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C-24.2, r. 11
- Ministerial Order concerning the places where fixed photo radar devices may be used
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À jour au 1
septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
C-24.2, r. 11
Ministerial Order concerning the places where fixed photo radar devices may be used
Highway Safety Code
(chapter C-24.2, s. 634.3)
The Minister of Transport and the Minister of Public Security determine that fixed photo radar devices may be used at the following 6 places:
a portion of autoroute 20 Ouest, named autoroute Jean-Lesage, located in the territory of Ville de Boucherville, before the De Mortagne exit ramp (number 92), described as follows:
from the intersection of the extension of the centre line of rue Normandie with the centre line of autoroute 20, thence in a northwesterly direction over a distance of 255 m measured along the centre line of autoroute 20 to point A, the basis of this description.
The place has the shape of a quadrilateral whose southeastern limit is a straight line perpendicular to the centre line of autoroute 20 located at a distance of 45 m measured in a southeasterly direction along the said centre line from point A. The northwestern limit of the place is a line perpendicular to the centre line of autoroute 20 located at a distance of 45 m measured in a northwesterly direction along the said centre line from point A. The northeastern limit of the place is a line parallel to the centre line of autoroute 20 located at a distance of 35 m to the northeast thereof. The southwestern limit of the place is the centre line of autoroute 20.
In that place, the fixed photo radar device measures the speed of road vehicles travelling on the roadway of autoroute 20 Ouest.
For information purposes, that place is shown in Schedule 1;
a portion of chemin McDougall, located in the territory of Ville de Montréal, between Le Boulevard and avenue Cedar, described as follows:
from the intersection of the centre line of Le Boulevard with the centre line of chemin McDougall in a general easterly direction along the centre line of chemin McDougall over a distance of 126 m to point A, the basis of this description.
The place has the shape of an irregular quadrilateral whose eastern limit is a line perpendicular to the centre line of chemin McDougall to the east of point A at a distance of 45 m measured in an easterly direction along the said centre line from point A. The western limit of the place is a line perpendicular to the centre line of chemin McDougall to the west of point A at a distance of 45 m measured in a westerly direction along the said centre line from point A. The northern limit of the place is a line parallel to the centre line of chemin McDougall located at a distance of 10 m to the north thereof. The southern limit of the place is a line parallel to the centre line of chemin McDougall located at a distance of 10 m to the south thereof.
In that place, the fixed photo radar device measures the speed of road vehicles travelling on the roadway of chemin McDougall.
For information purposes, that place is shown in Schedule 2;
a portion of autoroute 20 Est, named autoroute du Souvenir, located in the territory of Ville de Pincourt, described as follows:
point A, the basis of this description, is on the centre line of autoroute 20 to the west of boulevard de l’Île at a distance of 362 m measured in a westerly direction along the said centre line from its intersection with the extension of the centre line of boulevard de l’Île.
The place has the shape of a quadrilateral whose eastern limit is a straight line perpendicular to the centre line of autoroute 20 located to the east of point A at a distance of 45 m measured in an easterly direction along the said centre line from point A. The western limit of the place is a straight line perpendicular to the centre line of autoroute 20 located to the west of point A at a distance of 45 m measured in a westerly direction along the said centre line from point A. The northern limit of the place is the centre line of autoroute 20. The southern limit of the place is a line parallel to the centre line of autoroute 20 located at a distance of 25 m to the south thereof.
In that place, the fixed photo radar device measures the speed of road vehicles travelling on the roadway of autoroute 20 Est.
For information purposes, that place is shown in Schedule 3;
a portion of route 173, named boulevard Lacroix, located in the territory of Ville de Saint-Georges, at the intersection of 114
Rue, described as follows:
from the intersection of the extension of the centre line of 115
Rue with the centre line of route 173, thence to the northwest along the centre line of route 173 over a distance of 37 m to point A, the basis of this description.
The place has the shape of an irregular quadrilateral whose southeastern limit is a straight line perpendicular to the centre line of route 173 located to the southeast of point A at a distance of 45 m measured in a southeasterly direction along the said centre line from point A. The northwestern limit of the place is a straight line perpendicular to the centre line of route 173 located to the northwest of point A at a distance of 45 m measured in a northwesterly direction along the said centre line from point A. The southwestern limit of the place is a line parallel to the centre line of route 173 at a distance of 15 m to the southwest thereof. The northeastern limit of the place is a line parallel to the centre line of route 173 at a distance 15 m to the northeast thereof.
In that place, the fixed photo radar device measures the speed of road vehicles travelling on the roadway of route 173 in a southeasterly direction.
For information purposes, that place is shown in Schedule 4;
a portion of the collector road of autoroute 20 in a westerly direction at the approach of the Pierre-Laporte bridge, located in the territory of Ville de Lévis, described as follows:
from the end of the cement approach nose located at the exit ramp (number 314) of the collector road of autoroute 20 Ouest leading to route 175 (named chemin du Sault) (intersection of route 00020-06-051-32C0 with route 00020-06-051-33D0), thence to the west for 214 m measured along a line parallel to the centre line of autoroute 20 to point A, the basis of this description.
The place has the shape of a quadrilateral whose eastern limit is a straight line perpendicular to the centre line of autoroute 20 located at a distance of 45 m measured in an easterly direction along a line parallel to the said centre line from point A. The western limit of the place is a straight line perpendicular to the centre line of autoroute 20 located at a distance of 45 m measured in a westerly direction along a line parallel to the said centre line from point A. The southern limit of the place is a straight line parallel to the centre line of autoroute 20 located at a distance of 25 m to the north thereof. The northern limit of the place is a straight line parallel to the centre line of autoroute 20 located at a distance of 60 m to the north thereof.
In that place, the fixed photo radar device measures the speed of road vehicles travelling on the roadway of the collector road of autoroute 20 Ouest in a westerly direction.
For information purposes, that place is shown in Schedule 5;
a portion of autoroute 15 Sud, located in the territory of Ville de Montréal, between the De La Vérendrye (number 62) and Atwater (number 61) exit ramps, described as follows:
from the end of the cement approach nose of the entrance ramp on autoroute 15 Sud from boulevard De La Vérendrye (north end of ramp 00015-02-043-32E0), thence northeasterly along a line parallel to the centre line of autoroute 15 over a distance of 520 m to point A, the basis of this description.
The place has the shape of a quadrilateral whose northeastern limit is a straight line perpendicular to the centre line of autoroute 15 located to the northeast of point A at a distance of 45 m measured along a line parallel to that centre line from point A. The southwestern limit of the place is a straight line perpendicular to the centre line of autoroute 15 located to the southwest of point A at a distance of 45 m measured along a line parallel to that centre line from point A. The northwestern limit of the place is the centre line of autoroute 15. The southeastern limit of the place is a line parallel to the centre line of autoroute 15 located at a distance of 25 m to the southeast thereof.
In that place, the fixed photo radar device measures the speed of road vehicles travelling on the roadway of autoroute 15 Sud.
For information purposes, that place is shown in Schedule 6.
M.O. 2009-08, s. 1
Where a Schedule is inconsistent with a description, the latter prevails.
M.O. 2009-08, s. 2
M.O. 2009-08, s. 3
Schedule 1
A portion of autoroute 20 Ouest, named autoroute Jean-Lesage, located in the territory of Ville de Boucherville, before the De Mortagne exit ramp (number 92)
(s. 1, par. 1)
M.O. 2009-08, Sch. 1
Schedule 2
A portion of chemin McDougall, located in the territory of Ville de Montréal, between Le Boulevard and avenue Cedar
(s. 1, par. 2)
M.O. 2009-08, Sch. 2
Schedule 3
A portion of autoroute 20 Est, named autoroute du Souvenir, located in the territory of Ville de Pincourt
(s. 1, par. 3)
M.O. 2009-08, Sch. 3
Schedule 4
A portion of route 173, named boulevard Lacroix, located in the territory of Ville de Saint-Georges, at the intersection of 114
(s. 1, par. 4)
M.O. 2009-08, Sch. 4
Schedule 5
A portion of the collector road of autoroute 20 in a westerly direction at the approach of the Pierre-Laporte bridge, located in the territory of Ville de Lévis
(s. 1, par. 5)
M.O. 2009-08, Sch. 5
Schedule 6
A portion of autoroute 15 Sud, located in the territory of Ville de Montréal, between the De La Vérendrye (number 62) and Atwater (number 61) exit ramps
(s. 1, par. 6)
M.O. 2009-08, Sch. 6
M.O. 2009-08, 2009 G.O. 2, 1559
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