645. The associations of employees certified in accordance with Chapter IV of the Public Service Act (chapter F-3.1.1), which, on the date of the drawing up of a memorandum of agreement made under section 639, represent groups of public servants who agree to be transferred to a company, continue to represent those employees at the company until the date of expiry of the collective agreement which applies to them and is in force at the time of the transfer.
The associations of employees also represent, until the date of expiry of the collective agreement then in force, any other person who becomes an employee of the company. However, in no case may the provisions of the collective agreement that regard security of employment apply to those persons.
The collective agreements applicable to the associations of employees continue to apply until the date for which they were made and to the extent they are applicable. The collective agreements shall bind the associations of employees and the company as if they had made the agreements.
Any employee contemplated in section 639 who was not a member of a bargaining unit at the time of his transfer to the company shall continue to have the same conditions of employment as those applying to a public servant who is not a member of a bargaining unit and whose classification is that of the employee at the time of his transfer, until the expiry of the collective agreement contemplated in the first paragraph.