68. Before 30 June each year, the Commission must report to the Minister on the results achieved with regard to the objectives set under its strategic plan. The report must contain the financial statements of the Commission and those of the pension plans it administers.
The report must also include or provide information on(1) the mandates conferred on the Commission;
(2) the Commission’s service statement and the service agreements entered into with the pension committees;
(3) the programs placed under the administration of the Commission;
(4) personnel turnover;
(5) the summary of the board committee reports;
(6) a statement by the president and chief executive officer on the reliability of the report and the monitoring mechanisms;
(7) the rules of professional conduct applicable to the members of the board of directors and to the vice-presidents of the Commission; and
(8) the expertise and experience profiles of the members of the board and their attendance record at board and committee meetings.