For the purposes of the second paragraph, “total taxable values” means the total of the following assessments:(1) the standardized taxable assessment of all the immovables;
(2) the standardized nontaxable assessment of all the immovables contemplated in the first paragraph of section 255 of the Act respecting municipal taxation (chapter F-2.1);
(3) the percentage of the standardized nontaxable assessment of the immovables contemplated in the second, third or fourth paragraph of section 255 of the said Act corresponding to the percentage referred to in the said paragraph;
(4) the standardized nontaxable assessment of all farmland and woodlots;
(5) any part of the standardized nontaxable assessment of all the immovables contemplated in paragraph 1.1 of section 204 of the said Act in respect of which amounts in lieu of taxes must be paid; that part of the standardized assessment is that corresponding to the proportion represented by the amounts paid for the reference fiscal period in relation to the total amount of the municipal real estate taxes which could have been imposed for that fiscal period in respect of those immovables if they had not been tax-exempt; for the purposes of this section, the reference fiscal period, in respect of an immovable, is the last municipal fiscal period for which the amounts in lieu of taxes in respect of the immovable are paid-up;
(6) the standardized nontaxable assessment of all the immovables contemplated in the first paragraph of section 208 of the said Act;
(7) the assessment equivalent to the capitalization, based on the standardized aggregate taxation rate of the municipality for the fiscal period preceding the fiscal period considered, of the revenues of the municipality derived from the application of section 222 of the said Act for the said preceding fiscal period and of its revenues derived from the application of the second paragraph of section 230 of the said Act for the period considered; for the purposes of this section, the standardized aggregate taxation rate is that which is computed in accordance with the regulation made under paragraph 7 of section 262 of the said Act on the basis of the data provided in the budget of the preceding fiscal period.