12. An annual management plan for public infrastructure investments must contain the following information:(1) the anticipated impact of public infrastructure investments, in particular on the achievement of each public body’s infrastructure objectives and the implementation of its infrastructure policies as well as on government expenditures, the elimination of the asset maintenance deficit, and infrastructure longevity;
(2) a status report on how amounts allocated to public infrastructure investments included in the Québec infrastructure plan have been used;
(3) a status report on the elements in the annual investment management plans for the last complete fiscal year and the current fiscal year; and
(4) any other element determined by the Conseil du trésor.
The Conseil du trésor may establish terms and conditions for the elements determined under the first paragraph, including their required content and form.
For the purposes of this section, any person, partnership or association that receives a financial contribution from a government body for an investment referred to in the Québec infrastructure plan must, at the request of the minister responsible for the body, submit to the minister any document and information required to draw up the annual investment management plan.