p-30.01 - Petroleum Products Act

Texte complet
À jour au 1er avril 1999
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter P-29.1
Act respecting petroleum products and equipment
This Act was formerly entitled: “An Act respecting the use of petroleum products”. The title was replaced by section 1 of chapter 64 of the statutes of 1997.
1997, c. 64, s. 1.
1. The objects of this Act are
(1)  to ensure the safety of persons who have access to a facility or to petroleum equipment or who use petroleum products;
(2)  to ensure the use of quality petroleum equipment;
(3)  (paragraph repealed);
(4)  to control the sales price of petroleum products.
1987, c. 80, s. 1; 1996, c. 61, s. 137.
2. This Act applies to any petroleum equipment or facility used for the manufacture of or trading in petroleum products or for the consumption, handling, distribution, storage or road transportation of petroleum products.
Any piping connected to a facility which feeds or supplies it is deemed to be an integral part of the facility.
This Act does not apply to the following petroleum equipment used for purposes other than trading in petroleum products:
(1)  any tank used to fuel a motor vehicule and any movable tank containing a petroleum product, with a capacity not exceeding 225 litres;
(2)  any tank with a capacity of less than 4 000 litres used for the storage of heating oil used to fuel a heating device.
1987, c. 80, s. 2.
3. In this Act, petroleum product means a mixture of hydrocarbons used as motor fuel, heating oil or lubricant, except liquified gas.
1987, c. 80, s. 3.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
4. This Act is binding on the Government, government departments and government agencies.
1987, c. 80, s. 4.
5. The Government may determine, by regulation, quality and safety standards applicable to petroleum products. The standards may prohibit or require the presence of certain elements in a petroleum product ; they may also prescribe the acceptable quantity or proportion of such elements.
No person may manufacture, sell or store in high-risk petroleum equipment a petroleum product that does not meet the regulatory standards.
1987, c. 80, s. 5; 1994, c. 13, s. 15; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
6. No person or company may, for others, perform or cause the performance of installation, alteration, maintenance or demolition work on petroleum equipment, or make or submit bids, personally or through another person, to perform or cause the performance of such work for a consideration unless he or it is the holder of an installer’s permit issued by the Minister.
1987, c. 80, s. 6.
7. Petroleum equipment must, in addition, meet such standards as the Government may prescribe, by regulation, concerning its manufacture, installation, maintenance, use, draining, dismantling and removal.
1987, c. 80, s. 7; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
In force: 1999-04-30
8. Furthermore, to allow for the rapid detection and correction of any problem or defect, the operating performance of high-risk petroleum equipment must be tested periodically by the person holding the permit for that equipment, and the equipment must be inspected periodically by a certified inspector registered in the register established under section 42.
The Government shall determine, by regulation, the content, frequency and other conditions of the required tests and inspections.
1987, c. 80, s. 8; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
9. The Minister may refuse to issue a permit or a registration certificate to any applicant convicted of an offence in connection with any activity carried on under the permit or the registration certificate applied for.
1987, c. 80, s. 9.
10. Every permit expires on 30 April of each year. It is renewed on payment of the fee and production of the documents prescribed by regulation.
1987, c. 80, s. 10.
11. The holder of a permit or registration certificate that ceases his or its activities shall notify the Minister in writing within ten days.
The notice must set out the following information:
(1)  the number of the permit or registration certificate;
(2)  the address of the facility;
(3)  the date of cessation of activities;
(4)  in the case of a trading permit, the volume of the different products sold since the submission of the last activities report prescribed by regulation.
1987, c. 80, s. 11.
12. The holder of a permit or registration certificate shall inform the Minister of any change as a result of which the information provided for the issue or renewal of the permit or certificate is no longer accurate or complete.
1987, c. 80, s. 12.
13. A permit or registration certificate is not transferable.
1987, c. 80, s. 13.
In force: 1999-04-30
14. Every person who delivers petroleum products or stores petroleum products in petroleum equipment and who is aware of facts indicating the existence of a product leak or spillage, an equipment defect or failure or any other accident must report those facts to the Minister in the circumstances determined by government regulation.
The Government may, by regulation, prescribe the form and content of a report and the manner in which and time within which it must be forwarded, which may vary according to the nature and site of the accident or to the person required to report it to the Government.
1987, c. 80, s. 14; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
15. The Minister may suspend or cancel a permit or registration certificate where the holder
(1)  does not meet or no longer meets the requirements prescribed in this Act and the regulations for the issue or renewal of the permit or registration certificate;
(2)  fails to comply with the conditions, obligations or restrictions applicable to the carrying on of his or its activities;
(3)  is convicted of an offence against this Act or the regulations;
(4)  has ceased his or its activities.
1987, c. 80, s. 15.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
16. The Minister shall, before suspending or cancelling a permit or a registration certificate, notify the holder in writing as prescribed by section 5 of the Act respecting administrative justice (chapter J-3) and allow the holder at least 10 days to present observations.
The Minister may, where urgent action is required or there is a danger of irreparable damage being caused to persons, property or the environment, suspend a permit or a registration certificate without being bound by the requirements prescribed by this section.
In such a case, the holder may, within 10 days of notification of the decision, present observations to the Minister for review of the decision.
1987, c. 80, s. 16; 1997, c. 43, s. 816.
17. Any decision to refuse to issue, suspend or cancel a permit or a registration certificate must give the reasons therefor and be transmitted to the interested person by registered or certified mail.
1987, c. 80, s. 17.
18. Not later than 30 April each year, the holder of a trading permit shall submit an activities report in the form prescribed by regulation.
1987, c. 80, s. 18.
1997, c. 43, s. 817.
19. Any interested person may contest before the Administrative Tribunal of Québec, within 30 days of notification of the decision, any decision of the Minister with respect to the issue, renewal, suspension or cancellation of a permit or registration certificate.
1987, c. 80, s. 19; 1988, c. 21, s. 66; 1997, c. 43, s. 818.
20. The proceeding suspends the execution of the Minister’s decision unless the Tribunal orders otherwise.
1987, c. 80, s. 20; 1997, c. 43, s. 819.
21. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 21; 1988, c. 21, s. 66; 1997, c. 43, s. 820.
22. The Minister shall issue a permit if
In force: 1999-07-01
(1)  a certificate of inspection in respect of the equipment, where required by regulation, has been issued by a certified registered inspector attesting that the equipment has been inspected;
In force: 1999-04-30
(2)  all fees payable have been paid;
(3)  the applicant has shown that all the other conditions prescribed by government regulation have been fulfilled.
In force: 1999-04-30
The Minister may require the applicant to provide all the relevant information or documents required for consideration of the application.
1987, c. 80, s. 22; 1988, c. 21, s. 66; 1997, c. 43, s. 820; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
23. The period of validity of permits, the fees payable and the terms and conditions of payment shall be determined by government regulation.
1987, c. 80, s. 23; 1997, c. 43, s. 820; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
24. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 24; 1997, c. 43, s. 820.
25. A permit may be renewed if
In force: 1999-04-30
(1)  the application for renewal is received by the Minister and the prescribed fees are paid before the date of expiry of the permit;
(2)  the permit holder attests, where required by regulation, that he or it has complied with the regulatory standards governing the testing of the operating performance of the petroleum equipment covered by the permit;
In force: 1999-07-01
(3)  a certificate of inspection in respect of the equipment, where required by regulation, has been issued by a certified registered inspector attesting that the equipment has been inspected;
In force: 1999-04-30
(4)  the permit holder has complied with the provisions of this Act and the regulations; and
(5)  the permit holder establishes that he or it has complied with such other conditions as the Government may prescribe by regulation.
In force: 1999-04-30
The Minister may require the applicant to provide all the relevant information or documents required for consideration of the application.
1987, c. 80, s. 25; 1988, c. 21, s. 66; 1997, c. 43, s. 820; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
26. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 26; 1988, c. 21, s. 66; 1997, c. 43, s. 820.
In force: 1999-04-30
27. No permit may be transferred except with the authorization of the Minister.
In force: 1999-04-30
The Minister may temporarily authorize a person other than the permit holder to act under the authority of a permit in order to facilitate a transition or other acts made necessary owing to the death, liquidation of the property of or bankruptcy of the permit holder, to the transfer or sale of the property of the permit holder, or to any other similar situation. The person to whom temporary authorization is granted must fulfill all obligations incumbent on the permit holder under this Act.
An application for temporary authorization or for the transfer of a permit is subject to the payment of the fees fixed by government regulation.
In force: 1999-04-30
The Minister may require the applicant to provide all the relevant information or documents required for consideration of the application.
1987, c. 80, s. 27; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
28. A person wishing to obtain a master petroleum equipment installer’s licence must apply therefor in writing to the Minister.
1987, c. 80, s. 28.
29. The Minister shall issue a master petroleum equipment installer’s licence to any person
(1)  who has worked as a petroleum equipment installer for at least two years;
(2)  who has passed the examinations prescribed by regulation and has shown following those examinations or by any other means he deems appropriate that he has the relevant knowledge or experience for the trade of petroleum equipment installer;
(3)  who has paid the fee prescribed by regulation;
(4)  who has the other qualifications, has fulfilled the other conditions and has provided the information prescribed by regulation.
1987, c. 80, s. 29.
30. A master petroleum equipment installer’s licence has a valid term of five years from its date of issue. It is renewed for the same term upon payment of the fee and upon the other conditions prescribed by regulation.
1987, c. 80, s. 30.
31. A master petroleum equipment installer’s licence is unassignable.
1987, c. 80, s. 31.
32. The Minister may require the holder of a master petroleum equipment installer’s licence to take the examination contemplated in section 29 if he is of the opinion that developments in the knowledge required for the work contemplated in this division require it.
1987, c. 80, s. 32.
33. The holder of a master petroleum equipment installer’s licence must have it with him when carrying on his activities, and must produce it to an inspector on demand.
1987, c. 80, s. 33.
34. No holder of a commercial permit may store, use or trade in petroleum products which do not conform to the standards of quality prescribed by regulation.
1987, c. 80, s. 34.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
35. No person may use any facility or petroleum equipment which does not conform to the standards prescribed by regulation.
1987, c. 80, s. 35.
36. Every person wishing to perform any work related to the installation, alteration, maintenance or demolition of petroleum equipment shall obtain prior authorization from the Minister. The authorization shall be granted or renewed in the name of the holder of a trading permit or registration certificate on the conditions prescribed by regulation. The authorization shall not be issued except on condition that the work be performed by the holder of an installer’s permit.
The regulation contemplated in the first paragraph must provide for emergencies.
1987, c. 80, s. 36.
37. The Government may determine, by regulation, the information that must be entered in a register and the information or documents that must be retained by a permit holder, as well as the prescribed period of retention.
The Minister may require that a permit holder produce a report on all activities relating to the petroleum equipment covered by his or its permit, in the form and at the time determined by the Minister, and that all the required information be included in the report.
1987, c. 80, s. 37; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
38. No holder of an installer’s permit may perform any work which does not conform to the standards prescribed by regulation.
1987, c. 80, s. 38.
39. Certification shall be granted to a person who
(1)  has passed the examination, has the training or possesses the qualifications required by government regulation or, on the conditions prescribed by regulation, has established by any other means the Minister considers appropriate that he possesses equivalent knowledge or experience in the field of petroleum products and equipment;
(2)  has paid the fees payable for the consideration of his application and paid the fees required for registration;
(3)  has met any other conditions prescribed by government regulation.
The applicant must, in addition, provide any relevant information or document required by the Minister.
Upon granting an application for certification, the Minister shall provide the applicant with a certificate attesting his capacity as a certified inspector and his registration. Where the Minister refuses to grant certification, the fees paid for registration are refunded to the applicant.
1987, c. 80, s. 39; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
40. No person may deliver petroleum products to the facility of a person or partnership other than the holder of a trading permit or registration certificate.
1987, c. 80, s. 40.
41. The fees required for the consideration of an application for certification, and the annual fees required for registration, shall be determined by government regulation.
The Government may also determine, by regulation, the fees payable upon an application for re-registration following a revocation of registration.
1987, c. 80, s. 41; 1996, c. 61, s. 138; 1997, c. 64, s. 2.
42. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 42; 1996, c. 61, s. 138.
43. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 43; 1996, c. 61, s. 138.
44. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 44; 1996, c. 61, s. 138.
45. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 45; 1996, c. 61, s. 138.
1996, c. 61, s. 139.
45.1. Where, in a given zone, an enterprise sells gasoline or diesel fuel at retail for a price that is lower than the cost to a retailer in that zone of purchasing and reselling that product, the enterprise is presumed to be exercising its rights in an abusive and unreasonable manner, contrary to the requirements of good faith, and to have committed a fault against the retailer.
The court may condemn the enterprise having committed the fault to pay punitive damages.
For the purposes of the first paragraph,
(1)  the cost to the retailer is the sum of
(a)  the minimum price at the loading ramp published in the periodical designated by the Minister in a notice in the Gazette officielle du Québec;
(b)  the minimum transportation cost, that is, the cost to the retailer of conveying the product from the refinery to the service station by the most economical means of transportation;
(c)  the federal and provincial taxes;
In force: 1998-02-11
(d)  the amount representing operating costs determined by the Régie de l’énergie under section 59 of the Act respecting the Régie de l’énergie (chapter R-6.01), unless the Régie decides otherwise;
(2)  a zone is the territory of a local municipality or a sale zone determined by the Régie de l’énergie, where that is the case.
1996, c. 61, s. 139.
46. Where in its opinion such action is required in the public interest, the Government may fix, by an order in council, the maximum price at which a petroleum product may be sold or distributed.
The order in council may concern
(1)  one or several petroleum products;
(2)  the price or its components, except any component in relation to a duty or tax levied pursuant to any law of the Parliament of Canada;
(3)  all or part of the territory of Québec.
1987, c. 80, s. 46.
47. Every contract concerning the sale or distribution of petroleum products that stipulates a higher price than that determined by an order in council shall be amended so as to bring the price stipulated in the contract into conformity with that fixed by the order in council.
The contract remains valid between the parties in every other respect.
1987, c. 80, s. 47.
48. The Minister may, at any time, order any person to provide him with any required information concerning his sales or distribution of petroleum products other than gasoline and the prices, taxes and duties charged and paid therefor.
1987, c. 80, s. 48.
49. Every person must comply with an order given by the Minister.
1987, c. 80, s. 49.
50. The Government may determine, by regulation, the information that must be entered in a register and the information and documents that must be retained by a certified inspector, as well as the prescribed period of retention.
The Minister may require that a certified inspector produce a report on his activities in the form and at the time determined by the Minister, and that all the required information be included in the report.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
51. The inspection of high-risk petroleum equipment by a certified inspector must be carried out in accordance with the standards prescribed by government regulation.
The standards may include a requirement to test for soil contamination in the vicinity of the equipment.
The standards may, in particular, vary with regard to
(1)  the characteristics of the petroleum equipment, its location or its use;
(2)  the fact that the petroleum equipment is being brought into service for the first time;
(3)  the work carried out since the last inspection;
(4)  the extent of the last inspection or last testing of operating performance, the date on which it was carried out and the results obtained;
(5)  the results of the last leak test;
(6)  any complaints received in connection with the condition of the petroleum equipment that the Minister considers justified, and the inspection reports;
(7)  any recommendations joined to the last certificate issued;
(8)  the times or frequency at which the petroleum equipment must be inspected;
(9)  the facts observed during the inspection;
(10)  the management of the petroleum equipment and the training of the persons operating the equipment.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
52. No person may destroy, alter, mutilate or conceal a register, book of account or any other document relating to the sale or distribution of petroleum products.
1987, c. 80, s. 52.
53. No person may make a false or misleading entry or consent to the making of such an entry.
1987, c. 80, s. 53.
54. A certificate must contain a description of the equipment inspected and its location, and the other information required by government regulation.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
55. A chief inspector and inspectors shall, to ensure the enforcement of this Act and the regulations thereunder, be appointed and remunerated in accordance with the Public Service Act (chapter F-3.1.1).
1987, c. 80, s. 55.
56. An inspector may, in the performance of his duties,
(1)  have access, at any reasonable time, to any place where an activity governed by this Act and the regulations thereunder is carried on and inspect such place;
(2)  take samples of any petroleum product with a view to having them analyzed and examine any petroleum equipment;
(3)  examine and make copies of the registers, records and other documents relating to the activities governed by this Act and the regulations thereunder;
(4)  require any information or document relating to the enforcement of this Act and the regulations thereunder.
1987, c. 80, s. 56.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
57. The inspector shall, on request, identify himself and produce a certificate of his quality signed by the Minister.
1987, c. 80, s. 57.
58. An inspector who has reasonable and probable grounds to believe that a facility or any petroleum equipment presents a danger to the environment or to human safety or is used to sell a petroleum product which does not conform to standards prescribed by regulation may order it to be closed or stopped or partly closed and, if necessary, affix seals thereto and prohibit its use.
1987, c. 80, s. 58.
59. The Government may, by regulation, set conditions for the approval of a program and determine the minimum content of a program. The Government may also determine, by regulation, the amount of the fees payable by a permit holder for the consideration of his or its application.
1997, c. 64, s. 2.
60. The inspector shall give the holder of a permit or registration certificate a notice of correction in which he specifies the irregularities ascertained and the time allowed to conform to the notice.
If the holder of a permit or registration certificate fails to conform to the notice within the time allowed, the Minister may direct the carrying out of the corrective measures specified in the notice at the expense of the person in default.
1987, c. 80, s. 60.
61. No person may break a seal affixed by an inspector.
1987, c. 80, s. 61.
62. No person may hinder an inspector in the performance of his duties, mislead him by concealment or false declarations or refuse to disclose to him information which he is entitled to obtain under this Act.
1987, c. 80, s. 62.
63. No inspector may be prosecuted for official acts performed in good faith in the performance of his duties.
1987, c. 80, s. 63.
66. Every person who contravenes section 34 is liable to a fine of $2 000 to $4 000.
1987, c. 80, s. 66; 1990, c. 4, s. 947.
67. Every person who contravenes section 37 is liable to a fine equivalent to the cost of replacing the demolished part of the facility for the manufacture of petroleum products.
1987, c. 80, s. 67; 1990, c. 4, s. 947.
68. Every person who fails or refuses to comply, before the expiry of the time prescribed, with a notice of correction provided for in section 60 is liable to a fine of $200 to $2 000.
1987, c. 80, s. 68; 1990, c. 4, s. 947.
69. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction under section 65 or 68, the offender is liable to a fine of $500 to $6 000.
1987, c. 80, s. 69; 1990, c. 4, s. 948.
71. Every director, employee or representative of a legal person who has authorized or allowed the commission of an offence described in sections 65 to 70, or who has consented thereto or otherwise participated therein is guilty of an offence if he knew or should have known that his acts would probably result in the commission of the offence.
The person is liable to the same penalty as that imposed for such an offence.
1987, c. 80, s. 71.
72. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 72; 1990, c. 4, s. 949.
73. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 73; 1992, c. 61, s. 648.
75. (Repealed).
1987, c. 80, s. 75; 1992, c. 61, s. 648.
76. In any proceedings, the report relating to the analysis of a petroleum product and signed by an analyst recognized by the Minister shall, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, be accepted as evidence of its content and of the authority of the person signing the report without further proof of his appointment or signature.
The cost of such analysis shall form part of the costs of the offender.
1987, c. 80, s. 76.
77. The Minister may, by order, delegate the powers conferred on him under sections 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 29, 32, 36, 48, 60 and 76 to any person, group of public servants or body he may designate.
1987, c. 80, s. 77; 1996, c. 61, s. 141; 1997, c. 43, s. 821.
78. (Omitted).
1987, c. 80, s. 78.
79. A permit issued under the Petroleum Products Trade Act (chapter C-31) remains in force until the date on which it would have expired under the said Act, and its holder may, until that date, carry on the activities authorized under the permit, subject to this Act and the regulations thereunder.
1987, c. 80, s. 79.
80. The Minister shall issue temporary master petroleum equipment installer’s licences until 11 July 1993 to every person who meets the prescribed conditions and upon payment of the fee prescribed by regulation of the Government.
1987, c. 80, s. 80.
81. The prohibition under section 40 of the delivery of petroleum products to the facility of a person who does not hold a registration certificate has effect only from 11 July 1994.
1987, c. 80, s. 81.
1997, c. 64, s. 14; 1997, c. 64, s. 14.
96. In addition to the regulatory powers provided for in the other provisions of this Act, the Government may, by regulation,
(1)  determine the methods, conditions and procedure for taking samples and analyzing petroleum products or for testing petroleum equipment;
(2)  determine which provisions of a regulation are to be under the administration of the minister responsible for the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2);
(3)  require that all or part of a report, study or analysis required under this Act be transmitted to the minister responsible for the Environment Quality Act or to a municipality;
(4)  determine, among the provisions of a regulation for which no penalty is otherwise provided, those the contravention of which constitutes an offence and specify among the fines prescribed by section 106 the fine to which the offender is liable.
No regulation may be made by the Government under subparagraph 2 or 3 of the first paragraph except on the joint recommendation of the minister responsible for the administration of this Act and the minister responsible for the administration of the Environment Quality Act (chapter Q-2).
1987, c. 80, s. 64; 1992, c. 61, s. 647; 1997, c. 64, s. 14.
97. The standards and fees determined by regulation may vary according to the types of petroleum products and equipment, their use, the number of units of petroleum equipment, their capacity, the places where they are used and the persons who use them, or according to the activities of the permit holder.
1987, c. 80, s. 65; 1990, c. 4, s. 947; 1996, c. 61, s. 140; 1997, c. 64, s. 14.
1997, c. 64, s. 14.
114. The Minister may, by order, delegate the powers conferred on him by sections 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 34, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 46, 50, 57, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 70, 87, 91, 92, 112 and 113 to any person, any group of public servants or any body he designates.
1987, c. 80, s. 82; 1994, c. 13, s. 15; 1997, c. 64, s. 14.
115. Interest shall be charged on any unpaid balance of fees payable under this Act at the rate determined under section 28 of the Act respecting the Ministère du Revenu (chapter M-31). The interest is capitalized monthly.
1987, c. 80, s. 83; 1997, c. 64, s. 14.
116. The Minister of Natural Resources is responsible for the administration of this Act.
1997, c. 64, s. 14.

In accordance with section 9 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), chapter U-1.1 of the Revised Statutes, in force on 1 April 1999, is repealed effective from the coming into force of chapter P-29.1 of the Revised Statutes.
Sections 56, 58, 59 and 60 of this Act will be amended on 30 April 1999 which is the date of coming into force of paragraphs 1, 2, 4 and 5 of section 8 and of sections 10 to 12 of chapter 64 of the statutes of 1997 (O.C. 155-99 of 24.02.99, (1999) 131 G.O. 2, 217).
Chapters I, II, III, VII, VIII and IX of this Act will be replaced on 30 April 1999 which is the date of coming into force of sections 2 and 14 of chapter 64 of the statutes of 1997 (O.C. 155-99 of 24.02.99, (1999) 131 G.O. 2, 217).
Chapter IV.1, section 45.1, chapter V, sections 46 to 54, chapter VI and sections 55 to 63 of this Act will be renumbered on 30 April 1999 which is the date of coming into force of sections 3, 4 and 6 to 13 of chapter 64 of the statutes of 1997 (O.C. 155-99 of 24.02.99, (1999) 131 G.O. 2, 217).
A chapter will be inserted after chapter V of this Act on 30 April 1999 which is the date of coming into force of section 5 of chapter 64 of the statutes of 1997 (O.C. 155-99 of 24.02.99, (1999) 131 G.O. 2, 217).