M-11.2 - Act respecting the mérite national in fisheries and aquaculture

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À jour au 1er avril 1999
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter M-10.2
Fishermen’s Merit Act
1. The Ordre du mérite du pêcheur is instituted for the purpose of encouraging commercial fishermen, by honours and rewards, to improve and develop fishing techniques and to improve the quality of their products as well as acknowledging services rendered to commercial fishing.
1985, c. 16, s. 1.
2. The Government may award the following decorations and diplomas:
(1)  the decoration of Commandeur de l’Ordre du mérite du pêcheur and the diploma of “exceptional merit” or of “special merit”;
(2)  the decoration of Officier de l’Ordre du mérite du pêcheur and the diploma of “distinguished merit”;
(3)  the decoration of Chevalier de l’Ordre du mérite du pêcheur and the diploma of “great merit”;
(4)  the diploma of “merit”.
1985, c. 16, s. 2.
3. Each year, the Minister shall organize one or several competitions for fishermen’s merit for the whole or for part of Québec.
1985, c. 16, s. 3.
4. The Government may, by regulation,
(1)  delimit a part of Québec where a competition may be organized;
(2)  establish classes of competitors;
(3)  determine the conditions for admission to a competition;
(4)  determine the criteria on the basis of which the competitors are to be judged and the number of points to be obtained in order to win the awards, medals, diplomas, decorations or other insignia;
(5)  describe the awards, medals, diplomas, decorations or other insignia.
It may create a competition for young fishermen and award them medals or diplomas conveying no title.
1985, c. 16, s. 4.
5. The Minister shall select the judges for the competitions among the commanders, officers and knights of the Ordre du mérite du pêcheur, as well as among the experts in the professions connected with fishing and fish products.
However, in the case of the competition for young fishermen, the selection of the judges shall be at the discretion of the Minister.
1985, c. 16, s. 5.
6. The awards, medals, diplomas, decorations or other insignia may be awarded
(1)  to those persons taking part in the competition, in order of merit and upon the report of the judges;
(2)  to any person who, through his work in industry, in a public occupation or in scientific or official missions, through research work, works or publications on the aquatic environment and aquatic products, fishing techniques and equipment, or through the creation of scholarships or endowments to encourage the teaching of fishing skills, has rendered outstanding services to the fishing industry.
1985, c. 16, s. 6.
7. Persons who receive the gold medal or the diploma of “special merit” shall de jure be Commandeurs de l’Ordre du mérite du pêcheur; those who receive the silver medal shall be Officiers de jure, and those who receive the bronze medal shall be Chevaliers de jure.
The Minister shall be ex officio Commandeur de l’Ordre du mérite du pêcheur.
1985, c. 16, s. 7.
8. No person may state in his advertising that an award, a medal, a diploma, a decoration or another insignia was awarded to him under this Act without mentioning the year it was awarded to him.
1985, c. 16, s. 8.
9. The sums required for the administration of this Act are taken for the fiscal year 1985-86 out of the consolidated revenue fund, to such extent as the Government may determine.
1985, c. 16, s. 9.
10. The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food is responsible for the administration of this Act.
1985, c. 16, s. 10.
11. (This section ceased to have effect on 1 December 1990).
1985, c. 16, s. 11; U. K., 1982, c. 11, Sch. B, Part I, s. 33.
12. (Omitted).
1985, c. 16, s. 12.

In accordance with section 17 of the Act respecting the consolidation of the statutes and regulations (chapter R-3), chapter 16 of the statutes of 1985, in force on 1 March 1986, is repealed, except section 12, effective from the coming into force of chapter M-10.2 of the Revised Statutes.