660. A judgment is provisionally executed as of right, if it(1) concerns support payments or a support provision, determines arrangements regarding the custody of children or adjudicates on parental authority;
(2) orders a child’s return under the Act respecting the civil aspects of international and interprovincial child abduction (chapter A-23.01); (3) appoints, removes or replaces a tutor, temporary representative or other administrator of the property of others, or homologates or revokes a protection mandate;
(4) orders urgent repairs;
(5) orders an eviction in the absence of a lease or after the lease has expired or been resiliated or cancelled;
(6) orders a rendering of account or an inventory;
(7) orders any measure for the liquidation of a succession;
(8) adjudicates on the possession of property;
(9) adjudicates on the sequestration of property;
(10) adjudicates on an abuse of procedure;
(11) orders a provision for costs; or
(12) rules on legal costs, but only with respect to the portion not exceeding $15,000.