than one vehicle in the category must apply for as many registration certificates and detachable licence plates bearing the prefix “X” as there are vehicles to be operated, and for each vehicle pay the fees prescribed in section 147, the insurance contribution determined under the Regulation respecting insurance contributions (chapter A-25, r. 3.1) and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects (chapter C-24.2, r. 27).
To retain the right to operate more than one road vehicle in one of those categories, the person must each year, for each vehicle, pay the fees prescribed in section 148, the annual insurance contribution determined under the Regulation respecting insurance contributions and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects during the 3-month period ending on 31 March for as long as the registration has not been cancelled.
The first and second paragraphs do not apply to road vehicles transported by other vehicles using the saddle-mount method or the drive-away method, in accordance with section 146.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 160; O.C. 265-2007, s. 22.
161. A person who has obtained the registration of a road vehicle in a category of road vehicle covered by section 149 and who wishes to obtain the right to operate more than one vehicle in the category must apply for as many registration certificates and detachable licence plates bearing the prefix “X” as there are vehicles to be operated and for each vehicle pay the fees prescribed in section 147 according to the vehicle’s net mass, the insurance contribution determined under the Regulation respecting insurance contributions (chapter A-25, r. 3.1) and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects (chapter C-24.2, r. 27).
To retain the right to operate more than one road vehicle in one of those categories, the person must each year, for each vehicle, pay the fees prescribed in sections 155 to 157 according to the vehicle’s net mass, the annual insurance contribution determined under the Regulation respecting insurance contributions and the fees prescribed in the Regulation respecting fees exigible under the Highway Safety Code and the return of confiscated objects during the 3-month period ending on 31 March for as long as the registration has not been cancelled.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 161; O.C. 265-2007, s. 22.
O.C. 1420-91, c. 1; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 43.
§ 1.  — Cases of reimbursement of fees, of the contribution of motorists to public transit and of the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners
O.C. 1420-91, Sd. 1; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 43.
162. An owner who informs the Société that he or she elects not to operate the road vehicle until the end of the payment period for the fees and duties is entitled to a reimbursement, in accordance with sections 166, 167, 169, 170, 170.1, 173 to 176, 179 and 180, of a portion of the duties, additional duties, annual contribution of motorists to public transit and contribution of off-highway vehicle owners already paid for in relation to the period during which the election has effect.
However, no reimbursement may be made if the election applies to a vehicle subject to an exemption under this Regulation from payment of the fees to retain the right to operate the vehicle or if the election is made after receipt by the Société of a notice under article 364 of the Code of Penal Procedure (chapter C-25.1).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 162; O.C. 55-98, s. 22; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 1; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 30; O.C. 265-2007, s. 23; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 44.
163. The owner of a vehicle whose registration is cancelled is entitled to the reimbursement in accordance with sections 168, 169, 170.1, 173 to 176, 179 and 180 of a portion of the fees, of the additional duties, of the annual contribution of motorists to public transit and of the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners that he paid.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 163; O.C. 55-98, s. 23; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 31; O.C. 265-2007, s. 24; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 45.
164. Every owner of a road vehicle subject to a prohibition from putting his road vehicle back into operation, pursuant to section 188 or 189 or subparagraph 2 of the first paragraph of section 194 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2), is entitled to obtain on request the reimbursement in accordance with sections 170, 170.1, 173 to 176, 179 and 180 of a portion of the fees, the additional duties, the annual contribution of motorists to public transit and the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners paid by him.
However, he is not entitled to any reimbursement of fees if such a prohibition applies to a vehicle subject to an exemption under this Regulation from payment of the fees to retain the right to operate the vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 164; O.C. 55-98, s. 24; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 2; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 32; O.C. 265-2007, s. 25; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 46.
165. No reimbursement of the contribution of motorists to public transit will be made in the case of a change of address.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 165.
165.1. No reimbursement of registration fees will be made in the case of a change of address to a peripheral or specified region described in section 2R1 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Fuel Tax Act (chapter T-1, r. 1).
O.C. 1382-95, s. 3.
165.1.1. No reimbursement of the acquisition duty provided for in section 61.3 will be made.
S.Q. 2016, c. 7, s. 93.
165.2. The cases of reimbursement determined in this Chapter also apply to the holder of an apportioned registration of a road vehicle but only as regards the portion of the fees paid by the holder to travel in Québec.
The reimbursement of the portion of the fees paid to travel in the territory of another administrative authority is determined by the administrative authority of the territory.
O.C. 951-2000, s. 8; O.C. 786-2003, s. 31.
165.3. Despite section 165.2 and the second paragraph of section 180, the holder of an apportioned registration of a road vehicle is entitled to reimbursement of a portion of the fees paid to travel in Québec and in the territory of another administrative authority if the findings of the Société in the audit of the holder’s operational records indicate an overpayment of fees. The amount of the reimbursement is the amount determined in the audit findings.
O.C. 786-2003, s. 31.
166. To be entitled to reimbursement under section 162, the owner of a road vehicle that has been stolen must present, with the request for reimbursement, the registration certificate if it is in his possession and a police report or a document from his insurer establishing the date of the theft.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 166.
167. To be entitled to reimbursement under section 162, the owner of a road vehicle that has been destroyed by fire or declared a write-off following an accident must present, with the request for reimbursement, a police report or proof from his insurer establishing the date of such fire or accident.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 167.
168. The owner of a road vehicle registered outside Québec who cancels its Québec registration must, in order to obtain reimbursement under section 163 furnish, on request, the number of the Québec licence plate together with a photocopy of the registration certificate of the place outside Québec where the road vehicle has been registered.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 168.
169. For purposes of section 162, in cases of fire, theft or total loss of a vehicle following an accident, the right to operate the vehicle is deemed to have been cancelled on the date of the event stated on a police report or proof from the insurer establishing the date.
For purposes of section 163, the Québec registration of a road vehicle registered elsewhere than in Québec is deemed to have been cancelled on the date it was registered elsewhere.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 169.
§ 2.  — Calculation of the reimbursement of fees, of the contribution of motorists to public transit and of the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners
O.C. 1420-91, Sd. 2; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 47.
170. Subject to sections 173 to 175, the amount of the reimbursement of fees is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly fees applicable to the road vehicle concerned by the number of calendar months, less 2, from the date of the application for reimbursement or, in the cases referred to in section 169, from the date of the event or the date of the new registration of the vehicle, to the date of expiry of the period for which the owner had the right to operate the vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 170; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 3; O.C. 265-2007, s. 26.
170.1. The amount of the reimbursement of the additional duty in respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in section 2.1 is the product obtained by multiplying the additional monthly duty applicable to the road vehicle concerned by the number of calendar months, less 2, from the date of the application for reimbursement or, in the cases referred to in section 169, from the date of the event or the date of the new registration of the vehicle, to the date of expiry of the period for which the owner had the right to operate the vehicle.
O.C. 55-98, s. 25; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 4; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 33; O.C. 265-2007, s. 26.
170.2. The amount of the reimbursement of the additional duty in respect of a road vehicle in the category of road vehicles referred to in the first paragraph of section 2.1.1 is the product obtained by multiplying the additional monthly duty applicable to the road vehicle concerned by the number of calendar months, less 2, from the date of the application for reimbursement or, in the cases referred to in section 169, from the date of the event or the date of the new registration of the vehicle, to the date of expiry of the period for which the owner had the right to operate the vehicle.
O.C. 1246-2005, s. 34; O.C. 265-2007, s. 26.
171. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 171; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 5.
171.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 55-98, s. 26; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 5.
172. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 172; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 5.
172.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 55-98, s. 27; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 5.
173. The amount of the reimbursement of fees paid, in the case of a motorcycle or moped, corresponds to a percentage of the annual fees payable to retain the right to operate that vehicle and prescribed in Chapter IV for such vehicles.
Where the cancellation of the registration, the election not to operate the vehicle or the request for reimbursement, in the case of a prohibition from putting the road vehicle back into operation, occurs:
(1)  during the months of April and May, the percentage is 83.3%;
(2)  during the month of June, the percentage is 66.7%;
(3)  during the month of July, the percentage is 50%;
(4)  during the month of August, the percentage is 33.3%;
(5)  during the month of September, the percentage is 16.7%;
(6)  during the months from October to March, the percentage is 0%.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 173; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 6.
174. The amount of the reimbursement of fees paid, in the case of a snowmobile or snowblower, corresponds to a percentage of the annual fees payable to retain the right to operate that vehicle and prescribed in Chapter IV for such vehicles.
Where the cancellation of the registration, the election not to operate the vehicle or the request for reimbursement, in the case of a prohibition from putting the road vehicle back into operation, occurs:
(1)  during the month of December, the percentage is 80%;
(2)  during the month of January, the percentage is 60%;
(3)  during the month of February, the percentage is 40%;
(4)  during the month of March, the percentage is 20%;
(5)  during the months from April to November, the percentage is 0%.
The amount of the reimbursement of the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners paid, in the case of a snowmobile with a net mass of 450 kg or less, corresponds to a percentage, set forth in the second paragraph, of the amount fixed under the first paragraph of section 11 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 174; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 6; S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 48.
175. The amount of the reimbursement of fees paid, in the case of a bus engaged in the transportation of schoolchildren, corresponds to a percentage of the annual fees payable to retain the right to operate that vehicle and prescribed in Chapter IV for such vehicles.
Where the cancellation of the registration, the election not to operate the vehicle or the request for reimbursement, in the case of a prohibition from putting the road vehicle back into operation, occurs:
(1)  during the month of September, the percentage is 90%;
(2)  during the month of October, the percentage is 80%;
(3)  during the month of November, the percentage is 70%;
(4)  during the month of December, the percentage is 60%;
(5)  during the month of January, the percentage is 50%;
(6)  during the month of February, the percentage is 40%;
(7)  during the month of March, the percentage is 30%;
(8)  during the month of April, the percentage is 20%;
(9)  during the month of May, the percentage is 10%;
(10)  during the months of June to August, the percentage is 0%.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 175; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 6.
176. The amount of the reimbursement of the contribution of motorists to public transit is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly contribution calculated according to the third paragraph of section 61 by the number of calendar months, less 2, from the date of the event or the date of the new registration, to the date of expiry of the period for which the contribution of motorists to public transit had been paid.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 176; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 7; O.C. 265-2007, s. 27; O.C. 876-2010, s. 16.
176.1. The amount of the reimbursement of the contribution of off-highway vehicle owners is the product obtained by multiplying the monthly contribution calculated under section 61 by the number of calendar months, less 2, from the date of the event or the date of the new registration, to the date of expiry of the period for which the contribution has been paid.
Despite the first provision of this section, the contribution for a snowmobile with a net mass of 450 kg or less corresponds to a percentage, set forth in the second paragraph of section 174, of the amount fixed under the first paragraph of section 11 of the Act respecting off-highway vehicles (chapter V-1.3).
S.Q. 2010, c. 33, s. 49.
177. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 177; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 8.
178. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 178; O.C. 1002-2004, s. 8.
179. (Revoked).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 179; O.C. 55-98, s. 28; O.C. 1246-2005, s. 35; O.C. 997-2022, s. 22.
180. No reimbursement will be made by the Société where an owner’s entitlement is $2 or less.
The holder of the apportioned registration of a road vehicle is not entitled to any reimbursement if the amount calculated under this Chapter is less than $20 per vehicle.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 180; O.C. 951-2000, s. 9.
180.1. (Revoked).
O.C. 951-2000, s. 10; O.C. 1218-2004, s. 7.
181. (Omitted).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 181.
182. (Omitted).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 182.
183. (Omitted).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 183.
184. (Omitted).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 184.
185. (Omitted).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 185.
186. (Omitted).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 186.
187. From 14 November 1991 until 31 December 1991, the fee is $3:
(1)  for the registration of a road vehicle and the right to operate the vehicle where the owner is a municipality or a public body whose board of directors is comprised of elected municipal councillors and whose budget must under law be submitted to the council;
(2)  for retention of the right to operate a vehicle whose owner is covered by subparagraph 1.
From 1 January 1992 the fees payable for the registration of a road vehicle whose owner is covered by subparagraph 1 are those prescribed in Division III of Chapter III and the fees payable to retain the right to operate the vehicle are those prescribed in Chapter IV.
O.C. 1420-91, s. 187.
188. (Omitted).
O.C. 1420-91, s. 188.
Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec
Investissement Québec
Société de développement de la Baie James
Société de récupération, d’exploitation et de développement forestiers du Québec
Société des alcools du Québec
Société des établissements de plein air du Québec
Société des loteries du Québec
O.C. 1420-91, Sch. I.
(O.C. 1350-2011) SECTION 3. The registration certificate and the licence plate bearing the prefix “C” issued before 1 February 2012 to the owner of a motorcycle whose model year is subsequent to 1980 expire on the earlier of the following dates:
(1) 30 April 2012;
(2) the date of payment of the amounts referred to in the first paragraph of section 31.1 of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.2) to retain the right to drive a motorcycle, the due date of which is 30 April 2012.
The first paragraph prevails over section 5 of the Regulation respecting road vehicle registration (chapter C-24.2, r. 29).
O.C. 1420-91, 1991 G.O. 2, 4111
O.C. 1408-92, 1992 G.O. 2, 4440
O.C. 1876-92, 1992 G.O. 2, 5406
S.Q. 1992, c. 68, ss. 156 and 157
O.C. 1510-93, 1993 G.O. 2, 5823
O.C. 1382-95, 1995 G.O. 2, 3052
O.C. 1437-95, 1995 G.O. 2, 3118
O.C. 720-96, 1996 G.O. 2, 2778
O.C. 1263-96, 1996 G.O. 2, 4239
O.C. 438-97, 1997 G.O. 2, 1434
O.C. 55-98, 1998 G.O. 2, 503
O.C. 199-98, 1998 G.O. 2, 1208
O.C. 160-99, 1999 G.O. 2, 246
O.C. 1226-99, 1999 G.O. 2, 4064
O.C. 759-2000, 2000 G.O. 2, 2848
O.C. 951-2000, 2000 G.O. 2, 4196
O.C. 100-2001, 2001 G.O. 2, 1224
O.C. 691-2002, 2002 G.O. 2, 2613
O.C. 451-2003, 2003, G.O. 2, 1364
O.C. 786-2003, 2003 G.O. 2, 2225
O.C. 1002-2004, 2004 G.O. 2, 3097
O.C. 1218-2004, 2005 G.O. 2, 64
O.C. 909-2005, 2005 G.O. 2, 4495
O.C. 1246-2005, 2005 G.O. 2, 5527
O.C. 265-2007, 2007 G.O. 2, 1309A
M.O. 2008-08, 2008 G.O. 2, 2485A
O.C. 491-2009, 2009 G.O. 2, 1620
O.C. 688-2009, 2009 G.O. 2, 1803A
O.C. 876-2010, 2010 G.O. 2, 2844
O.C. 996-2010, 2010 G.O. 2, 3188
O.C. 1050-2010, 2010 G.O. 2, 3860
S.Q. 2010, c. 33, ss. 35 to 49
S.Q. 2010, c. 37, s. 176
O.C. 1350-2011, 2011 G.O. 2, 3783
O.C. 619-2013, 2013 G.O. 2, 1463A
O.C. 1053-2014, 2014 G.O. 2, 2760
O.C. 818-2015, 2015 G.O. 2, 2331
O.C. 1046-2015, 2015 G.O. 2, 3238
O.C. 456-2016, 2016 G.O. 2, 2263
S.Q. 2016, c. 7, ss. 90 to 93
Erratum, 2017 G.O. 1, 685
O.C. 968-2017, 2017 G.O. 2, 3246
O.C. 1204-2017, 2017 G.O. 2, 3732
M.O. 2018-12, 2018 G.O. 2, 2723
S.Q. 2018, c. 18, ss. 33 to 37
S.Q. 2019, c. 18, ss. 275 and 276
O.C. 1046-2020, 2020 G.O. 2, 2791B
S.Q. 2020, c. 19, ss. 80 and 81
S.Q. 2020, c. 26, s. 149
M.O. 2021-13, 2021 G.O. 2, 1778
O.C. 816-2021, 2021 G.O. 2, 2103
S.Q. 2022, c. 13, ss. 98 to 102
O.C. 997-2022, 2022 G.O. 2, 1968