114. The Office may(a) give its opinion to the Minister on draft regulations of the Government;
(b) establish linguistic committees and determine their composition and their terms and conditions of operation and, as may be required, delegate such committees to the departments and agencies of the civil administration;
(c) adopt internal management by-laws subject to approval by the Government;
(d) establish by by-law subject to approval by the Government the services and committees necessary for the attainment of its purposes;
(e) make agreements, according to law, with any other agency or any government to facilitate the administration of this Act;
(f) require every teaching institution at the college or university level to file a report on the language used in its manuals and state its observations in that respect in its annual report;
(g) assist the agencies of the civil administration, the semi-public agencies, enterprises, the different associations, and individuals, in refining and enriching spoken and written French in Québec;
(h) make recommendations concerning the terms and expressions it recommends, and publish its recommendations in the Gazette officielle du Québec;
(i) authorize, generally, a member or personnel member of the Office to act as a mediator for the purpose of fostering the resolution of matters under section 47.