670. The sheriff must insert in the Gazette officielle du Québec and in a newspaper, at least thirty days before the date fixed for the sale, a public notice stating:(a) the number of the case and the nature of the writ;
(b) the names of the seizing creditor and of the debtor, or, if there are several creditors or debtors, the name of the first named in the writ with an indication that there are others;
(c) the designation of the immoveable or of the rents, as the case may be, as inserted in the minutes, with the charges there mentioned and those which the seizing creditor or the debtor has requested in writing to have inserted;
(d) the day, hour and place of the sale;
(e) the minimum amount the purchaser will have to pay at the time of adjudication in accordance with article 688.1. Such amount is fixed by the sheriff and must be equal to 25 % of the assessment of the immovable as entered on the assessment roll of the municipality, multiplied by the factor established for the roll by the Minister of Municipal Affairs under the Act respecting municipal taxation (chapter F-2.1).The clerk or the secretary-treasurer of a municipality must, when so required, give the sheriff the information necessary for the application of this paragraph.
(e.1) in the case of an immovable used as the family residence, the minimum price of adjudication pursuant to article 687.1;
(f) the name of the sheriff and the district for which he acts.