5. More particularly, the institute’s mission consists in(1) assessing the clinical advantages and the costs of the technologies, medications and interventions used in health care and personal social services;
(2) preparing recommendations and developing clinical practice guides to ensure optimal use of the technologies, medications and interventions used in health care and personal social services;
(3) determining service performance evaluation criteria and, if applicable, service implementation and monitoring mechanisms in the recommendations and practice guides, in accordance with best practices in clinical governance;
(4) keeping the recommendations and practice guides up to date, distributing them to health and social service providers, and publishing them, together with the rationale for them and the information used in their preparation;
(5) fostering the implementation of the recommendations and practice guides, using various information, knowledge transfer and awareness tools;
(6) promoting and supporting the development of scientific evaluation for the technologies, medications and interventions in health and personal social services;
(7) carrying out the consultations it deems appropriate prior to drawing up recommendations and developing practice guides so that the opinions of interested groups and the general public are taken into consideration;
(8) making recommendations to the Minister with a view to updating the list of medications referred to in section 60 of the Act respecting prescription drug insurance (chapter A-29.01); (9) making recommendations to the Minister for the purpose of updating the lists provided for in section 116 of the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2) and section 150 of the Act respecting health services and social services for Cree Native persons (chapter S-5); (10) defining and publishing the methods used to create each category of recommendation or practice guide referred to in paragraphs 2, 8 and 9; and
(11) carrying out any other mandate entrusted to it by the Minister.