65. To ensure adequate regional representation on the board of directors of the order, the board of directors shall, by regulation, determine the number of regions, delimit them an establish how each such region is to be represented in terms of the number of elected directors on the board of directors of the order. Such regions shall be delimited with reference to the description and map of the boundaries in Schedule I to order in council 2000-87 dated 22 December 1987, concerning the revision of the boundaries of the administrative regions of Québec, as amended.
If the number of members of the order is not sufficient to justify dividing the territory of Québec into regions, the board of directors may prescribe by regulation that all of such territory shall constitute a single region.
The regulation may provide, within the board of directors, for representation of the sectors of professional activity of the members of the order and, for that purpose, may determine the activity sectors concerned, fix the number of directors representing them and establish how the sectors are to be represented among the directors.
1973, c. 43, s. 64; 1974, c. 65, s. 109; 1988, c. 29, s. 14; 1994, c. 40, s. 56; 2008, c. 11, s. 1.