83. The Société must refuse to issue a licence or to change the class of or add another class to a licence if the applicant(1) does not meet the requirements for the issue of a licence of the class applied for;
(2) according to a report of an examination or assessment carried out under section 64, 73, 76.1.2, 76.1.4 or or a report referred to in section 603, suffers from an illness or deficiency or is in a condition which, under the medical or health standards established by regulation, is essentially inconsistent with the driving of a road vehicle corresponding to the class of licence applied for;
(3) is under a prohibition to operate a motor vehicle, or has incurred the cancellation or suspension of his licence or class of that licence or the suspension of his right to obtain a licence or class of licence that is in effect or imposed and not yet in effect, including those incurred under a law of Canada, of another province or territory of Canada or under a law of a State of the United States;
(4) does not comply with the conditions and formalities referred to in sections 76 to 76.1.12, 80.1, 185 and 191.2;
(5) does not meet the requirement set out in the second paragraph of section 67;
(6) refuses to be photographed by the Société or to affix his signature, in the manner indicated by the Société.