20.1. The Société’s objects in respect of health and social service providers, and for a consideration, are(1) to offer those providers and the Minister of Health and Social Services technical, contractual and financial expertise relating to the management, construction, maintenance and acquisition of health and social sector installations, equipment and infrastructures;
(2) to own movable and immovable property used or to be used by health and social service providers;
(3) to provide financial support to health and social service providers for the carrying out of projects, activities or particular operations falling within the scope of their mission;
(4) to develop property management expertise in the health and social sector in partnership with the private sector;
(5) at the request of the Minister of Health and Social Services, to transfer the ownership of any vacant immovable or other unused asset owned by the Société under subparagraph 2, subject to the conditions agreed between that Minister and the Société; and
(6) to carry out any other mandate the Minister of Health and Social Services entrusts to it.