The number of parents varies from three to 10 according to the following norms:(1) two parents from the councils of elementary schools and one from the council of a secondary school, if there are eight wards;
(2) two parents from the councils of elementary schools and two from the councils of secondary schools, if there are 10 wards;
(3) three parents from the councils of elementary schools and two from the councils of secondary schools, if there are 12 wards;
(4) three parents from the councils of elementary schools and three from the councils of secondary schools, if there are 14 wards;
(5) four parents from the councils of elementary schools and three from the councils of secondary schools, if there are 16 wards;
(6) four parents from the councils of elementary schools and four from the councils of secondary schools, if there are 18 wards;
(7) five parents from the councils of elementary schools and four from the councils of secondary schools, if there are 20 wards;
(8) five parents from the councils of elementary schools and five from the councils of secondary schools, if there are 22 wards.