86.1. The Government, by order, may, at the request of the father and mother, authorize generally the following children to receive their instruction in English:(a) a child whose father or mother received the greater part of his or her elementary instruction in English elsewhere in Canada and, before establishing domicile in Québec, was domiciled in a province or territory that it indicates in the order and where it considers that the services of instruction in French offered to French-speaking persons are comparable to those offered in English to English-speaking persons in Québec;
(b) a child whose father or mother establishes domicile in Québec and who, during his last school year or from the beginning of the current school year, has received primary or secondary instruction in English in the province or territory indicated in the order;
(c) the younger brothers and sisters of children described in subparagraphs a and b.
Where a child to whom an order pursuant to the first paragraph is applicable is the dependant of a single parent, or if he has a tutor, the application contemplated in the first paragraph may be made by that parent or tutor.
Sections 75 to 83 apply to the persons contemplated in this section.