522.The Centre shall have the following functions:
(1) attesting whether or not candidates qualify to hold the position of executive director of regional boards and public institutions;
(2) (paragraph repealed);
(3) setting up and updating regularly a bank of candidates qualified to hold the position of executive director of a regional board or public institution;
(4) seeing to the application of the regulatory provisions adopted pursuant to section 507 of this Act concerning situations involving the abolition of positions of executive director and senior and middle management positions in regional boards and institutions coming under the said regulations;
(5) carrying out any other mandate prescribed by regulation under section 507 or entrusted to it by the Minister concerning the career development of executive directors and senior management personnel.
522.The Centre shall have the following functions:
(1) attesting whether or not candidates qualify to hold the position of executive director of regional boards and public institutions;
(2) ascertaining whether or not executive directors holding positions on 4 September 1991 meet the necessary requirements for holding that position as established at the time the classification of the position is determined;
(3) setting up and updating regularly a bank of candidates qualified to hold the position of executive director of a regional board or public institution;
(4) seeing to the application of the regulatory provisions adopted pursuant to section 507 of this Act concerning situations involving the abolition of positions of executive director and senior and middle management positions in regional boards and institutions coming under the said regulations;
(5) carrying out any other mandate prescribed by regulation under section 507 or entrusted to it by the Minister concerning the career development of executive directors and senior management personnel.