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Décisions des tribunaux
- Business Concerns Records Act
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À jour au 22 octobre 1999
Ce document a valeur officielle.
Business Concerns Records Act
In this Act, the following words mean:
: any account, balance sheet, statement of receipts and expenditure, profit and loss statement, statement of assets and liabilities, inventory, report and any other writing or material forming part of the records or archives of a business concern;
: any business concern in Québec;
: any demand, direction, order, subpoena or summons.
R. S. 1964, c. 278, s. 1
Subject to section 3, no person shall, pursuant to or under any requirement issued by any legislative, judicial or administrative authority outside Québec, remove or cause to be removed, or send or cause to be sent, from any place in Québec to a place outside Québec, any document or résumé or digest of any document relating to any concern.
R. S. 1964, c. 278, s. 2
The prohibition enacted in section 2 shall not apply in the case of the removal or sending of a document out of Québec
by an agency, branch, company or firm carrying on business in Québec, to a principal, head office, affiliated company or firm, agency or branch situated outside Québec, in the ordinary course of their business;
by or on behalf of a company or person, as defined by the Securities Act, (
chapter V-1
) carrying on business in Québec, to a territory subject to another political jurisdiction in which the sale of the securities of such company or person has been authorized;
by or on behalf of any such company or person carrying on business in Québec as a broker, security issuer or salesman within the meaning of the Securities Act, to a territory subject to another political jurisdiction in which any such company or person has been registered or is otherwise authorized to carry on business as broker, security issuer or salesman, as the case may be;
whenever such removal or sending is authorized by any law of Québec or of the Parliament of Canada, in accordance with their respective jurisdictions.
R. S. 1964, c. 278, s. 3
Whenever there is reason to believe that a requirement has been or is likely to be made for the removal or sending out of Québec of a document relating to a concern, the Attorney General may apply to a judge of the Court of Québec, in the judicial district where the concern in question is located, for an order requiring any person, whether or not designated in the requirement, to furnish an undertaking or security to ensure that such person will not remove or send out of Québec the document mentioned in the said requirement.
The application to the judge of the Court of Québec shall be made by summary petition. In case of urgency, it may be filed and presented to the judge without prior service. The judge may however order the service thereof within such time, in such manner and on such conditions as he may consider expedient.
Every person having an interest in a concern may exercise the rights contemplated in this section.
R. S. 1964, c. 278, s. 4; 1965 (1st sess.), c. 17, s. 2
1988, c. 21, s. 66
1999, c. 40, s. 109
Every person who, having received notice of a petition to a judge of the Court of Québec under section 4, infringes the provisions of section 2, shall be guilty of contempt of court.
Every person who has furnished, or has received from the judge an order to furnish, an undertaking or security and who infringes the provisions of section 2 shall be guilty of contempt of court in addition to any obligation provided by the undertaking or security furnished or ordered by the judge.
R. S. 1964, c. 278, s. 5; 1965 (1st sess.), c. 17, s. 2
1988, c. 21, s. 66
1990, c. 4, s. 388
1992, c. 61, s. 267
(This section ceased to have effect on 17 April 1987).
1982, c. 21, s. 1
U. K., 1982, c. 11, Sch. B, Part I, s. 33
In accordance with section 17 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes (chapter R-3), chapter 278 of the Revised Statutes, 1964, in force on 31 December 1977, is repealed effective from the coming into force of chapter D-12 of the Revised Statutes.
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