C-26 - Professional Code

Full text
86.6. The decision-making committee shall, on its own initiative or at the request of the board of directors, disclose to the board the following personal information obtained in the exercise of its functions or powers if the information is required to protect the public:
(1)  the name of any member or former member concerned by a notice of loss and, if applicable, his membership number;
(2)  the fact that a notice of loss against the member or former member has been sent to the committee or that the member or former member has filed a notice of loss regarding his professional liability;
(3)  the fact that the member or former member, his successors or the order are implicated in proceedings, to the extent that the order is clearly identified, as well as the originating application; and
(4)  the nature of the fault alleged against the member or former member in the exercise of his profession.
The information referred to in the first paragraph that concerns an organization referred to in Chapter VI.3 must also be disclosed.
2018, c. 23, s. 7; 2024, c. 31, s. 16.
86.6. The decision-making committee shall, on its own initiative or at the request of the board of directors, disclose to the board the following personal information obtained in the exercise of its functions or powers if the information is required to protect the public:
(1)  the name of any member or former member concerned by a notice of loss and, if applicable, his membership number;
(2)  the fact that a notice of loss against the member or former member has been sent to the committee or that the member or former member has filed a notice of loss regarding his professional liability;
(3)  the fact that the member or former member, his successors or the order are implicated in proceedings, to the extent that the order is clearly identified, as well as the originating application; and
(4)  the nature of the fault alleged against the member or former member in the exercise of his profession.
The information referred to in the first paragraph that concerns a partnership or other group of professionals must also be disclosed.
2018, c. 23, s. 7.