99. If the Ethics Commissioner concludes that a Member has violated this Code, the Ethics Commissioner so states in the report and, according to the circumstances, may recommend that no sanction or one or more of the following sanctions be imposed:(1) a reprimand;
(2) a penalty, specifying the amount;
(3) the return to the donor, delivery to the State or reimbursement of the value of the gift, hospitality or benefit received;
(4) the reimbursement of any unlawful profit;
(5) the reimbursement of the indemnities, allowances or other sums received as a Member or a Cabinet Minister while the violation of this Code continued;
(6) a suspension of the Member’s right to sit in the National Assembly, together with a suspension of any indemnity or allowance, until the Member complies with a condition imposed by the Ethics Commissioner;
(7) the loss of his or her seat as a Member;
(8) the loss of his or her position as a Cabinet Minister, if applicable.