13.8. The functions of the audit committee include(1) seeing that internal control mechanisms are put in place and ensuring that they are sufficient and effective;
(2) ensuring that a risk management process is put in place;
(3) monitoring the quality and functioning of the systems and processes put in place by the Fund and its wholly-owned subsidiaries to ensure that resources are acquired and utilized with appropriate emphasis on the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of these resources, and ensuring that a plan is prepared for that purpose;
(4) following up its recommendations and the implementation of measures taken under paragraph 3;
(5) hearing the internal auditor on the application of paragraphs 1 to 4;
(6) reviewing any activity likely to be detrimental to the Fund’s financial health that is brought to its attention by the auditor or an officer;
(7) approving the internal audit plan;
(8) examining the financial statements with the Auditor General;
(9) submitting the financial statements to the board of directors and recommending their approval.