To that end, the objects of the agency are(1) ensuring public participation in the management of the public network of health services and social services and ensuring that users’ rights are protected;
(1.1) ensuring the safe provision of health services and social services to users;
(2) facilitating the development and management of the local health and social services networks in its region;
(3) preparing the multi-year strategic plan referred to in section 346.1 and ensuring follow-up;
(4) allocating the budgets intended for the institutions, granting subsidies to community organizations and granting financial allowances to the private resources referred to in section 454;
(5) ensuring the coordination of the special medical activities of physicians who are under agreement pursuant to section 360 or section 361.1 and the activities of the institutions, community organizations, intermediate resources and private nursing homes and community organizations referred to in section 454 and promoting their cooperation with the other agents of community development;
(5.1) ensuring the coordination of the services in its region with those offered in neighbouring regions and, on the Minister’s request, coordinating interregional services;
(6) implementing measures for the protection of public health and for the social protection of individuals, families and groups;
(7) ensuring economical and efficient management of the human, material and financial resources at its disposal;
(7.1) exercising the responsibilities conferred on it by the Act respecting pre-hospital emergency services (chapter S-6.2); (7.2) assessing the results of implementing its strategic plan and ensuring management accountability on the basis of province-wide and regional targets and recognized standards of accessibility, integration, quality, effectiveness and efficiency;
(7.3) supporting institutions in the organization of services and becoming involved with institutions to foster service agreements entered into to meet the needs of the general public or, if no agreement is entered into, determining the contribution expected of each institution in accordance with section 105.1;
(7.4) allowing the use of numerous standard agreement models in order to facilitate the making of agreements under subparagraph 7.3;
(7.5) ensuring that the mechanisms for referral and for service coordination between institutions are established and functional;
(7.6) developing information and management tools for the institutions in its region and adapting them to the distinctive characteristics of those institutions;
(7.7) establishing procedures and mechanisms to inform the general public and involve people in the organization of services, and to ascertain their level of satisfaction with the results obtained; the agency must report on the application of this subparagraph in a separate section of its annual management report;
(7.8) developing mechanisms for the protection of users and for user rights advocacy; and
(8) carrying out any mandate entrusted to it by the Minister.