351. The council, of its own motion, may submit to the persons entered as owners on the assessment roll and as tenants on the electoral list any question that may be the subject of a decision of the council. Such owners, in the case of physical persons, must be of full age and Canadian citizenship.
The question shall be defined by resolution of the council and the vote shall be taken in number only.
The vote shall be taken in the manner provided in sections 385 to 396 the provisions of which shall apply mutatismutandis.
The council may also exercise such power at the request of twenty persons contemplated in the first paragraph and then require, if it wishes, that the applicants pay such sum as it deems fair to meet the cost of taking the vote.
R. S. 1964, c. 193, s. 380; 1968, c. 55, s. 106; 1969, c. 55, s. 19; 1974, c. 47, s. 6.