2. The functions, powers and duties of the Minister shall be the following:(1) he shall devise policies and measures respecting the production, processing, distribution, marketing and use of agricultural, aquatic or food products, in particular with a view to fostering sustainable development, and see to their implementation;
(1.1) he shall devise and ensure the updating of a guide to agricultural practices, in cooperation with the Minister of Municipal Affairs, Regions and Land Occupancy, the Minister of Sustainable Development, Environment and Parks, and the Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife, and see to its distribution;
(2) he shall effect or cause to be effected, for the purposes contemplated in paragraph 1, research, studies, inquiries and inventories;
(3) he shall establish, on the conditions he determines, the advisory or technical committees necessary to elaborate or carry out the policies and measures contemplated in paragraph 1;
(4) he shall have the supervision of agricultural schools or colleges, model farms, beet sugar factories receiving government grants, permanent agricultural exhibition committees, horticultural societies and institutions for teaching agriculture;
(5) he shall have the power to make, out of the funds placed at his disposal, when he deems it advisable, and under such conditions as he thinks necessary to impose, loans of money, grants and advances to agricultural societies, syndicates, cooperatives and other institutions formed for the purpose of furthering the interests of agriculture;
(6) he may, for the purposes contemplated in paragraphs 1 and 2 and under such conditions as he determines, make loans, grants or advances;
(6.1) he may make grants for the carrying out of drainage works to any agency responsible for the administration of a territory for municipal purposes, and have land improvements executed by day labour or by contract of enterprise;
(6.2) he shall be responsible for making the entries in the register of rights granted on lands in the domain of the State under his authority. He may order the keeping of any new register;
(7) he shall fulfil the other duties and exercise the other powers determined by the Government;
(8) he shall be responsible for promoting and assisting the racehorse breeding, horse racing and racehorse training industry; in particular, he may, for these purposes and on the conditions he determines, grant purses, subsidies, loans or advances, pay premiums, allowances or indemnities or carry out or commission improvement, development or equipment work.