185. A supply of a service made to a person not resident in Québec is a zero-rated supply, except a supply of(1) a service made to an individual who is in Québec at any time when the individual has contact with the supplier in relation to the supply;
(1.1) a service that is rendered to an individual while that individual is in Québec;
(2) an advisory, consulting or professional service;
(3) a postal service;
(4) a service in respect of an immovable situated in Québec;
(5) a service in respect of corporeal movable property that is situated in Québec at the time the service is performed;
(6) a service of acting as a mandatary of the person not resident in Québec, except a service of acting as a transfer agent in the case where the person is a corporation resident in Canada, or of arranging for, procuring or soliciting orders for supplies by or to the person;
(7) a transportation service;
(8) a telecommunication service.