98. A marketing board may, with regard to the product subject to the plan it implements, make by-laws to(1) establish a procedure of joint offer for sale permitting producers to receive, after deduction of all or part of the marketing costs determined by the board, the same price for an identical product of equal quality and in the same quantity marketed during a particular period on a particular market, independently of the variation in the sales price due to reasons unconnected with the actual value of the product;
(2) determine the method and conditions according to which a product may be marketed and offered for sale jointly;
(3) determine the standards for the fixing and payment of the sales price; these standards may provide for the fixing of a provisional price before sale and a final price after sale;
(4) determine the terms and conditions of payment of the sales price applicable to all buyers; these standards may provide for the payment of an initial instalment on delivery and subsequent instalments at intervals determined by the marketing board;
(5) determine the terms and conditions of apportionment among the producers of the net profit from the sale of the product or a particular class of it;
(6) require every buyer to pay the price of the product to the marketing board or to the sales agent designated for its apportionment among the producers;
(7) require every producer to sell the product to or through the board or designated sales agent;
(8) retain, out of the sales price, the amounts necessary for marketing the product, together with any other contribution imposed under this Title;
(9) determine what constitutes the net profit on sales for the purposes of this section.