S-28 - Act respecting corporations for the development of Québec business firms

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46. In addition to its other regulative powers under this act, the Government may make regulations to:
(a)  determine the qualifications required of any corporation applying for a registration certificate, the conditions it must fulfil and the information it must supply;
(b)  determine the maximum percentage of the portfolio which may be invested in the same firm and the maximum percentage of the capital stock of a firm which may be held by a corporation;
(c)  determine or alter classes of allowable investments and standards governing size and characteristics applicable to each class, in particular, the maximum number of employees and the maximum value of the assets of a small or medium sized firm in which a corporation may invest;
(d)  prescribe the form of the returns to be filed by a corporation, the information to be supplied in them, the time when they are to be filed and the penalties applicable in case of default;
(e)  determine the number of corporations that may be established in each region of Québec and make an adequate distribution of them across Québec;
(f)  determine the maximum percentage of shares that a person and persons related to him may hold in a corporation;
(g)  adopt criteria for determining whether a firm is a small or medium sized manufacturing firm;
(h)  fix the fees and duties payable to the Minister on his doing anything under this act, and establish a graduated scale of fees corresponding to the various kinds of corporations, the amount of their capital stock and their other characteristics.
1976, c. 33, s. 46.