624. The Société may by regulation(1) determine the amount of the fee exigible for obtaining the registration of a road vehicle and the amount of the fee exigible on payment of the duties and insurance contribution referred to in section 31.1 and establish the terms and conditions of payment of such fees;
(1.0.1) determine the amount of the management fee exigible for the administration of the personalized registration plate system;
(1.1) fix the amount of any additional fee exigible on payment of the duties and insurance contribution prescribed under section 31.1, in cases of failure to pay within the period determined by a regulation made under paragraph 8.8 of section 618;
(1.2) determine the amount of the fee for the issue of personalized registration plates;
(2) (subparagraph repealed);
(3) fix, according to the nature, class or category of a licence, the amount of the fee exigible for obtaining or renewing such a licence and the amount of the fee exigible on payment of the duties and insurance contribution referred to in section 93.1 and establish the terms and conditions of payment of such fees;
(3.1) fix the amount of any additional fee exigible on payment of the duties and insurance contribution prescribed under section 93.1, in cases of failure to pay during the period determined by a regulation made under paragraph 4.2 of section 619;
(4) determine the amount of the fee exigible for proficiency examinations;
(4.1) fix the amount of the fee exigible from the date it may determine for replacing a registration certificate, registration plate, validation sticker, temporary registration certificate or detachable registration plate;
(5) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the replacement of a registration certificate, a temporary registration certificate, a registration plate, a detachable registration plate, a sticker or a licence, in particular where it is illegible or damaged or has been destroyed, lost or stolen or where it contains inaccurate information;
(6) (subparagraph repealed);
(7) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the issue of a special permit;
(7.1) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the replacement of a special permit and for the issue of a duplicate of such a permit;
(8) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the affixing of an identification number to a road vehicle;
(8.1) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the issue of the certificate of recognition and the sticker for vehicles recognized by the Société as emergency vehicles or vehicles that may carry flashing or rotating amber lights;
(8.2) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the issue of a certificate of authorization to use a flashing green light;
(9) determine, according to the various road vehicles that are subject to mechanical inspection, the amount of the fee exigible for the mechanical inspection performed by it;
(9.1) determine the amount of the fee for the photometric inspections it carries out;
(10) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the issue of a certificate of mechanical inspection, photometric inspection certificate or inspection sticker;
(10.1) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the examination of an application to participate in a preventive maintenance program;
(10.2) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the preventive maintenance program sticker;
(10.3) determine the amount of the fee exigible for the communication of information to any person who applies therefor;
(11) provide, subject to the conditions it determines, cases of exemption from or reduction of certain exigible fees it determines;
(12) permit, subject to the conditions it establishes, that the identifying mark of the Société be engraved, lithographed or printed on the documents it determines, other than a document referred to in section 550, and substituted for the signature of a person designated under section 17.1 of the Act respecting the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec (chapter S‐11.011); (13) determine, according to the nature of the objects, the cases where an object confiscated or taken, in accordance with this Code, from its owner may be returned to him;
(13.1) fix the amount of the fee exigible from the person who, at the time of the seizure, was the owner of the road vehicle, for the management of the vehicle disposal record;
(14) (subparagraph repealed);
(15) fix the amount of the fee exigible in respect of any mode of payment or any transaction rejected by a financial institution;
(15.1) fix the amount of the recovery fee and the interest rate in respect of the sums it is responsible for collecting under this Code or another Act and establish rules for calculating the fee and the interest;
(16) fix the amount of the fee exigible from persons authorized to conduct the inspection of road vehicles under section 520;
(16.1) fix the amount of the fee exigible from persons appointed to make the technical appraisal of road vehicles under section 546.1;
(16.2) determine the amount of the fee payable by persons authorized to carry out the photometric inspection of windows of road vehicles under section 520.2;
(17) fix the amount of the fee exigible for obtaining the approval of the Société for the purposes of section 214;
(18) fix the amount of the fee exigible for any exchange of data relating to the carrying out of this Code with any legal person established in the public interest or for a private interest;
(19) fix the photography fee payable by a person who does not hold a driver’s licence upon authentication by the Société of that person’s application for renewal of registration with the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec;
(20) (subparagraph repealed);
(21) determine the fees for the review of a decision to suspend a licence or the right to obtain a licence for a period of 30, 60 or 90 days.