358.3.1. To enter into a contract that, but for section 358.3, would have been subject to section 358 with a supplier that is the only one in a position to provide the goods or services under paragraph 2 of section 358.3, the Regional Government must, at least 15 days before entering into the contract, publish on the electronic tendering system approved by the Government a notice of intention allowing any person to express interest in entering into it. The notice of intention must, among other things, specify or include(1) the name of the person with whom the Regional Government intends to enter into the contract in accordance with section 358.3;
(2) a detailed description of the Regional Government’s procurement requirements and the contract obligations;
(3) the projected contract date;
(4) the reasons invoked allowing the Regional Government to enter into the contract in accordance with section 358.3; and
(5) the address at which and deadline by which a person may express interest electronically and demonstrate that he, she or it is capable of carrying out the contract on the basis of the procurement requirements and obligations stated in the notice, that deadline being five days before the projected contract date.