86. In the areas contemplated in section 11, in all Category IA lands for Crees, the interested band council, and in all Category IB and II lands for Crees, the interested Cree village corporation, in the areas contemplated in section 12, in all Category I and II lands for Inuit, the Kativik Regional Government, in the areas contemplated in section 13, in all Category II lands, the interested Cree village corporation in conjunction with the Kativik Regional Government, and in the areas contemplated in section 12.1, in all Category IA-N lands for Naskapis, the Naskapi band council, in all Category IB-N lands for Naskapis, the Naskapi Village Corporation and in all Category II-N lands for Naskapis, the Kativik Regional Government but only to the extent of a prior recommendation by the Naskapi Village Corporation, which recommendation binds the said Regional Government, may make by-laws specifically referring to the exercise of the right to harvest or to hunting and fishing by non-Natives, on the following matters:(a) the allocation of the general quotas established under section 94 among individual Natives and non-Natives permitted to hunt and fish;
(b) the personal use and community use provided for in section 19;
(c) the control of facilities for sport hunting and sport fishing;
(d) commercial fisheries facilities;
(e) research concerning the exercise of the Native people’s right to harvest;
(f) the seasons when the right to harvest may be exercised by the Native people and when non-Natives are permitted to hunt and fish and the bag and possession limits, provided the by-laws made with respect to such matters are more restrictive than those regulations made by the Government.
(g) the methods of exercise of the right to harvest, subject to paragraph a of section 18;
(h) licences and authorizations for the purposes of this section.
In the case of the Category I and II lands for Inuit situated in the areas contemplated in section 12 and in the case of Category II lands situated in the areas contemplated in section 13, the Kativik Regional Government shall make such by-laws on those matters or, as the case may be, the by-laws contemplated in paragraph d of section 85, solely upon the advice of a committee composed only of Inuit and established in conformity with section 248 of the Act respecting Northern villages and the Kativik Regional Government (chapter V-6.1). Such advice is binding on the Regional Government.
1978, c. 92, s. 86; 1979, c. 25, s. 96; 1994, c. 19, s. 11.