372. The notice shall mention:(a) the number, title and object of the by-law and the date of its passing by the council. In the case of a loan by-law, the notice shall also mention the amount of the intended loan and the use of the moneys; in addition, when the by-law concerns one sector or zone of the municipality, excluding all or some other zones or sectors, either by imposing a tax on the immoveables of such sector or zone, or by amending the zoning by-law in force in such sector or zone, the notice must illustrate, by means of a sketch, the perimeter of such sector or zone, and describe it clearly, using street names whenever possible. The title of the notice must clearly identify the group of persons to whom it is addressed and, where that applies, give a summary description of the sector or zone contemplated.
(b) the right of the persons qualified to vote upon the by-law to demand, by the procedure of registration provided in this subdivision, that the by-law be submitted to a poll, the number of such persons required in order that a poll be held and that, failing such number, the by-law will be deemed to have been approved by them;
(c) the right of the persons qualified to vote to consult the by-law at the office of the municipality, during regular office hours and during registration hours;
(d) the place, dates and hours of registration;
(e) the place, date and time at which the result of the consultation is to be announced.