I-14 - The Education Act for Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Native Persons

Full text
R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 25; 1989, c. 36, s. 257.
(Section 122)

ŠBallot for the Election of Commissioners (or Trustees)ŠŠRECTOŠŠ ...........................................................Š . . .Š . . Election of commissioners (or trustees) .Š . . for the municipality of ............... .Š . . ................. 19..... .Š . . .Š . . *********************************************** .Š . . * .Š . . * .Š . . * BUREAU (Jean .Š . . * 1 school municipality of Beauport, .Š . . * county of Québec, .Š . . * Merchant). .Š . . * .Š . . * ********************************************* .Š . . * .Š . . * MEUNIER (Joseph .Š . . * 2 school municipality of Beauport, .Š . . * county of Québec, .Š . . * Farmer). .Š . . * .Š . . * ********************************************* .Š . . * .Š . . * RICHARD (Antoine .Š . . * 3 school municipality of Beauport, X .Š . . * county of Québec, .Š . . * Physician). .Š . . * .Š . . *********************************************** .Š . . .Š ...........................................................ŠŠ The ballot paper to be perforated by a line of points, alongŠthe line of black dots, to facilitate the detaching thereof fromŠthe counterfoil.Š The name of the candidates are entered in the ballot as in theŠnomination paper.Š There shall be no margin on the left of the ballot.Š The elector is supposed to have marked his ballot in favour ofŠAntoine Richard.
Š20. Ballot for the Election of Commissioners (or Trustees)ŠŠVERSOŠŠ .............................................................Š . . .Š . . The initials of the .Š . COUNTERFOIL . Presiding Officer .Š . . should be .Š . . placed here. .Š .............................................................Š . .Š . .Š . .................. .Š . The initials of the . . .Š . Presiding Officer . . .Š . should be placed here. .................. .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . The name of the Printer to be printed here. .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š . .Š .............................................................
R. S. 1964, c. 235, Form 25.