Commission of a Poll Clerk, by Poll Clerk acting as DeputyReturning OfficerTo ............................, of (residence and occupation). Know you that, in my capacity of deputy returning officer forthe polling subdivision Number ............................. of ............................. ward of the city of ............ ................... (or town of ............................),in consequence of the decease, (or incapacity to act, as thecase may be) of the deputy returning officer for the saidpolling subdivision, whose poll clerk I was, I have appointedand do hereby appoint you to be a poll clerk for the said poll. Given under my hand, at ................................ this ............................. day of ........................,in the year 19..... I. J. Poll Clerk, acting as Deputy Returning Officer. The oath and certificate of its having been taken shall bethe same as in the case of a Poll Clerk appointed by the DeputyReturning Officer.