ŠOath of Messenger sent to collect the Ballot BoxesŠŠ I, J. B., of ......................................, messengerŠappointed by A. B., returning officer for the city of ..........Š ......... (or town of .......................................),Šdo solemnly swear that the several ballot boxes, to the numberŠof ......................, now delivered by me to such returningŠofficer, have been handed to me by the several deputy returningŠofficers at the present election for this city or town, (or byŠhere insert the names of the deputy returning officers who haveŠdelivered said boxes); that they have not been opened by me, norŠby any other person, and that they are in the same state as theyŠwere when they came into my possession.Š (Should any change have taken place, the deponent shall varyŠhis deposition by fully setting forth the circumstances.)ŠŠ J. B.ŠŠ Sworn and signed before me, at ..............................,Šthis ........................... day of .......................,Š19.....ŠŠ X. Y.Š Justice of the Peace,Š (or) A. B.Š Returning Officer,Š (or) G. H.Š Deputy Returning Officer.Š