8. It is forbidden for the owner or custodian of an animal of a species or category prescribed by regulation and affected with a contagious or parasitic disease, an infectious agent or a syndrome to keep the animal for sale purposes, offer it for sale or deposit, or sell, exchange, donate, transport the animal or cause it to be transported.
Such prohibition ceases when a veterinary surgeon appointed under section 55.9.17 is of the opinion that the risk of propagation of the disease has reached an acceptably low level. In such a case, he shall deliver a written certificate to the owner or custodian of the animal.
In the case of a zone designated as free from disease, infectious agent or syndrome pursuant to paragraph 1.0.1 of section 3, the certificate provided for in the second paragraph may be issued only upon proof of the absence of any risk of propagation of the disease, infectious agent or syndrome.
R. S. 1964, c. 126, s. 8; 1991, c. 61, s. 7; 2000, c. 40, s. 9; 2024, c. 272024, c. 27, s. 151.