C-25.01 - Code of Civil Procedure

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656. Judgments, including decisions of an administrative tribunal or a public body filed with the court office and juridical acts on which the law confers the force and effect of a judgment, are executed voluntarily by the payment of money, the surrender of property or the performance of what is ordered, either before the expiry of the time limits prescribed by law or within the time limit set out in the judgment or agreed between the parties.
Execution may be forced if the debtor refuses to comply voluntarily and the judgment has become final. However, in the case of a judgment under Title II of Book VI, execution may be forced only after the expiry of 30 days since it was rendered or, in the case of a default judgment following failure to answer the summons, attend a case management conference or defend on the merits, after the expiry of 10 days since it was rendered.
A judgment that has yet to become final may be executed if provisional execution is permitted by law or ordered by the court.
2014, c. 1, a. 656.