m-25.2 - Act respecting the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune

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À jour au 13 décembre 2006
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chapter M-25.2
Act respecting the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune
The Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune is designated under the name of Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles. Order in Council 381-2014 dated 24 April 2014, (2014) 146 G.O. 2 (French), 1880.
This Act was formerly entitled “An Act respecting the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources”. The title was replaced by section 1 of chapter 13 of the statutes of 1994.
1994, c. 13, s. 1; 2003, c. 8, s. 1; 2006, c. 3, s. 35.
1. The Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife, designated in this Act as the Minister, has the direction and administration of the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune.
He is also the Surveyor-General of Québec.
1979, c. 81, s. 1; 1994, c. 13, s. 2; 2003, c. 8, s. 2; 2006, c. 3, s. 35.
The Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife is designated under the name of Minister of Natural Resources and Forests; the Ministère des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune is designated under the name of Ministère des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts. Order in Council 1662-2022 dated 20 October 2022, (2022) 154 G.O. 2 (French), 6524.
As regards energy except those related to energy transition, innovation and efficiency, with the exception of those provided for in section 17.1.2, which the Minister is responsible for, the Minister of Economy, Innovation and Energy exercises the functions of the Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife. Order in Council 1641-2022 dated 20 October 2022, (2022) 154 G.O. 2 (French), 6515.
As regards wildlife and in respect of energy transition, innovation and efficiency except for section 17.1.2 of this Act, the Minister of the Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks exercises the functions of the Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife. Order in Council 1645-2022 dated 20 October 2022, (2022) 154 G.O. 2 (French), 6517.
2. The Government, in accordance with the Public Service Act (chapter F‐3.1.1), shall appoint a person as Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife as well as associate deputy ministers and assistant deputy ministers.
1979, c. 81, s. 2; 1994, c. 13, s. 3; 2003, c. 8, s. 2; 2006, c. 3, s. 35.
3. Under the direction of the Minister, the Deputy Minister has the supervision of the personnel of the department and shall administer its day-to-day business. He shall also exercise the other functions assigned to him by the Government or the Minister.
1979, c. 81, s. 3; 1994, c. 13, s. 4.
4. (Repealed).
1979, c. 81, s. 4; 1994, c. 13, s. 5.
5. The orders of the Deputy Minister must be carried out in the same manner as those of the Minister; his authority is that of the Minister and his official signature gives force and effect to every document within the jurisdiction of the department.
1979, c. 81, s. 5.
6. The personnel necessary for the proper administration of the department shall be appointed in conformity with the Public Service Act (chapter F-3.1.1).
1979, c. 81, s. 6; 1983, c. 55, s. 161; 2000, c. 8, s. 242.
7. The respective duties of the personnel of the department not expressly defined by the Act or by the Government shall be determined by the Minister.
1979, c. 81, s. 7.
8. No deed, document or writing binds the department or may be attributed to the Minister unless it is signed by him, by the Deputy Minister or a member of the personnel of the department and only, in this last case, to the extent determined by regulation of the Government published in the Gazette officielle du Québec.
The Government may, however, upon the conditions it fixes, allow the required signature to be affixed by means of an automatic device to such documents as it determines.
The Government may also allow a facsimile of the required signature to be engraved, lithographed or printed on such documents as it determines; in such a case, the facsimile has the same force as the signature itself, if the document is countersigned by a person authorized by the Minister.
1979, c. 81, s. 8.
9. Any copy of a document forming part of the records of the department, certified true by a person contemplated in the first paragraph of section 8, is authentic and has the same force as the original.
1979, c. 81, s. 9.
10. (Repealed).
1979, c. 81, s. 10; 1983, c. 38, s. 64.
11. The Minister shall table a report of the activities of his department before the National Assembly for each fiscal period, within six months following the end of that period if the National Assembly is sitting or, if it is not, within thirty days following the opening of the next session or following resumption.
1979, c. 81, s. 11.
11.1. The mission of the Minister is to ensure, in a manner consistent with sustainable development and the integrated management of resources, the conservation and development of natural resources, including wildlife and wildlife habitats, and of the lands in the domain of the State.
In keeping with the principles of sustainable development and integrated management, the Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife and the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks shall sign a memorandum of agreement for cooperation between their departments prior to any determination of policies and priorities in the area of wildlife and parks. The memorandum of agreement must deal, among other things, with the subjects on which there must be cooperation, the manner of cooperating, the issue of advisory opinions on wildlife as well as their communication between and implementation by the departments.
2004, c. 11, s. 39; 2006, c. 3, s. 27.
11.2. In pursuing this mission, the Minister shall facilitate the ecosystem-based development of the forest and the integrated and regionalized management of the activities carried on in the forests in the domain of the State.
2005, c. 19, s. 1.
11.3. Unless the law provides otherwise, the Minister may,with a view to sustainable development and integrated management of natural resources and lands in the domain of the State, or for any reason the Minister deems of public interest, decommission a road in the lands in the domain of the State.
2006, c. 45, s. 25.
12. The functions and powers of the Minister shall consist more particularly in
(1)  granting and managing rights of ownership and rights of use of hydraulic, mineral, energy and forest resources of the domain of the State;
(2)  managing the lands in the domain of the State, in accordance with the Act respecting the lands in the domain of the State (chapter T‐8.1) and with Division II.2 of this Act;
(3)  devising and implementing plans and programs for the conservation, enhancement, development and transformation in Québec of hydraulic, mineral, energy and forest resources;
(4)  setting up laboratories for research in mineralogy, metallurgy, hydraulics and energy and encouraging the setting up of such laboratories;
(5)  constructing and maintaining roads on the lands in the domain of the State;
(6)  encouraging the management, conservation and development of the lands in the domain of the State;
(6.1)  ensuring, in lands in the domain of the State, that development activities, resource development activities and the other activities and uses under the Minister’s responsibility are compatible with the uses set out in the land use plans prepared under Division III of Chapter II of the Act respecting the lands in the domain of the State;
(7)  (paragraph repealed);
(8)  establishing and managing the official cartography and geodesic network of Québec;
(8.1)  providing, on request and in return for payment, specialized services of aerial photography or filming, cartography, geodesy and remote sensing;
(8.2)  supplying, on request and in return for payment, information related to the fields mentioned in paragraph 8.1;
(9)  (paragraph repealed);
(10)  ensuring the maintenance and respect of the territorial integrity of Québec;
(11)  ensuring the control of the development of all hydraulic resources conceded;
(12)  fostering the expansion of Hydro-Québec, particularly by securing for it the development of the hydraulic power available;
(13)  ensuring that energy supplies are maintained;
(14)  developing energy conservation programs;
(15)  ensuring the control of the quality of energy products and petroleum equipment and their safe distribution and use;
(16)  keeping registers of conceded rights pertaining to the domain of the State;
(16.1)  overseeing all aspects of forest management in forests in the domain of the State;
(16.2)  (paragraph repealed);
(16.3)  encouraging the development of private forests;
(16.4)  establishing, in forests in the domain of the State, forest management units and allocating in such units, up to the maximum allowable annual cut, volumes of round timber to supply wood processing plants, taking other available sources of supply into account;
(16.5)  carrying out, in accordance with the Forest Act (chapter F‐4.1), forest management activities;
(16.6)  devising and implementing research and development programs in the fields of forestry and the processing of forest resources;
(16.7)  ensuring the protection of forest resources against fire, epidemics and diseases and carrying out phytosanitary tests on such resources;
(16.8)  contributing to the development, adaptation and modernization of wood processing plants and other activities using ligneous matter;
(16.9)  encouraging the marketing and sale of forest products;
(16.10)  encouraging the participation of the forestry sector in regional development;
(17)  administering the legislation relating to the cadastre, cartography and land registration and mineral, hydraulic, energy and forest resources;
(17.1)  being in charge of the organization and inspection of the Land Registry Office and the registry offices established for the registration divisions in Québec;
(17.2)  having superintendence over the Land Registrar and the deputy registrars;
(17.3)  )renewing the cadastre, keeping cadastral plans up to date and ensuring the publication of cadastral data;
(17.4)  keeping the land register and ensuring the publication of land rights;
(17.5)  (paragraph repealed);
(17.6)  providing, on request and in return for payment, specialized goods and services in the field of land surveying and in the fields referred to in paragraphs 17.3, 17.4 and paragraph 3 of section 12.2;
(17.7)  supplying, on request and in return for payment, information in the field of land surveying and in the fields referred to in paragraph 17.6;
(18)  performing any other function assigned to him by the Government.
1979, c. 81, s. 12; 1987, c. 23, s. 85, s. 86; 1988, c. 43, s. 1; 1990, c. 64, s. 33; 1994, c. 13, s. 6; 1995, c. 20, s. 1; 1997, c. 64, s. 18; 1999, c. 40, s. 189; 2000, c. 42, s. 192; 2006, c. 40, s. 8.
Not in force
12.0.1. (Not in force).
2007, c. 39, s. 34.
Not in force
12.0.2. (Not in force).
2007, c. 39, s. 34.
12.1. With respect to wildlife, the functions and powers of the Minister consist in
(1)  managing wildlife harvesting activities within the scope of the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C‐61.1) and the Act respecting hunting and fishing rights in the James Bay and New Québec territories (chapter D‐13.1), in particular with regard to the development and application of related standards, and with regard to authorizations, certificates, licences, and the leasing of exclusive rights;
(2)  ensuring adequate supervision and monitoring of the use of wildlife resources, and safeguarding the integrity of wildlife biodiversity and wildlife settings;
(3)  promoting joint action and ensuring coordination among the stakeholders in the fields of wildlife and wildlife habitats;
(4)  formulating policies concerning wildlife and wildlife habitats, implementing those policies and coordinating their application;
(5)  fostering the development of wildlife on private lands;
(6)  promoting hunting, fishing and trapping, particularly by educating the younger generation;
(7)  (paragraph repealed).
2004, c. 11, s. 40; 2006, c. 3, s. 28.
12.2. The functions and powers of the Minister, as Surveyor-General of Québec, consist in
(1)  surveying the lands in the domain of the State and Québec’s borders;
(2)  describing the limits of administrative territories and territories with special legal status, in cases under the Minister’s authority;
(3)  establishing and updating the Register of the domain of the State; and
(4)  administering the Act respecting land survey (chapter A-22).
2006, c. 40, s. 9.
13. (Repealed).
1979, c. 81, s. 13; 1987, c. 23, s. 87.
14. (Repealed).
1979, c. 81, s. 14; 1987, c. 23, s. 87.
14.1. The Minister shall devise and propose to the Government policies pertaining to the activities of the department. He shall direct and coordinate the implementation of such policies.
1994, c. 13, s. 7.
15. The Minister may, in the exercise of his functions, grant subsidies.
He may also, with the authorization of the Government, grant any other form of financial assistance.
1979, c. 81, s. 15; 1990, c. 64, s. 34; 1994, c. 13, s. 8; 1996, c. 14, s. 30.
16. The Minister, in conformity with the Act, may enter into an agreement with any government or agency in conformity with the interests and rights of Québec to facilitate the carrying out of this Act or of any Act under his administration.
1979, c. 81, s. 16; 1994, c. 13, s. 9; 2003, c. 8, s. 3.
17. (Repealed).
1979, c. 81, s. 17; 1987, c. 23, s. 87.
17.1. Any employee of the department may, in the performance of his duties, enter on or pass over private land at any reasonable time.
The employee shall, on request, identify himself and show the certificate signed by the Minister attesting his capacity.
1987, c. 23, s. 88.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.1. This Act establishes the position of chief forester. The chief forester shall exercise the functions entrusted to the chief forester by this Act, with the independence granted by the Act, and in keeping with the principle of sustainable development.
The Government shall appoint a chief forester from among at least three persons approved by a committee following a selection process established by the Government. The committee is to be composed of three members appointed by the Government.
The chief forester shall hold the position of associate deputy minister for a five-year term in accordance with the Public Service Act (chapter F‐3.1.1).
The term may be renewed by the Government.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.2. The chief forester is responsible for
(1)  supervising the operations for calculating the annual allowable cut for each forest management unit and each forest reserve, and proposing special requirements to be imposed on the holders of a timber supply and forest management agreement or a forest management agreement in determining the cut;
(2)  preparing the forest management manual; and
(3)  determining the forest and ecological data required and the steps that must be taken to calculate the annual allowable cut.
The Minister may entrust to the chief forester any other forestry mandate.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.3. The power provided for in section 35.4 of the Forest Act (chapter F‐4.1) to determine annual allowable cuts by species or group of species is exercised by the chief forester.
The chief forester shall make public the annual allowable cuts and the reasons for them.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.4. The chief forester shall advise the Minister on
(1)  the content of the plans required under the Forest Act (chapter F‐4.1);
(2)  the plans submitted to the Minister for approval in accordance with the Forest Act; and
(3)  policy and planning in forest research and development.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.5. The chief forester shall advise the Minister on any forestry matter the latter submits to the chief forester in respect of either private forests or forests in the domain of the State.
The chief forester shall refer to the Minister any forestry matter that, in the opinion of the chief forester, requires the Government’s attention or action.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.6. The advice of the chief forester may be accessed by the public.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.7. The chief forester shall draw up a five-year review of the state of the forests in the domain of the State and the results achieved for those forests with respect to sustainable forest development within the meaning of the preliminary provision of the Forest Act (chapter F‐4.1), as well as recommendations to facilitate the pursuit of the chief forester’s mission, and send them to the Minister, at the time and subject to the conditions determined by the Minister.
The Minister shall table the review in the National Assembly within 30 days of receiving it, or, if the Assembly is not in session, within 30 days of resumption. The review is examined by the appropriate committee of the National Assembly.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.8. A public body referred to in the Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information (chapter A‐2.1) must provide the chief forester with the information and documents the latter requires to exercise the functions provided for in this division.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.9. Carrying out any investigations the chief forester considers necessary is included in the functions of office.
For the purposes of an investigation, the chief forester is vested with the powers and immunity provided for in the Act respecting public inquiry commissions (chapter C‐37), except the power to order imprisonment.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
17.1.10. Within three months of the end of each fiscal year, the chief forester shall send the Minister an activities report. That report is appended to the report referred to in section 11.
2005, c. 19, s. 2.
1988, c. 43, s. 2; 2000, c. 42, s. 193.
§ 1.  — Geographic information fund
2000, c. 42, s. 193.
17.2. A geographic information fund is hereby established.
1988, c. 43, s. 2; 2000, c. 42, s. 194.
17.3. The fund shall be constituted of the following sums except interest:
(1)  the sums received for goods and services financed by the fund;
(2)  the sums paid by the Minister of Finance under the first paragraph of section 17.10 and section 17.10.1;
(3)  the sums paid by the Minister out of the appropriations allocated for that purpose by Parliament.
1988, c. 43, s. 2; 1999, c. 11, s. 52.
17.4. The fund shall serve to finance the costs of goods and services supplied by the Minister in accordance with paragraphs 8.1 and 8.2 of section 12.
1988, c. 43, s. 2.
17.5. The sums deposited into the fund shall be managed by the Minister of Finance. They shall be credited to him and deposited with the financial institutions he determines.
The Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife shall keep the books of account of the fund and record the financial commitments chargeable to it. The Minister shall also ensure that such commitments and the payments arising therefrom do not exceed and are consistent with the available balances.
1988, c. 43, s. 2; 1994, c. 13, s. 10; 2000, c. 15, s. 126; 2003, c. 8, s. 2; 2006, c. 3, s. 35.
17.6. The Government shall determine the date on which the fund begins to operate, the assets and liabilities to be posted, the nature of the goods and services to be financed by and the costs to be charged to the fund.
1988, c. 43, s. 2.
17.7. The surpluses accumulated by the fund shall be paid into the consolidated revenue fund on the dates and to the extent determined by the Government.
1988, c. 43, s. 2.
17.8. Sections 20, 21 and 26 to 28, Chapters IV and VI and sections 89 and 90 of the Financial Administration Act (chapter A‐6.001) apply to the fund, with the necessary modifications.
1988, c. 43, s. 2; 1991, c. 73, s. 6; 2000, c. 8, s. 168; 2000, c. 15, s. 127.
17.9. The sums necessary for the payment of the remuneration and expenses pertaining to social benefits and other conditions of employment of the persons assigned, in accordance with the Public Service Act (chapter F-3.1.1), to activities related to the fund shall be taken out of the fund.
1988, c. 43, s. 2.
17.10. The Minister of Finance may, with the authorization of the Government and subject to the conditions it determines, advance to the fund sums taken out of the consolidated revenue fund.
The Minister may, conversely, advance to the consolidated revenue fund, on a short-term basis and subject to the conditions he determines, any part of the sums paid into the fund that is not required for its operation.
Any advance paid into the fund shall be repayable out of that fund.
1988, c. 43, s. 2.
17.10.1. The Minister may, as manager of the fund, borrow from the Minister of Finance sums taken out of the financing fund of the Ministère des Finances.
1999, c. 11, s. 53.
17.11. The fiscal year of the fund ends on 31 March.
1988, c. 43, s. 2.
17.12. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Minister of Finance shall, in the event of a deficiency in the consolidated revenue fund, pay out of the fund the sums required for the execution of a judgment against the State that has become res judicata.
1988, c. 43, s. 2; 1999, c. 40, s. 189.
§ 2.  — Land information fund
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
17.12.1. A land information fund is hereby established.
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
17.12.2. The fund shall be made up of the following:
(1)  the sums received for the goods and services financed by the fund;
(2)  the sums paid into it by the Minister out of the appropriations allocated for that purpose by Parliament;
(3)  the advances received from the Minister of Finance pursuant to section 17.12.7, and the sums borrowed from the Minister of Finance out of the financing fund of the Ministère des Finances pursuant to section 17.12.8;
(4)  the sums referred to in section 17.12.9; and
(5)  the fees collected pursuant to section 8.1 of the Act to promote the reform of the cadastre in Québec (chapter R‐3.1).
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
17.12.3. The fund shall serve to finance the cost of the goods and services supplied by the Minister pursuant to paragraphs 17.3, 17.4, 17.6 and 17.7 of section 12 and paragraph 3 of section 12.2.
2000, c. 42, s. 195; 2006, c. 40, s. 10.
17.12.4. The management of the sums making up the fund is entrusted to the Minister of Finance. The sums shall be paid to the order of and deposited with the financial institutions designated by the Minister of Finance.
The Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife shall keep the books of account of the fund and record the financial commitments chargeable to it. The Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife shall also ensure that such commitments and the payments arising therefrom do not exceed and are consistent with the available balances.
2000, c. 42, s. 195; 2003, c. 8, s. 2; 2006, c. 3, s. 35.
17.12.5. Sections 20, 21 and 26 to 28, Chapters IV and VI and sections 89 and 90 of the Financial Administration Act (chapter A‐6.001) apply to the fund, with the necessary modifications.
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
17.12.6. The remuneration and expenses pertaining to the employment benefits and other employment conditions of the persons assigned, pursuant to the Public Service Act (chapter F-3.1.1), to activities related to the fund shall be paid out of the fund.
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
17.12.7. The Minister of Finance may, with the authorization and subject to the conditions determined by the Government, advance sums to the fund out of the consolidated revenue fund.
The Minister of Finance may, conversely, advance to the consolidated revenue fund, on a short-term basis and subject to the conditions the Minister of Finance determines, any part of the sums making up the fund that is not required for its operation.
Any advance paid into a fund shall be repayable out of that fund.
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
17.12.8. The Minister may, as the manager of the fund, borrow from the Minister of Finance out of the financing fund of the Ministère des Finances.
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
17.12.9. The Minister may, subject to the applicable legislative provisions and with the authorization of the Government, make agreements with any government, body or person to facilitate the production of the goods and services financed by the fund. Any sums payable pursuant to such an agreement shall be paid into the fund.
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
17.12.10. The fiscal year of the fund ends on 31 March.
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
17.12.11. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Minister of Finance must, in the event of a deficiency in the consolidated revenue fund, pay out of the fund the sums required for the execution of a judgment against the State that has become res judicata.
2000, c. 42, s. 195.
1995, c. 20, s. 2.
17.13. The Minister may, with the approval of the Government, prepare programs for the development of lands or forest resources in the domain of the State that are under his authority in order to encourage regional development or implement any other governmental policy.
1995, c. 20, s. 2; 1999, c. 40, s. 189; 2001, c. 6, s. 150.
17.14. The Minister may, for the purposes of such programs, acquire any property, transfer the ownership of, authority over or administration of any land in the domain of the State that is under his authority and of the property situated thereon, transfer such land and property gratuitously, lease them or grant any other right therein to the legal person designated by the Minister.
The Minister may, for the same purposes, in addition to exercising in respect of a forest in the domain of the State that is covered by a program all the powers devolving on the Minister under the Forest Act (chapter F‐4.1), apply any measure the Minister considers necessary for the purpose of fostering sustainable forest development, including a measure granting, for that purpose, any right other than a right under that Act to a person the Minister designates. The rights so granted may not, however, limit the rights previously granted on the forest lands.
The Minister may, for the purposes of such programs, to the extent of and in accordance with their terms and conditions, entrust the management of any land in the domain of the State that is under the Minister’s authority and the property situated thereon or, in a forest reserve, the management of forest resources in the domain of the State, to a legal person, or entrust the management of the management permits for the harvest of firewood for domestic or commercial purposes, in a management unit, to a municipality; such legal person or municipality may in that case exercise the powers and responsibilities entrusted to it by the Minister that are defined in the program. The program shall identify, among the provisions of the Act respecting the lands in the domain of the State (chapter T‐8.1) or among those of Divisions I and II of Chapter II of Title I of the Forest Act as concerns the management permits referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 5 of section 10 and those referred to in paragraph 5 of section 24 or in section 24.0.1 of that Act, of Divisions III and IV of that chapter or of Division II of Chapter IV of Title I or of Title VI of the latter Act, the provisions whose application may be delegated to the legal person, as well as the powers and responsibilities vested in the Minister that may be exercised by the legal person.
Where the management of land or forest resources in the domain of the State is entrusted to a municipality by the Minister in accordance with the third paragraph, the Minister may, to the extent necessary to implement a program and according to the terms and conditions specified in the program, determine, among the powers provided for in section 71 of the Act respecting the lands in the domain of the State or in sections 171, 171.1 and 172 of the Forest Act, those that may be exercised by the municipality by means of regulations.
Nothing done by a legal person in exercising powers under a program is binding on the Government.
1995, c. 20, s. 2; 1997, c. 93, s. 126; 1999, c. 40, s. 189; 2001, c. 6, s. 151; 2003, c. 16, s. 51.
17.15. The Minister may, to the extent specified in a program, exempt land and property made subject by the Minister to a program from the application of all or part of the Act respecting the lands in the domain of the State (chapter T-8.1), or exempt a forest in the domain of the State made subject by the Minister to a program from the application of all or part of the Forest Act (chapter F-4.1).
The Minister may also exempt them from a program in order to subject them to another program or to subject them again to the Act respecting the lands in the domain of the State or the Forest Act.
1995, c. 20, s. 2; 1999, c. 40, s. 189; 2001, c. 6, s. 152.
17.16. The Government may, on the conditions it determines, entrust the direction and implementation of a program to the minister it designates.
The designated minister may, for such purposes, exercise any power under sections 17.14 and 17.15 that is conferred on him by the Government.
This section does not apply to a program for the development of forest resources in the domain of the State.
1995, c. 20, s. 2; 2001, c. 6, s. 153.
17.17. Sections 28 and 29 of the Act respecting the preservation of agricultural land and agricultural activities (chapter P-41.1) do not apply to any land alienated by the Minister in favour of a municipality in accordance with a program.
1995, c. 20, s. 2; 1996, c. 26, s. 85.
17.18. Transfers of ownership effected by the Minister under section 17.14 may be published without it being necessary to observe the prescriptions of the Civil Code and of the regulations thereunder concerning the publication of rights.
The transfers shall be registered in the land register by the registrar on presentation of the act evidencing them.
1995, c. 20, s. 2.
18. (Amendment integrated into c. E-18, s. 4).
1979, c. 81, s. 18.
19. (Amendment integrated into c. M-34, s. 1).
1979, c. 81, s. 19.
20. (Omitted).
1979, c. 81, s. 20.
21. (Amendment integrated into c. H-5, s. 24).
1979, c. 81, s. 21.
22. (Amendment integrated into c. H-5, s. 25).
1979, c. 81, s. 22.
23. (Amendment integrated into c. H-5, s. 32).
1979, c. 81, s. 23.
24. (Omitted).
1979, c. 81, s. 24.
25. (Repealed).
1979, c. 81, s. 25; 1986, c. 108, s. 238; 1990, c. 64, s. 35.
26. The regulations and the orders made pursuant to the Act respecting the Ministère des Richesses naturelles (chapter M-26) or the Act respecting the Ministère des Terres et Forêts (chapter M-27) continue to be in force until they are repealed, amended or replaced by regulations or orders made pursuant to this Act.
1979, c. 81, s. 26.
27. The personnel of the Ministère des Richesses naturelles and the personnel of the Ministère des Terres et Forêts in office on 1 April 1980 become, without further formality, the personnel of the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources, as may be determined by the Government.
1979, c. 81, s. 27.
28. The appropriations allocated to the Ministère des Richesses naturelles and the appropriations allocated to the Ministère des Terres et Forêts are transferred to the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources, as the Government may determine.
1979, c. 81, s. 28.
29. The records of the Ministère des Richesses naturelles and the records of the Ministère des Terres et Forêts devolve upon the Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources.
1979, c. 81, s. 29.
30. The Minister of Energy and Resources becomes a party to any proceeding to which the Minister of Lands and Forests or the Minister of Natural Resources was a party, without continuance of suit, from 1 April 1980.
1979, c. 81, s. 30.
31. (Omitted).
1979, c. 81, s. 31.
32. (Omitted).
1979, c. 81, s. 32.
33. (This section ceased to have effect on 17 April 1987).
1982, c. 21, s. 1; U. K., 1982, c. 11, Sch. B, Part I, s. 33.

In accordance with section 9 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), chapter M-15.1 of the Revised Statutes, in force on 1 September 1994, is repealed, effective from the coming into force of chapter M-25.2 of the Revised Statutes.