2. The Minister’s mission is, as regards the economy, to support entrepreneurship, acquisition entrepreneurship, the growth of enterprises in all of Québec’s regions, and the development of their markets in Québec, elsewhere in Canada or abroad, as well as the growth of investment, in Québec, of capital sourced in Québec, elsewhere in Canada or abroad. The Minister must also see to the implementation of measures aimed at increasing enterprises’ productivity in Québec.
The Minister’s mission is also, as regards innovation, to contribute, in all circles, to the development of research, science, innovation and technology, and to encourage the adoption and commercialization of innovations, in particular when they foster the growth of enterprises, an increase in their productivity or the development of their markets in Québec, elsewhere in Canada or abroad.
As part of his or her mission, the Minister contributes to implementing sustainable development by promoting, more particularly, in respect of all of Québec’s regions, access to knowledge, job maintenance and creation, the social economy, the creation of collective wealth, social progress, respect for the environment and the achievement of the Government’s objectives as regards the electrification of the economy and the fight against climate change.
2019, c. 292019, c. 29, s. 1.