33. The functions of the board of directors also include(1) adopting the strategic plan, the three-year plan of activities and the annual updates of the plan of activities;
(2) adopting the financial statements, the annual management report and the annual budget of the institute;
(3) adopting the governance rules of the institute;
(4) adopting the code of ethics applicable to the board members, the code applicable to the officers appointed by the institute and to the employees of the institute, subject to a regulation made under sections 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 of the Act respecting the Ministère du Conseil exécutif (chapter M-30), and the code applicable to any outside experts the board calls upon in the exercise of its functions; (5) adopting the expertise and experience profiles to be used in appointing board members;
(6) adopting the criteria for evaluating the president and chief executive officer;
(7) adopting the criteria for assessing the performance of the board;
(8) adopting the policies for managing the risks associated with the conduct of the affairs of the institute;
(9) making sure the governance and ethics committee, the audit committee, the human resources committee and the other committees exercise their functions properly;
(10) determining delegations of authority; and
(11) adopting measures to evaluate the institute’s effectiveness, efficiency and performance.