21.48.9. The Authority may require any enterprise subject to its oversight to send it, within the time specified, any document or information enabling the Authority to verify whether it meets the standards of integrity. The Authority may do the same in respect of any director, partner, officer or shareholder of the enterprise or any other person or entity that has, directly or indirectly, legal or de facto control over the enterprise.
If the Authority has reasonable grounds to suspect that an enterprise subject to its oversight is the extension of, or is lending its name to, another enterprise, it may exercise its power under the first paragraph in respect of the other enterprise and of any person or entity that acts, in respect of the other enterprise, in any manner described in that paragraph.
This section applies despite any duty of confidentiality or loyalty that may be binding on a person, including toward the enterprise that is the subject of an audit.
Any person who communicates information or a document under this section incurs no civil liability for doing so.
Every person or entity that is subject to a request made under this section must, if the Authority so requires, confirm, in an affidavit, the authenticity of the documents or the veracity of the information communicated.
2022, c. 182022, c. 18, s. 431; 2024, c. 282024, c. 28, s. 101.