111. The transition committee may, where it considers it necessary for the exercise of its responsibilities, use the services of an officer or employee of a municipality referred to in section 5, or a body thereof. The committee may designate the employee whose services are necessary. The committee and the employer shall agree on the costs to be paid by the committee for the use of the services. However, the employer shall place the designated employee at the disposal of the committee as of the time indicated by the committee, notwithstanding the absence of an agreement respecting the costs for the services.
Failing an agreement, the Minister may designate a conciliator at the request of the committee or the employer to assist the parties in reaching an agreement. The conciliator shall act as if he or she were designated under section 468.53 of the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C-19), and section 469 of that Act applies in that case, with the necessary modifications. The officers and employees seconded to the committee remain in the employment of the municipality or the body, as the case may be, are remunerated by their employer, and are governed by the same conditions of employment during the secondment.
2000, c. 56, Sch. III, s. 111; 2001, c. 25, s. 391.