93. Where for a given year the quotas are, by a regulation of the Government, allocated among the Native people, for their activities relating to the exercise of the right to harvest, and non-Natives, for their sport hunting and fishing, or whenever other wildlife management techniques are applied, the following rules shall be followed, taking into account the guaranteed levels provided for in sections 91 and 92.
If game populations permit levels of harvesting equal to the said guaranteed levels, the Native people may exercise their right to harvest up to such levels.
If game populations permit levels of harvesting above the said guaranteed levels, any excess above such levels shall be allocated taking into account the needs of the Native people who may carry on the activities relating to the exercise of the right to harvest and the needs of the non-Natives permitted to do sport hunting and sport fishing.
If game populations do not permit levels of harvesting equal to the guaranteed levels, the Native people shall be allocated the entire kill.
In applying the rule set out in the third paragraph, there shall always be some allocations of species for sport hunting and sport fishing by non-Natives.
In applying the rule set out in the fourth paragraph, the Native people may themselves allocate a portion of the kill to non-Natives through outfitting facilities.