86. The application must contain(1) the name of the municipality;
(2) the description of the territory of the municipality prepared by a land surveyor;
(3) a statement to the effect that the municipality will be governed by the Municipal Code of Québec (chapter C-27.1) or by the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C-19); (4) any special legislative provision applicable in either municipality before the amalgamation which will apply to the municipality;
(5) the composition of the provisional council which will be empowered to administer the affairs of the municipality until a majority of the council members elected at the first general election take office;
(6) the date, time and place of the first sitting of the provisional council;
(7) the name of the person who will be the first clerk or clerk-treasurer of the municipality;
(8) the division of the territory of the municipality into electoral districts or, if not available, the manner in which the division will be made for the purposes of the first general election;
(9) the date of the first regular election and the calendar year in which the second general election will be held;
(10) the name of the regional county municipality in which the territories of the applicant municipalities are situated or the name of the regional county municipality chosen by the applicant municipalities, where the territories of those municipalities are situated within the territory of more than one regional county municipality.
The application may set out any condition applicable to the amalgamation pertaining in particular to(1) the creation, for municipal administration purposes, of one or more boroughs, the creation and composition of the council responsible for the administration of a borough, the determination of the number of members on the council of each borough or of a formula to establish that number, which may be different in each borough, the procedure to be used to designate the chair of a borough council, the remuneration of the chair and other council members, the participation of the latter in the pension plan of elected municipal officers and the mode of financing of the council;
(2) the division of the territory of the municipality into electoral districts for the purposes of all general elections subsequent to the first, the election of the council of the municipality and, if applicable, of a borough;
(3) the division of the territory into wards or the possibility for the municipality of dividing its territory into wards and, if applicable, the composition, functioning and powers of a ward council;
(4) the creation, composition, functioning and powers of an executive committee;
(5) the sharing of the powers granted by an Act to the municipality between the council of the municipality and any borough council;
(6) rules relating to labour relations, in particular as regards the sharing of the powers and responsibilities in respect of officers and employees between the council of the municipality and any borough council; and
(7) in the case of a municipality resulting from the amalgamation of all the municipal territories in the territory of a given regional county municipality, rules enabling the municipality to succeed to the rights and obligations of the regional county municipality, the officers and employees of the regional county municipality to be governed by section 122 and the municipality to be considered as a regional county municipality for the purposes of certain legislative provisions.