13. In this Act,(1) the words “school year” mean the period commencing on 1 July in a year and ending on 30 June in the year following;
(1.1) the word “bullying” means any repeated direct or indirect behaviour, comment, act or gesture, whether deliberate or not, including in cyberspace, which occurs in a context where there is a power imbalance between the persons concerned and which causes distress and injures, hurts, oppresses, intimidates or ostracizes;
(2) the word “parent” means the person having parental authority or, unless that person objects, the person having custody de facto of the student;
(3) the word “violence” means any intentional demonstration of verbal, written, physical, psychological or sexual force which causes distress and injures, hurts or oppresses a person by attacking their psychological or physical integrity or well-being, or their rights or property.