S-11.04 - Act respecting the Société de promotion économique du Québec métropolitain

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À jour au 1er avril 1999
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter S-11.04
Act respecting the Société de promotion économique du Québec métropolitain
1. A non-profit corporation is hereby established under the name of “La Société de promotion économique du Québec métropolitain”.
1988, c. 32, s. 1.
2. The territory in which the Société shall exercise its activities shall consist of the territory described in Schedule A to the Act respecting the Communauté urbaine de Québec (chapter C-37.3) and that of the regional county municipalities of Desjardins and Chutes-de-la-Chaudière.
1988, c. 32, s. 2.
3. The head office of the Société shall be situated in the territory described in section 2. Notice of the location or of any change of location of the head office shall be published in the Gazette officielle du Québec.
1988, c. 32, s. 3.
4. The Société shall be administered by a board of directors composed of
(1)  ten members having the right to vote, six of whom appointed by the urban community and two by each regional county municipality;
(2)  six members appointed as observers who do not have the right to vote, including the president and general manager of the Société and five other members appointed as observers by Ville de Québec, the Société Inter-Port de Québec, the Société du Parc technologique du Québec métropolitain, the Minister of Regional Industrial Expansion of Canada and the Minister of Industry, Trade, Science and Technology of Québec, respectively.
The urban community and the regional county municipalities may designate a substitute for each member appointed by them. Where a member is unable to act, the substitute may replace him at a meeting of the board of directors of the Société and shall, in such case, be deemed to be a member of the board.
1988, c. 32, s. 4; 1988, c. 41, s. 92; 1994, c. 16, s. 51; 1996, c. 2, s. 911.
5. The members of the board of directors and the members appointed as observers, except the president and general manager, shall be appointed for a maximum term of three years.
At the end of their terms, the members and the members appointed as observers shall remain in office until they are replaced or reappointed.
1988, c. 32, s. 5.
6. Any vacancy occurring during a term shall be filled as in section 4.
1988, c. 32, s. 6.
7. The members of the board of directors shall designate the chairman from among the members referred to in subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph of section 4.
1988, c. 32, s. 7.
8. The chairman shall preside over meetings of the board of directors, see to its proper management and assume all other duties assigned to him under the by-laws of the Société.
Where the chairman is absent or unable to act, the members of the board of directors shall designate one of their number to replace him.
1988, c. 32, s. 8.
9. The president and general manager of the Société shall be appointed by the members of the board of directors, after consultation with the Minister, for a maximum term of five years.
1988, c. 32, s. 9.
10. The president and general manager shall be responsible for the management of the Société within the scope of its by-laws. He shall devote his full time to his duties of office.
1988, c. 32, s. 10.
11. The board of directors shall fix the remuneration, social benefits and other conditions of employment of the president and general manager.
1988, c. 32, s. 11.
12. The quorum for meetings of the board of directors shall be a majority of its members in office.
1988, c. 32, s. 12.
13. Decisions of the board of directors shall be made by a majority of the votes cast, which must include the votes of at least one-half of the members present appointed by the regional county municipalities.
1988, c. 32, s. 13.
14. The board of directors may adopt a by-law granting, on determined conditions, a casting vote to the chairman of the board of directors in the case of a tie-vote.
1988, c. 32, s. 14.
15. A decision of the board of directors signed by all its members has the same force as if it had been made at a meeting.
1988, c. 32, s. 15.
16. The board of directors may establish an executive committee and delegate powers to it.
1988, c. 32, s. 16.
17. The executive committee shall be composed of the president and general manager and of two other members designated by the board of directors. One of these two members shall be chosen from among the members appointed by the urban community, and the other from among the members appointed by the regional county municipalities.
1988, c. 32, s. 17.
18. The board of directors may adopt any by-law concerning the exercise of its powers and the internal management of the Société.
1988, c. 32, s. 18.
19. The members of the board of directors, the members appointed as observers and the members of the executive committee, except the president and general manager, shall receive no remuneration. They are, however, entitled, on the conditions and to the extent determined by the board of directors, to the reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
1988, c. 32, s. 19.
20. Any member of the board of directors or any member appointed as an observer, other than the president and general manager, having a direct or indirect interest in an enterprise which places his personal interest in conflict with that of the Société shall, on pain of forfeiture of his office, disclose it in writing to the chairman of the board and abstain from taking part in any deliberation or voting on any decision bearing upon the enterprise in which he has an interest.
On pain of forfeiture of office, the president and general manager and the staff members of the Société shall not have any direct or indirect interest in an enterprise placing their personal interest in conflict with that of the Société. However, forfeiture is not incurred if such an interest devolves to them by succession or gift, provided they renounce or dispose of it with diligence.
1988, c. 32, s. 20.
21. No member of the board of directors nor any member appointed as an observer may be prosecuted by reason of acts performed in good faith in performing his duties.
1988, c. 32, s. 21.
22. The object of the Société shall consist in promoting, at the national and international levels, the economic development of the territory described in section 2.
1988, c. 32, s. 22.
23. To achieve its object, the Société may, among other activities,
(1)  promote the establishment of enterprises and new investments within its territory and further the realization of projects having significant economic impact;
(2)  promote the goods and services produced within its territory on markets outside its territory;
(3)  establish relations with agencies engaged in the economic development of its territory;
(4)  set up concerted action groups for various sectors with a view to establishing priorities for intervention;
(5)  inform the population on the importance of economic promotion for the territory of the Société.
1988, c. 32, s. 23.
24. The fiscal year of the Société ends on 31 December each year.
1988, c. 32, s. 24.
25. For the purposes of the exercise of its powers, the Société may solicit and receive gifts, legacies, subsidies or any other contributions.
1988, c. 32, s. 25.
26. Until 31 March 1993, the Société shall receive, for its operation, the contributions provided for under the provisions of the Entente auxiliaire Canada-Québec sur la Société Inter-Port de Québec.
1988, c. 32, s. 26.
27. The budget estimates of the Société must show revenues at least equal to its expenditures.
1988, c. 32, s. 27.
28. The sums shown as revenues in the budget estimates which are not otherwise provided for shall constitute the contribution of the urban community and regional county municipalities. The share of each shall be fixed pro rata to its standardized real estate value on 15 September of the year preceding the fiscal year of the Société.
For the purposes of the first paragraph, the standardized real estate value of an urban community or of a regional county municipality shall be the aggregate of the standardized real estate value, within the meaning of section 261.1 of the Act respecting municipal taxation (chapter F-2.1), of local municipalities situated within the territory of an urban community or a regional county municipality, as the case may be.
1988, c. 32, s. 28; 1991, c. 32, s. 257.
29. Before 15 September each year, the Société must submit its budget estimates for the next fiscal year to the urban community and the regional county municipalities. It must also submit to them a statement of their share before 15 October each year.
The budget estimates and the statement of the shares must be approved by the urban community and the regional county municipalities not later than 31 October.
If, on 15 December, the budget estimates of the Société for the next fiscal year have not been approved by the urban community and the regional county municipalities, the budget estimates for the preceding fiscal year shall be renewed.
1988, c. 32, s. 29.
30. The urban community and the regional county municipalities shall each pay their share to the Société within 30 days of the beginning of its fiscal year or at any other date and according to such terms and conditions as may be determined by the board of directors after consultation with the urban community and the regional county municipalities.
1988, c. 32, s. 30.
31. Any surplus or deficit for a fiscal year constitutes, as the case may be, revenues or expenditures for the next fiscal year.
1988, c. 32, s. 31.
32. Not later than 1 May each year, the Société must submit a report of its activities and a copy of its audited financial statements to the urban community and to the regional county municipalities.
1988, c. 32, s. 32.
33. The books and accounts of the Société shall be audited each year.
1988, c. 32, s. 33.
34. Before 1 September each year, the Société shall transmit its orientations and the means of action envisaged for the next fiscal year to the urban community and the regional county municipalities.
1988, c. 32, s. 34.
35. The Minister of Industry, Trade, Science and Technology is responsible for the administration of this Act.
1988, c. 32, s. 35; 1988, c. 41, s. 92; 1994, c. 16, s. 51.
36. The first president and general manager of the Société shall be appointed by the Minister after consultation with the board of directors.
1988, c. 32, s. 36.
37. (Amendment integrated into c. S-16.01, Title).
1988, c. 32, s. 37.
38. (Amendment integrated into c. S-16.01, s. 1).
1988, c. 32, s. 38.
39. (Amendment integrated into c. S-16.01, s. 2).
1988, c. 32, s. 39.
40. (Amendment integrated into c. S-16.01, s. 3).
1988, c. 32, s. 40.
41. (Amendment integrated into c. S-16.01, s. 4).
1988, c. 32, s. 41.
42. (Amendment integrated into c. S-16.01, s. 5).
1988, c. 32, s. 42.
43. (Amendment integrated into c. S-16.01, s. 7).
1988, c. 32, s. 43.
44. (Omitted).
1988, c. 32, s. 44.
45. (Omitted).
1988, c. 32, s. 45.

In accordance with section 9 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), chapter 32 of the statutes of 1988, in force on 1 March 1989, is repealed, except section 45, effective from the coming into force of chapter S-11.04 of the Revised Statutes.