R-19.1 - Act to regularize and provide for the development of local slaughterhouses

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À jour au 7 décembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter R-19.1
Act to regularize and provide for the development of local slaughterhouses
1. Every person who, between 14 June 1977 and 12 March 2009, operated a slaughterhouse without a permit is deemed to hold a transitional slaughterhouse permit until the earliest of
(1)  the date on which the person is issued a transitional slaughterhouse permit;
(2)  the date on which the Minister refuses to issue the person a transitional slaughterhouse permit; and
(3)  29 September 2009, if the Minister has not received the person’s application for a transitional slaughterhouse permit by that date.
2009, c. 10, s. 1.
2. A transitional slaughterhouse permit authorizes the permit holder to operate a slaughterhouse and a plant where meat or meat products are prepared for the exclusive purpose of retail sale in that plant, or a slaughterhouse where slaughter services are provided for remuneration and, if applicable, a plant where meat or meat products may be prepared for remuneration for the personal consumption of a customer to whom slaughter services have been provided.
2009, c. 10, s. 2; 2012, c. 27, s. 1.
3. To obtain a transitional slaughterhouse permit, a person referred to in section 1 must apply for it in writing to the Minister before 29 September 2009 and provide
(1)  in the case of a natural person, the person’s name, address, telephone number and, if applicable, email address;
(2)  in the case of a sole proprietorship, partnership or legal person, its name, telephone number and, if applicable, email address, the address of its main establishment and the business number assigned to it under the Act respecting the legal publicity of enterprises (chapter P-44.1);
(3)  the name under which the slaughterhouse operates, its address and, if applicable, the name and address of the meat preparation plant;
(4)  a monthly slaughtering schedule;
(5)  an estimated monthly slaughtering volume, by species;
(6)  a list of the activities the person intends to carry on; and
(7)  for the purpose of establishing the amount of the fee payable, the total number of self-service hot or cold units in the meat preparation plant, other than cold units solely for the display of fresh whole, cut, peeled, grated or sliced fruit or vegetables.
The application must be submitted with the file opening fee, made payable to the Minister of Finance, and evidence that the applicant operated a slaughterhouse without a permit between 14 June 1977 and 12 March 2009.
The applicant must pay the prescribed fees to the Minister of Finance before the permit may be issued.
2009, c. 10, s. 3; 2010, c. 7, s. 282.
4. Transitional slaughterhouse means a slaughterhouse for which the Minister issued a permit on 1 July 2010 and that is operated under the conditions of this chapter.
On or before 30 June 2015, such a slaughterhouse must be brought into conformity with the requirements of this section. It must have
(1)  a slaughtering room;
(2)  a cold storage room with an initial cooling area and a refrigerated preserving area. The room must have equipment designed to lower the internal temperature of products and preserve them in accordance with section of the Regulation respecting food (chapter P-29, r. 1);
(3)  a ventilated room, area or vehicle for receiving animals that is designed so as to prevent falls and injuries to animals and, if the animals received are of a species other than birds or rabbits, that is equipped with drinking and feeding facilities;
(4)  an area for containers used for meat unfit for human consumption and for skins;
(5)  a compartment for storing cleaning, washing and disinfecting materials; and
(6)  a lavatory, including a sink, that may be used by the authorized person.
The slaughterhouse floors must be repaired and made impermeable and washable.
The slaughterhouse must also have
(1)  room lighting and ventilation equipment and hot and cold drinking water supply equipment;
(2)  hygienic handwashing equipment;
(3)  waste water recovery or drainage equipment;
(4)  equipment for rendering animals unconscious before bleeding them, suitable for the species slaughtered;
(5)  suspension equipment for the hygienic bleeding of animals;
(6)  equipment to keep carcasses off the floor during skinning;
(7)  carcass rinsing equipment;
(8)  equipment for disposing of meat unfit for human consumption and skins in such a way that they do not become a source of contamination;
(9)  equipment for the inspection of carcasses, viscera and offal; and
(10)  if species other than birds and rabbits are slaughtered, equipment for splitting carcasses in such a way that they remain safe.
On or before 30 June 2015, the meat preparation plant must have the equipment described in subparagraphs 1 to 3 of the fourth paragraph.
2009, c. 10, s. 4; 2012, c. 27, s. 2.
5. On or before 30 June 2015, a transitional slaughterhouse must also have
(1)  equipment providing sufficient lighting for inspection activities;
(2)  knife sterilization equipment in the slaughtering room;
(3)  if cattle or horses are slaughtered, washing equipment for the inspection of heads;
(4)  if birds other than ratites are slaughtered, plucking equipment; and
(5)  if hogs are slaughtered and the skin is not removed, bristle removal equipment.
The rooms and areas of the slaughterhouse must also be laid out in such manner that there is a continuous progression of the animals before and during slaughtering, and of the resulting carcasses, without any possibility of backtracking, overlapping or crossing over between live animals, products and meat unfit for human consumption. The rooms and areas must also be designed to prevent the entry of any species of animal other than those being slaughtered, including insects and rodents.
Moreover, the walls, doors, windows and ceilings must be washable, smooth and in good condition.
2009, c. 10, s. 5; 2012, c. 27, s. 3.
6. The equipment described in sections 4 and 5 must not be capable of affecting the safety of products.
2009, c. 10, s. 6.
7. On or before 30 June 2015, a transitional slaughterhouse must also have
(1)  machine areas and a repair and maintenance area, laid out in such manner as to avoid contaminating the carcasses and other products; and
(2)  if birds other than ratites are slaughtered, a room with receiving, slaughtering and plucking areas separated from the area for evisceration and any other carcass processing so as to prevent the contamination of the carcasses and other products.
2009, c. 10, s. 7; 2012, c. 27, s. 4.
8. A transitional slaughterhouse permit allows the permit holder to slaughter only
(1)  animals whose meat is intended exclusively to be sold at retail in the permit holder’s meat preparation plant; and
(2)  animals belonging to a customer of the slaughterhouse and whose meat is for the customers’ personal consumption.
The permit allows the permit holder to operate only one plant where meat or meat products are prepared for the exclusive purpose of retail sale in that plant or the slaughterhouse customers’ personal consumption. The meat or meat products prepared must be
(1)  derived from animals slaughtered in the permit holder’s slaughterhouse;
(2)  derived from animals slaughtered in a slaughterhouse referred to in subparagraph a of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29) or in a slaughterhouse in respect of which the operator holds a license to operate a registered establishment issued under the Meat Inspection Regulations, 1990 (Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, chapter M-7; SOR/90-288 Canada Gazette Part II, 2090); or
(3)  derived from game held in accordance with the Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife (chapter C-61.1) and prepared solely for the slaughterhouse customers’ personal consumption.
Only meat or meat products derived from animals described in subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the second paragraph may be sold by the permit holder.
The permit holder may, after obtaining authorization from the Minister, use such meat or meat products in one place or vehicle in which the permit holder carries on business as a restaurateur.
2009, c. 10, s. 8.
9. The holder of a transitional slaughterhouse permit is prohibited from
(1)  selling meat or meat products wholesale;
(2)  carrying on special trading under section of the Regulation respecting food (chapter P-29, r. 1);
(3)  supplying a vending machine with meat or meat products; and
(4)  storing meat or meat products elsewhere than in the permit holder’s slaughterhouse, meat preparation plant or place or vehicle referred to in the fourth paragraph of section 8.
2009, c. 10, s. 9.
10. The holder of a transitional slaughterhouse permit must conform with the slaughtering schedule provided or, if applicable, with the schedule set by the Minister under section 26.
2009, c. 10, s. 10; 2012, c. 27, s. 5.
11. The holder of a transitional slaughterhouse permit may not slaughter, for human consumption, an animal that
(1)  is unable to stand or move about without assistance; or
(2)  exhibits abnormal behaviour or an abnormal appearance.
2009, c. 10, s. 11.
12. The holder of a transitional slaughterhouse permit must keep a register giving the date on which animals were received, followed by
(1)  the name, address and telephone number of the owner of the animals or, if applicable, of the person requiring slaughtering services;
(2)  the number of animals of each species; and
(3)  the identification of each animal that is subject to a regulation under section 22.1 of the Animal Health Protection Act (chapter P-42).
The register must be kept at the slaughterhouse for at least one year from the date of the last entry.
2009, c. 10, s. 12.
13. The provisions of the Regulation respecting food (chapter P-29, r. 1) apply to the holder of a transitional slaughterhouse permit to the extent that they are consistent with this chapter, except those of Division 1.3, section 6.2.4, Division 6.3 other than the third paragraph of section, paragraph f of section, section, paragraph a of section as regards conveyors and overhead rails, and Division 6.5.
Sections, and of the regulation must be read as if “preserving room” were replaced by “preserving area”.
2009, c. 10, s. 13; 2012, c. 27, s. 6.
14. The holder of a transitional slaughterhouse permit must install and maintain a notice bearing the following inscription in public view in the meat preparation plant: “Notice: Meat and meat products sold here are derived from animals not slaughtered and processed under permanent inspection.” The permit holder must also inform any buyer who is unable to read the notice of the content of the notice.
If the permit holder also carries on a business as a restaurateur and serves meat or meat products derived from animals slaughtered at the slaughterhouse, the permit holder must inform the consumer of this by an indication on the menu or by some other means.
2009, c. 10, s. 14.
15. The operation of a transitional slaughterhouse and of a meat preparation plant is permitted provided all the prescribed fees are paid by 30 June 2013.
2009, c. 10, s. 15; 2012, c. 27, s. 7.
16. (Repealed).
2009, c. 10, s. 16; 2012, c. 27, s. 8.
17. To maintain a permit in force, the permit holder must pay the annual fee prescribed by section 23. The fee, made payable to the Minister of Finance, must be sent to the Minister on or before 1 June and be submitted with the information required under the first paragraph of section 3.
However, all transitional slaughterhouse permits expire on 30 June 2015.
2009, c. 10, s. 17; 2012, c. 27, s. 9.
18. No transitional slaughterhouse permit may be issued for a slaughterhouse that is already being operated under a permit issued under subparagraph a of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapiter P-29) .
2009, c. 10, s. 18.
19. The holder of a transitional slaughterhouse permit must notify the Minister as soon as the permit holder ceases to operate permanently or suspends operations; in the latter case, the notice must specify the duration of the suspension.
The permit holder must also inform the Minister within 15 days of any change affecting the information provided.
2009, c. 10, s. 19; 2012, c. 27, s. 10.
20. A person whose transitional slaughterhouse permit has been cancelled may no longer obtain such a permit.
In addition, a period of six months following the cancellation must have expired before the person may be issued a new permit under subparagraph a or a.1 of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29) for the operation of a slaughterhouse covered by the cancelled permit or a permit under section 1.3.5.B.1 of the Regulation respecting food (chapter P-29, r. 1) for the operation of a meat preparation plant covered by the cancelled permit.
2009, c. 10, s. 20.
21. Despite section 12 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29), the Minister may authorize the transfer of a transitional slaughterhouse permit for the operation of the slaughterhouse and, if applicable, the meat preparation plant for which it was issued, subject to the conditions or restrictions the Minister determines.
The new permit holder must comply with the conditions or restrictions determined by the Minister, provide the information required under the first paragraph of section 3 and pay the file opening fee prescribed under section 22.
2009, c. 10, s. 21; 2012, c. 27, s. 11.
22. Every application for a transitional slaughterhouse permit carries a non-refundable file opening fee of $115.
2009, c. 10, s. 22.
See notice of indexation; (2012) 144 G.O. 1, 328.
23. The annual fee payable to maintain a permit in force is $298.
The fee prescribed in the first paragraph is increased by $13 for each self-service hot or cold unit, as defined in paragraph k of section 1.1.1 of the Regulation respecting food (chapter P-29, r. 1), in excess of five, used to display food in the meat preparation plant.
The fee payable under this section is non-refundable.
2009, c. 10, s. 23; 2012, c. 27, s. 12.
See notice of indexation; (2012) 144 G.O. 1, 328.
24. The fees payable under this chapter are adjusted on 1 April every year as of 1 April 2010, according to the change in the all-items Consumer Price Index for Canada established by Statistics Canada for the 12-month period ending on 30 September of the previous year. The fees are reduced to the nearest dollar when they include a dollar fraction under $0.50, and increased to the nearest dollar when they include a dollar fraction equal to or over $0.50.
The Minister informs the public of the results of the adjustments under this section by publishing them in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec and by any other means the Minister considers appropriate.
2009, c. 10, s. 24.
25. From the date of its issue, a person’s transitional slaughterhouse permit replaces the permit issued under paragraph 1 or 2 of section 1.3.5.B.1 of the Regulation respecting food (chapter P-29, r. 1) that the person already holds for the operation of a plant that prepares meat or meat products derived from animals slaughtered in a slaughterhouse that the person was until then operating without a permit.
In such a case, the fee prescribed in section 23 is reduced in proportion to the number of months remaining before the permit so replaced was to expire.
2009, c. 10, s. 25.
26. The Minister may set the slaughtering schedule of a slaughterhouse operated under a transitional slaughterhouse permit to ensure the inspection under section of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29) is carried out.
2009, c. 10, s. 26.
27. (Repealed).
2009, c. 10, s. 27; 2012, c. 27, s. 13.
28. The Food Products Act (chapter P-29) applies to this chapter.
2009, c. 10, s. 28.
29. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 7).
2009, c. 10, s. 29.
30. Section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29), amended by section 3 of chapter 53 of the statutes of 1983, section 5 of chapter 80 of the statutes of 1990 and section 13 of chapter 26 of the statutes of 2000, is again amended
(1)  (amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 9);
(2)  (amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 9);
(3)  (not in force);
(4)  (amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 9).
2009, c. 10, s. 30.
31. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 32).
2009, c. 10, s. 31.
32. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 32.1).
2009, c. 10, s. 32.
33. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 33).
2009, c. 10, s. 33.
34. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s.
2009, c. 10, s. 34.
35. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 33.0.1).
2009, c. 10, s. 35.
36. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 33.1).
2009, c. 10, s. 36.
37. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 34).
2009, c. 10, s. 37.
38. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 40).
2009, c. 10, s. 38.
39. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 45).
2009, c. 10, s. 39.
40. (Amendment integrated into c. P-29, s. 45.2).
2009, c. 10, s. 40.
41. The local slaughterhouse permit required under subparagraph a.1 of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29) authorizes the permit holder to operate a slaughterhouse and a plant where meat or meat products are prepared for the exclusive purpose of retail sale in that plant, or a slaughterhouse where slaughter services are provided for remuneration and, if applicable, a plant where meat or meat products may be prepared for remuneration for the personal consumption of a customer to whom slaughter services have been provided.
However, the Minister may, on the conditions the Minister determines, authorize the holder of a local slaughterhouse permit to operate a second plant where meat or meat products are prepared for the exclusive purpose of retail sale in that plant or the slaughterhouse customers’ personal consumption.
2009, c. 10, s. 41; 2012, c. 27, s. 14.
42. The conditions for the issue or renewal of a local slaughterhouse permit and the operational standards that apply are those provided for in this chapter until they are replaced by a government regulation made under section 40 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29); such a regulation may also repeal conditions or standards set in this chapter.
2009, c. 10, s. 42; 2012, c. 27, s. 14.
43. To obtain a permit under subparagraph a.1 of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29), the applicant’s slaughterhouse must be laid out so as to preserve the safety of products and the sanitary conditions of the operation. It must have, in addition to the rooms, areas, equipment and systems described in sections 4 to 7,
(1)  a slaughtering room comprising a slaughtering area and a dressing area;
(2)  a ventilated room or area for receiving animals that is designed so as to prevent falls and injuries to animals and, if the animals received are of a species other than birds or rabbits, that is equipped with drinking and feeding facilities;
(3)  knife sterilization equipment in the slaughtering and dressing areas; and
(4)  a restraining cage in the slaughtering area for cattle, horses and animals of other species as is required when rendering such animals unconscious.
The applicant’s meat preparation plant must have the equipment described in subparagraphs 1 to 3 of the third paragraph of section 4.
2009, c. 10, s. 43.
44. An application for a permit under subparagraph a.1 of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29) must be filed with the Minister in writing, contain the information required under the first paragraph of section 3 and be submitted with the file opening fee prescribed by section 22, made payable to the Minister of Finance, and with the plans and specifications described in section of the Regulation respecting food (chapter P-29, r. 1). Before a permit is issued, the applicant must have paid the permit fee to the Minister of Finance.
Despite the first paragraph, applicants who hold a transitional slaughterhouse permit are exempted from paying the file opening fee.
2009, c. 10, s. 44.
45. An application for a renewal of the permit required under subparagraph a.1 of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29) must be filed with the Minister in writing before the expiry date of the permit, contain the information required under the first paragraph of section 3 and be submitted with the prescribed fee, made payable to the Minister of Finance.
2009, c. 10, s. 45.
46. The fee payable for the issue or renewal of the permit required under subparagraph a.1 of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29) is $630.
The fee prescribed in the first paragraph is increased by $13 for each self-service hot or cold unit, as defined in paragraph k of section 1.1.1 of the Regulation respecting food (chapter P-29, r. 1), in excess of five, used to display food in the meat preparation plant.
The fee payable under this section is non-refundable.
2009, c. 10, s. 46.
See notice of indexation; (2012) 144 G.O. 1, 328.
47. The fees payable under this chapter are adjusted on 1 April every year from 1 April 2010, according to the change in the all-items Consumer Price Index for Canada established by Statistics Canada for the 12-month period ending on 30 September of the previous year. The fees are reduced to the nearest dollar when they include a dollar fraction under $0.50, and increased to the nearest dollar when they include a dollar fraction equal to or over $0.50.
The Minister informs the public of the results of the adjustments under this section by publishing them in Part 1 of the Gazette officielle du Québec and by any other means the Minister considers appropriate.
2009, c. 10, s. 47.
48. Sections 8 to 14, 18 and 19 and section of the Regulation respecting food (chapter P-29, r. 1) apply, with the necessary modifications, to the holder of a permit under subparagraph a.1 of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products Act (chapter P-29).
2009, c. 10, s. 48.
49. A person who contravenes
(1)  any of sections 8, 9, 11, 12 and 14, or
(2)  a condition or restriction specified on the person’s permit in accordance with section 21,
(3)  (paragraph repealed),
is liable to a fine of $1,000 to $6,000 and, for any subsequent contravention, to a fine of $3,000 to $18,000.
2009, c. 10, s. 49; 2012, c. 27, s. 15.
50. A person who contravenes section 10 is liable to a fine of $2,000 to $15,000 and, for any subsequent contravention, to a fine of $6,000 to $45,000.
2009, c. 10, s. 50.
51. A person who contravenes section 19 is liable to a fine of $250 to $2,000 and, for any subsequent contravention, to a fine of $750 to $6,000.
2009, c. 10, s. 51.
52. A person who incites another person to commit an offence or participates in an offence committed by another person is liable to the same penalties as are prescribed for the offender.
2009, c. 10, s. 52.
53. If a legal person commits an offence, any officer, director, partner, employee or mandatary of the legal person who prescribed, authorized, consented to, acquiesced in or participated in the offence is deemed to be a party to it and is liable to the penalties prescribed for the offence, whether or not the legal person has been prosecuted or convicted.
2009, c. 10, s. 53.
54. (Repealed).
2009, c. 10, s. 54; 2012, c. 27, s. 16.
55. The Minister must, not later than 1 July 2012, report to the Government on the carrying out of this Act, specifically section 8, and on the advisability of maintaining or amending this Act.
The report is tabled in the National Assembly within 30 days or, if the Assembly is not sitting, within 30 days of resumption.
2009, c. 10, s. 55.
56. (Omitted).
2009, c. 10, s. 56.
In accordance with section 9 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), chapter 10 of the statutes of 2009, in force on 1 August 2009, is repealed, except section 56, effective from the coming into force of chapter R-19.1 of the Revised Statutes.