For the purposes of this formula,(1) A is the amount of the patronage dividend;
(2) B is the total value of all consideration that became due, or was paid without having become due, in the immediately preceding fiscal year of the person while the person was a registrant for taxable supplies, other than supplies by way of sale of capital property of the person and zero-rated supplies, made in Québec by the person;
(3) C is the total value of all consideration that became due, or was paid without having become due, in the immediately preceding fiscal year of the person for taxable and non-taxable supplies, other than supplies by way of sale of capital property of the person, made in Québec by the person; and
(4) D is the total of all tax that became payable, or was paid without having become payable, in the immediately preceding fiscal year of the person in respect of taxable supplies, other than supplies by way of sale of capital property of the person, made by the person.