7. To benefit by this Act, every employee who has been credited pursuant to section 6 with less than fifteen years of service must purchase pension credit, established in the manner provided in sections 72 to 78 of the Plan, computed in relation to the number of previous years of teaching, to bring his total credit up to fifteen years.
For the application of the first paragraph, the employee is, however, deemed to have elected in favour of the Plan on 1 July 1973.
Notwithstanding section 77 of the Plan, the payments required under this section may be made after 65 years of age and the employee older than 70 years of age must pay the premium computed in accordance with the schedule to this act.
Notwithstanding section 72 of the Plan, the teaching religious laicized after 1 July 1978 must give the notice provided for in the said section within twelve months of being laicized.